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Anti Semitism Uk


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I was rather surprised by this item as I've never heard anyone actually disparage Jewish people - either because I've led a much more sheltered life than I realised or, perhaps, because there's less incidence of it in our island.

I can't help wondering whether or not the attitude is being given life by Israel's response to every threat in the Middle East, the USA's unquestioning support of Israel, and Blair's lapdog approach to Bush?


The government, police and universities must do more to tackle the rise in anti-Semitism in the UK, a group of MPs has warned today.


Research by the all-party inquiry on anti-Semitism finds that not only are attacks and desecration of Jewish property on the rise, but anti-Jewish sentiment is increasingly present in mainstream public and political discourse.


"Acts of violence and abuse towards Jews are an affront to any modern society," said the group's chairman, former Foreign Office minister Denis McShane.


"The most worrying discovery of this inquiry is that anti-Jewish sentiment is entering the mainstream, appearing in the everyday conversations of people who consider themselves neither racist nor prejudiced."

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I don't find the debates on here anti-semetic - rather they are anti-war, pro-peace and pro-commonsense if anything.


The debates involving the likes of Rog - Israel (disp use of force?) etc. - are not about the Jewish people they are about the Israeli government - which just happens to be Jewish - and it's current policies. Many of these debates are just as much about US and UK foreign policy and the general failure to support and respect the UN and work toward (instead of away from) peace in the middle east. The vast majority of us want Israel to exist and the Arabs to be happy - through a formal settlement (outlined years ago yet still being fought over).


IMHO, people come out with this anti-semetic crap and hide behind it every now and again when things aren't going their way...but this time I think it is a measure of just how much the US/UK/Israeli governments have pissed off even their own populations and how the propaganda machine has failed because we are all actually a bit more intelligent than they realised.


Most of us want peace not war and we want the truth. Whether you are a Palestinian, Chinaman, Nigerian or a Jew - and against that - is completely irrelevant to me - and I for one will continue to disagree with you.

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I was rather surprised by this item as I've never heard anyone actually disparage Jewish people - either because I've led a much more sheltered life than I realised or, perhaps, because there's less incidence of it in our island.


No but they have to slip this in everytime Israel is criticised in the press just in case people are THINKING about thinking about being unkind.


Its so embarrasing its untrue.


Every Israeli campaign is followed by some spurious survey that claims people are anti-semetic. They must have a diary note - "War in Lebanon not going our way - must claim persecution soon"


.. over to you Rog.

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I think anti-Israeli sentiment is definitely increasing at the moment.


And I think anti-jewish feelings will probably track that reasonably closely.


The problem in trying to prove it is that the Jewish population is a very small minority and so the number of incidents are relatively small. It could be that the true nature of the problem is below the radar. I agree with the recommendation that the Police categorize hate crimes to show how many affect the Jewish (and any other) community.


I suspect as a percentage of the Jewish population incidents of anti-semitism are quite high. But as a gentile I could spend my entire life and never witness or hear a reliable first hand account.

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I suspect as a percentage of the Jewish population incidents of anti-semitism are quite high. But as a gentile I could spend my entire life and never witness or hear a reliable first hand account.


I would guess that most cases of anti semitism are against Jewish people. Just a hunch. The ratio of anti semetic attacks on jews would therefore be high.

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No anti-Semitism on the Isle of Man?


Don’t make me laugh. I’ve still got the actual physical bloody scars from anti-Semitism on the isle of Man. I learned about Jew hating and Jew baiting before I even heard the term anti-Semitism.


Anti-Semitism on the Mainland and the rest of Europe today?


To a huge degree and amazingly little to do with the political situation in Israel and far more to do with the ingrained and now cultural hatred by so many people against Jews.


Try living your life as a member of a population whose very name is a term of contempt..


Ideas that the anti-Semitism is as a result of what is being done to and what is of necessity having to be done BY Israel? Again, don’t make me laugh. And let’s call a spade a spade. The phrase ‘anti-Semitism’ makes the whole rotten business sound almost clinical. It takes what is involved one step away from what it is. Pure and simple hatred of Jews.


