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Clean Up The Island - Well Not All Of It


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For the first time the Isle of Man will be part of this worldwide event. Everybody can do something to CLEAN UP THE ISLAND.


What Can We Do?


There will be NO BEACH CLEANING as part of Clean Up The Island 2006 because we cannot supply local guidelines for groups. Also storms are forecast for the middle of September. Please do not organise any beach cleaning in groups over the Clean Up The Island weekend.


Individuals can tidy up round your home and garden then put the litter into the wheelie bin. If everybody does that the island will begin to look smarter. If you are out walking at the weekend, take a bag and pick up some litter.


Groups and Organisations can choose an area to clean.


EDIT for Source: http://www.gov.im/dlge/wastemanagement/clean_up.xml


"Groups and Organisations can choose an area to clean." - What like a beach?!

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For the first time the Isle of Man will be part of this worldwide event. Everybody can do something to CLEAN UP THE ISLAND.


What Can We Do?


There will be NO BEACH CLEANING as part of Clean Up The Island 2006 because we cannot supply local guidelines for groups. Also storms are forecast for the middle of September. Please do not organise any beach cleaning in groups over the Clean Up The Island weekend.


Individuals can tidy up round your home and garden then put the litter into the wheelie bin. If everybody does that the island will begin to look smarter. If you are out walking at the weekend, take a bag and pick up some litter.


Groups and Organisations can choose an area to clean.


EDIT for Source: http://www.gov.im/dlge/wastemanagement/clean_up.xml


"Groups and Organisations can choose an area to clean." - What like a beach?!


What a pity we're not allowed to do anything nowadays coz of 'health & safety'.


People should do more than just their gardens & paths as parts of Douglas look like the Ayres tip - what's so hard about putting it in the bin?


I asked a teenage girl to pick up her dropped crisp bag the other day and she looked at me as though I was mad!

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I would hazard that beach cleaning is probably the only really significant think we can do, because generally the Island is quite tidy. But look at some beaches; full of others' waste. Hardly seems worth doing anything about that as the next storm will just wash up more detritous!

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Listen, I'm doing a little tidying up project myself at present for someone else. In the two days between visits, the wind / people had managed to deposit rubbish on ground I'd previously cleared.


Just because it'll get messy again, it doesn't mean we shouldn't do it.


And just because someone tells us we shouldn't clean the beaches, it doesn't mean we can't. I was doing beach cleaning at 13 when I was in the Army Cadets and that was unsupervised - fuck em, if I want to clean the beach, I damn well will.



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Any Northern members up for cleaning Ramsey beach that weekend?


Sorry I'm busy. But if you need a beach to clean Bride beach needs some attention.

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Listen, I'm doing a little tidying up project myself at present for someone else. In the two days between visits, the wind / people had managed to deposit rubbish on ground I'd previously cleared.


Just because it'll get messy again, it doesn't mean we shouldn't do it.


And just because someone tells us we shouldn't clean the beaches, it doesn't mean we can't. I was doing beach cleaning at 13 when I was in the Army Cadets and that was unsupervised - fuck em, if I want to clean the beach, I damn well will.



Couldn't agree with you more Mish, but the only real rubbish eyesore here is the beaches and, unfortunately, they will be littered again very shortly.


But I agree, that is no reason for not trying and the H&S bo88ocks (for that is what it is) just seems to be pumped out for any occasion; it does seem that Waste Not, Want Not Man have shot themselves squarely in the foot by not accepting that it is the beaches that are the real problem here. Expecting people to go out and sweep their drives is just ludicrous. It also does not make the differentiation between 'untidy' and 'damaging' to the environment.


I was not persuaded to do anything when Muriel suggested that just a home sweep up with a dust pan and brush would be a contribution. That, to me, is cosmetic and too subjective as my untidiness may be your maintenance of the envionment.


No, this was obviously a late entrant without much thinking through.

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There are many beauty spots around the island that are spoiled by rubbish being thrown away. One such is Marine Drive - a truly gorgeous place that is despoiled by discarded rubbish and (sorry to mention it yet again) by dog shit! How about someone organising a clean up operation along there?

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on the subject of beach cleaning


has anyone noticed the digger on douglas beach scooping up the seaweed.... then putting it back in the sea? what madness is that

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