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So of the third of the population that could watch, you reckon 100% do watch? If so, you're deluded.


No. Of 2/3rds of the population that "could" watch the population probably about 1/5 do. The rest are made up of people taking the week off to enjoy it, or taking long lunches from offices, even having company outings. Labourers taking an hour out to watch a couple of laps, etc., etc. Deluded? Not me, just realistic.

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No it is not all free, and it has nothing to do with racing!

  • goes on paying the king of pulrose to stand around and say "its great" every second word
  • pays for "top" BSB teams to turn up with standard bikes in a tiny van after promising big works presence
  • pays for the new motorsport development officer to sit around and post on IOMTT.com all day rather than develop motorsport
  • paying for UK ad agencies to find title sponsors....

oh and they still dont have anyone to actually run the event in 2007.....

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No it is not all free, and it has nothing to do with racing!

  • goes on paying the king of pulrose to stand around and say "its great" every second word
  • pays for "top" BSB teams to turn up with standard bikes in a tiny van after promising big works presence
  • pays for the new motorsport development officer to sit around and post on IOMTT.com all day rather than develop motorsport
  • paying for UK ad agencies to find title sponsors....

oh and they still dont have anyone to actually run the event in 2007.....


Total utter bollox. The motorsport development officer hardly posts on IOMTT.com

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Incredible cost to the tax payer? Interesting thought. The marshals are voluntary, The majority of the prize money is sponsered, the air med is all from donations, Where is all this cost to the tax payer?


Your houshold may not have watched (although I'll bet at least one did watch some of it), 100% of my household watched as much as we could.


It beats boring stuff like F1 anyday. :rolleyes:


So who pays for the roads to be maintained (at the expense of nearly all other roads on the Island)? Who pays for the big screen on the prom and the policing? Who pays for the hospital and other public servants or do they all volunteer their time for free? Who pays to re-patriate injured riders? Who pays for changes to the road at Windy Corner and Brandish (done so they can break the 'magic' 130mph barrier!)? Who pays for the courts and coroner's inquests? Who pays for the straw bales and other stuff put up around the course? Who pays for the white lines to be re-painted every year? Who pays for the subsidies the rest of the year in the form of 'Magic Holidays' or whatever it's called so we can keep a tourist infrastructure? Who pays for the income tax break on homestay (and the unofficial break enjoyed by those who let out their fields for campers paying in good old cash)? Who pays for the 'big name' artistes to come over and perform? Who pays for all the facilities enjoyed by press and other hangers-on? Who pays for the prize presentations? Are the helicopters really fully covered by donations?


The more I think, the more I can come up with (someone beat me to the fireworks and Red Arrows) and maybe some aren't down to the taxpayer, but some definitely are.


These aren't races, they are boring time trials where you can pick the winners from a small number of entrants that go past 6 times if you're lucky, the rest are just taking up space and what's more, there are hardly any 'races' anyway - they fill up all the road closing time over 4 'race' days with practice sessions to make it look like there's something going on :rolleyes: How many actual competitive events took place on the 4 race days this year?


F1 (who the hell brought that up?) is at least professional, has live TV coverage, has proper timing displays, starts on time regardless of the weather, etc. I wish it was better, but the TT doesn't even get any live TV (unless I'm very much mistaken). Fact is, nobody wants to headline sponsor or show on live telly an event where a fatality might be just around the corner - that's a serious drawback to the event's promotion.

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The TT costs Government two million and brings in 17 million according to Mr Cretney in the IOM Examiner last Tuesday.

Seems to me Stookie that if you don't like the roads closing you could always take a holiday, but you're one of those people who's going to come back with "why should I" aren't you?

The TT is here to stay so you'll have to get used to it. If you feel that you can't get used to it, that old phrase of "boat in the morning" springs to mind.

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Well said wilddog. The reality is that the TT, S100 ans MGP make a lot of money for the economy. With regards ot the Red Arrows and other side shows, the average big hairy biker does not give a monkies.


Stookie - Your arguments about medical and other issues are carried out under recipocal agreements with the UK about medical emergencies. How do you think the figures compare of IOM visitor casualties versus the IOM casualties un the UK over 52 weeks, including the several thousand Manxies over there at university? It works both ways.


Windy corner is an interesting thought, but then look at the number of casualties at the 33rd since then - much worse. Besides, what about the new Castletown road and random re-surfacing there. How is that benefitting anyone?


Your issue regarding favourites is correct, but then that could be said of Alonso and Schumacher isn't it. Wht are the rest there? We all know Alonso is going to win the championship!!!

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According to Government figures 25,000 residents of the Isle of Man watch the TT races.


That's leave their home or workplace and go and watch the bikes from somewhere on the course.


Per race day. Not a total of the whole week. But on each race day


Seems an unbelievable figure to me




That actually is an underestimate as the site quotes 60,000 watching per day. The 35,000 is visitors over the two weeks. For it to be 25,000 locals watching then you are presuming the 35,000 are here or the whole two weeks are watching each day.