It’s the inbuilt and cultural distrust and often hatred of Jewish people in society that so often distorts people views let alone their understanding of the how’s why’s and what’s about Israel in the first place. It’s the promulgation of those distorted views that is then capitalised on by our enemies to vilify us that is responsible for the growing Jew Hatred that is now a seriously big problem.


I remember talking with my old Mum many years ago about some of our relations who were killed by the Nazis. Note, I deliberately use the word Nazi and never Germans. Not all Germans were Nazis and certainly not all Nazis were not and now are not Germans.


I remember saying “well it won’t ever happen again”. She looked at me and quietly said “Oh yes it will. Maybe not for years, maybe not in the same place, but it will happen again”.


Clever woman, my old Mum.

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No anti-Semitism on the Isle of Man?


Don’t make me laugh. I’ve still got the actual physical bloody scars from anti-Semitism on the isle of Man. I learned about Jew hating and Jew baiting before I even heard the term anti-Semitism.


Anti-Semitism on the Mainland and the rest of Europe today?


To a huge degree and amazingly little to do with the political situation in Israel and far more to do with the ingrained and now cultural hatred by so many people against Jews.


Try living your life as a member of a population whose very name is a term of contempt..


Ideas that the anti-Semitism is as a result of what is being done to and what is of necessity having to be done BY Israel? Again, don’t make me laugh. And let’s call a spade a spade. The phrase ‘anti-Semitism’ makes the whole rotten business sound almost clinical. It takes what is involved one step away from what it is. Pure and simple hatred of Jews.


It’s the inbuilt and cultural distrust and often hatred of Jewish people in society that so often distorts people views let alone their understanding of the how’s why’s and what’s about Israel in the first place. It’s the promulgation of those distorted views that is then capitalised on by our enemies to vilify us that is responsible for the growing Jew Hatred that is now a seriously big problem.


I remember talking with my old Mum many years ago about some of our relations who were killed by the Nazis. Note, I deliberately use the word Nazi and never Germans. Not all Germans were Nazis and certainly not all Nazis were not and now are not Germans.


I remember saying “well it won’t ever happen again”. She looked at me and quietly said “Oh yes it will. Maybe not for years, maybe not in the same place, but it will happen again”.


Clever woman, my old Mum.

The problem with you Rog is that you think everyone's your enemy when they are not. Don't forget the Brits and many other nations lost millions of men (many related to people on here) and didn't go for appeasement with the Nazis. Just think what life would have been like if the Nazis had won WW2.


You have a massive chip on your shoulder, think the worst of everyone, and continually type comments that reflect that. You link everything to some supposed hatred of the jews - when most people on here just want to see a lasting peace (and blame all who stir up trouble to the contrary - equally).


If you don't work with the rest of us on trying to get a peace (especially through the UN) - then you will be condemning your grandchildren to years of the same. If you are not careful, you are going to die a bitter and twisted old man - who added little or nothing to the world (in fact someone who took something from it). You should look for the good - not the bad - otherwise you will never find peace (either in Israel or yourself).

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Don’t make me laugh. I’ve still got the actual physical bloody scars from anti-Semitism on the isle of Man. I learned about Jew hating and Jew baiting before I even heard the term anti-Semitism.


I'm with Tugger. Are you sure you got beaten up because you are Jewish, rather than the fact that you are a pompous pain-in-the-arse whose views just wind people up. If I was a pompous pain-in-the-arse I to might console myself with the fact that people hated me because of my religion rather than just hated ME because I am an arse.


To be fair if I heard you sound off in the pub the way you do here, I'd have a crack long before looking for any subtle clues that might give away your religion. You might believe that you got a crack for being Jewish and report an anti-semetic crime, but unless your one of the big hat and beardie brigade how would I even know you were Jewish?


I doubt there is any anti-semitism in the IOM. I have never even seen any suggestion of antipathy towards Jewish people here. Not once.

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Recorded incidents of anti semitism in the UK have increased this year.

It is more than likely these incidents are related in some way to events in Lebanon.

According to Mark Gardner, from the Community Security Trust, there were more than 90 such incidents recorded during July. He also says there are usually 10 to 30 anti semitic incidents recorded in any one month.


