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[BBC News]Motorists 'ignoring' lollipop men


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"We are concerned that there have been a number last term of people ignoring the sign and driving past.


"Fortunately the children haven't stepped out and the lollipop people have been able to get out the way.


"But we want to stop it now before it becomes an epidemic."


Won't somebody please, PLEASE think about the children...those poor, poor children...



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I think one problem could be that certain lollipop men/women don't really know how to act in their job. Ok I'm referring to the lollipop woman on Bucks Road. The amount of times I've seen her just step out expecting traffic to stop is unbelievable. No glances up and down the road from her to look for a semblance of a break in the traffic that will allow road users to anticipate her intentions. Nope it's just a brisk step-out and "damn you all this is MY road and you will STOP!" which leads to the screech of brakes from time to time and a look of bemusement from her.

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