Obvioulsy that is not correct as there are comings and goings throughout the period and the majority I would expect are only here for a part of the time. The maximum number of visitors on the Island at a time I could only guess at but if it was 25,000 which would then leave 35,000 localks watching which allowing for the infirm and those on holiday is getting close to 50% of the population each day which does appear a mit OTT

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So of the third of the population that could watch, you reckon 100% do watch? If so, you're deluded.


No. Of 2/3rds of the population that "could" watch the population probably about 1/5 do. The rest are made up of people taking the week off to enjoy it, or taking long lunches from offices, even having company outings. Labourers taking an hour out to watch a couple of laps, etc., etc. Deluded? Not me, just realistic.


I vote - deluded!

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Total utter bollox. The motorsport development officer hardly posts on IOMTT.com


# PaulPhillips

# Top 50 Contributor

# Joined on 11-25-2002

# Posts 157


i havnt heard his views on Trails, Enduro, Rally, Vintage Cars or even Southern100 or MGP yet either obviously a round of world trials championship would detract from the 07 TT and i suppose we dont really want to stage a world rally as that would only fill all the hotels and pubs again..... :rolleyes:


I would agree with him on the 25k though pretty much all of my friends are able to talk at length about the TT and they include people who never watch bikes and prefer football rugby etc. but they enjoy sport and becasue there is a fantastic festival happening around them they go an see it. or they listen to it on the radio and see a few laps of the F1 or the Senior.

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Total utter bollox. The motorsport development officer hardly posts on IOMTT.com


# PaulPhillips

# Top 50 Contributor

# Joined on 11-25-2002

# Posts 157


i havnt heard his views on Trails, Enduro, Rally, Vintage Cars or even Southern100 or MGP yet either obviously a round of world trials championship would detract from the 07 TT and i suppose we dont really want to stage a world rally as that would only fill all the hotels and pubs again..... :rolleyes:


I would agree with him on the 25k though pretty much all of my friends are able to talk at length about the TT and they include people who never watch bikes and prefer football rugby etc. but they enjoy sport and becasue there is a fantastic festival happening around them they go an see it. or they listen to it on the radio and see a few laps of the F1 or the Senior.


157 posts in nearly 4 years - that nicely backs up your claim that he is paid to post on IOMTT.com all day.


Well done.

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How do they know? That would be 2 and a bit residents all around the course!


Did they go around the whole course seeing who is a resident and who isn't and taking names so they don't count the same person twice? LOL Does my household count because it's within view of the end of my garden (we didn't)?


Utter bollocks to try and justify the incredible cost of this to the taxpayer IMO


Incredible cost to the tax payer? Interesting thought. The marshals are voluntary, The majority of the prize money is sponsered, the air med is all from donations, Where is all this cost to the tax payer?


Your houshold may not have watched (although I'll bet at least one did watch some of it), 100% of my household watched as much as we could.


It beats boring stuff like F1 anyday. :rolleyes:




The prize money is from the Tourist Board coffers, the air helicopters is errrr from the Tourist Coffers and some of the marshals are paid expenses out of the tourist board coffers, the cost of the administration, the police overtime bill, the monkeys to stand and man the traffic lights on the access road, the 24/7 on call sweeper drivers at the DoT, the on call road workers in case the bloody tarmac melts or evaporates, christ im fed up now as this list could go on all night


- what utter bollix you are talking, of course it costs the taxpayer a fortune you idiot!


and I AM A TAXPAYER sadly

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The TT costs Government two million and brings in 17 million according to Mr Cretney in the IOM Examiner last Tuesday.

Seems to me Stookie that if you don't like the roads closing you could always take a holiday, but you're one of those people who's going to come back with "why should I" aren't you?

The TT is here to stay so you'll have to get used to it. If you feel that you can't get used to it, that old phrase of "boat in the morning" springs to mind.


So what is included in that £2mill? Of course the £17mill (if that figure can be accurately calculated) goes into a relatively small number of pockets is my guess (the bars/brewery/steam packet/airlines) and does not equate to receipts for the taxpayer. I'd like to see some proper analysis before I made any sweeping assumptions, but I suppose if you've got your blinkers on and want the TT regardless it just shows how much you'll accept any old statistics trotted out as long as it suits your argument.


As for the bollocks about reciprocal arrangements we know they only apply to the UK. What about elsewhere - I thought the TT brought visitors from all over the place? Just a question - does a German fan or an American competitor get treated for free at Nobles if they're unlucky enough to find themselves there?


"The TT is here to stay so you'll have to get used to it. If you feel that you can't get used to it, that old phrase of "boat in the morning" springs to mind."


When I was born here? The TT dictatorship has arrived (though it's probably been here a while!)

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As for the bollocks about reciprocal arrangements we know they only apply to the UK. What about elsewhere - I thought the TT brought visitors from all over the place? Just a question - does a German fan or an American competitor get treated for free at Nobles if they're unlucky enough to find themselves there?


I didn't mention reciprocal agreements anywhere. I expect an American, German or any fan, who are holiday makers get free hospital treatment. I'm not disagreeing or agreeing with it.

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