Anti Semitic Incidents


Others have argued that anti semitism has always been present but a strong taboo, following WW2, has served as an injunction against expressing it. That taboo, it is argued, has now disappeared.


I dont think we have a good record of tolerance on the Island. I frequently hear people making outrageous statements about minorities. Those targetted include Asian people, Black people and Jewish people.

However, I have never heard of any violent incidents, on the Island, that have been related to anti semitism.

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I dont think we have a good record of tolerance on the Island. I frequently hear people making outrageous statements about minorities.


Minorities ... what like Manx people you mean?


The Island is not that intolerant, there are plenty worse places. Intolerance seems to be an imported thing here anyway .. I have english work colleagues who are infinitely more racist than locals. They seem to think that they came here to get away from black faces (their words) and that their appearance is grossly offensive and a sign of the IOM going down the tubes.


As for anti semetism in the UK. Well its the same as the current anti Muslim sentiment. If the nation states can't behave with any degree of integrity, or follow international law then everyone gets tarred with the same brush. Rightly or wrongly.


Religion (any religion) is the root of all evil and the cause of all the worlds problems.

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Some of you don't like me?


BFD. I should worry.


Let's get to the meat.


There’s a (genuine) ‘Red Indian’ saying (apart from “speak again oh toothless one” when someone breaks wind – fact) that before you comment on a mans gait you should walk a mile in his moccasins. Or something along those lines anyway.


On that basis how on earth can anyone who has NOT been brought up a Jew on the Isle of man possible know what it was like? Believe me, you can’t.


And to ‘Tugger’, you’re partially right but no cigar. It was because of what I experienced during my childhood and not putting up with it that resulted in me getting smacked around.


When faced with a thing like that there’s really only two ways to go. You can either distance yourself from whatever it is that people don’t like and try to fit in, or you can say “fuck you” and stand your ground.


I chose the latter and have done so to this day.


A chip on my shoulder? Don’t be bloody patronising. Try a broken nose, try a broken arm, try scars on my body as well as on my memories and that just from my childhood. A chip on my shoulder? In fact a good and solid and well founded understanding of just what most people feel either consciously or unconsciously about us.


Then there’s Israel. My relationship now and in the past is not for this or any public forum but what I have seen and what I know, warts and all, is that the general understanding that most people have about the background to the creation of Eretz Israel, what takes place there, the how’s the why’s and the when’s, not to mention the who’s is pathetically limited, hopeless distorted, and biased almost beyond belief by a mixture of ignorance of ‘real politik’, life in general, an utter failure to understand islam and the machinations of the governments in the region, and a disgusting biased and partisan news media in the West that both panders to and forms the distorted ideas that so many people have.


Let’s not even mention the predilection that so many people have to believe what they either openly or secretly or even unconsciously WANT to believe.


Is Jew Hating alive, well, and prospering? You bet your tuchus it is.


Is it a card to be played at “the appropriate moment”? No it isn’t.


It’s real, it’s nasty, and the foul lies upon which it is so often founded are becoming believed once more. There are actually people in the UK today, not muslims but ordinary white English people who ardently and firmly believe that we import blood to make Matzos for Pesach .


Am I a bitter old man? No, I’m an old man with a very great deal of ‘scar tissue’ acquired from being Jewish and standing up and being proud of the fact.


Believe me, making judgement without good and sound knowledge must be amongst the most damm fool things anyone can do. Acting ON such judgement must be the most.


As for peace in Israel, that staggers belief.


How many times must it be said? How many times must it be PROVEN? The ONLY thing that is preventing Israel from reaching a peaceful settlement with the so called palestinians is that they do not want any peace that leaves Israel in place. The election of hammas is proof absolute that this is the case.


How CAN you negotiate peaceful co-existence with another party who have sworn by their most holy oaths, and meant every word, that they will NEVER tolerate the continued existence of Israel?


Why on earth, knowing that, do people constantly witter on about US needing to ‘negotiate peace’? HOW CAN WE? We have no ‘partner who is WILLING to negotiate, at least no negotiation other than the timing and T’s and C’s involving the disintegration of Israel.



THAT is the crux of the matter.


And THAT is the legacy of arafat, the most evil man certainly of the 20th. century and probably the last millennium, bar none.

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