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Halo 2


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Ummm, but Halo was pretty poor. It was a good console game, but in the grander scheme of things, it was a rubbish FPS.


Unless they're planning on doing something pretty spectacular, I don't think anything is going to dislodge HL2 as the standard by which FPS games are judged. Hell, even HL1 is still a better game than Halo.

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Ummm, but Halo was pretty poor. It was a good console game, but in the grander scheme of things, it was a rubbish FPS.


Unless they're planning on doing something pretty spectacular, I don't think anything is going to dislodge HL2 as the standard by which FPS games are judged. Hell, even HL1 is still a better game than Halo.



Well I can't really say anything there I haven't played half life.

For the PC multiplayer sucked because the maps weren't big enough for 16 people.

Still halo was very good with a few people playing with you, the single player campaign wasn't as good as it could of been but this will all be fixed in halo 2 hopefully with a more involving story and better levels with actual objectives to achieve. The problem I found with halo was that single player levels were hours of just shooting and running from point A to B shooting some more and then maybe driving a bit. Plus the improved graphics and new features it should correct the failures of the original and won't be beat for console multiplayer.

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Are you trolling?


There are a million and one better FPS games out there than Halo and Halo 2 put together. It can wait as much as it likes, I wont be playing it on PC after wasting several hours of my life ploughing through the turgid crap that was the first one. The shocking state of PC Halo sales and actual multiplayer statistics is a daming indictment of just how bad a game it was. They made a faithful conversion, but when it entered the PC arena and started competing with UT2k3 and its friends, it was exposed for the shallow, cartoon shooter designed for under 12s that it actually was.




Right now, there are 435 servers, 637 players. It's outstripped by the original Unreal Tournament from 1999 who boasts 2496 servers, 1580 players.


Yeah, the PC community is really desperate for another second rate shooter with Duplo graphics.


FPS games just don't work on a console no matter how hard they try. Consoles are great for arcadey driving, fighting and shooting games. They're good for RPG and some adventures. They will never, ever, be able to realisticaly compete with anything that has a mouse for an FPS game.


Edit: LOL at Doom3 being lower than Halo ffs :)

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Well lets see what its like before we criticse it, I didn't think it was as bad as your making out but lets give number 2 a chance nobody has properly played it yet. It might actually turn out to be as good as it promises even for the PC gamer, even if not many people play it online.

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I don't disagree that it was a good console game. I'm just pointing out that it was a crap PC game. As I've played both, I feel I'm in a better position to comment than you.


Slim: Is Halo your BGE today then? SP tomorrow!

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Not at all, but it is a good online game on the PC as well as consoles. Bungie fixed up loads of stuff with the HaloCE expansion (free), making it lots of fun indeed. It was probably too close to UT 2004 to light any fires bigtime, but I still enjoyed the month or so fun it gave us.


The vids of Halo 2 look very nice, not sure why you're so down on it.

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