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Roller Skates


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Skating is great fun! I'm still from the old school 4 wheeler boot brigade though - never tried the inline boots but I was pretty nifty you know ;-)


Funnily enough, I have had a real hankering to do it again recently - is there anywhere other than the prom to do it these days though??? Gone are the days of the upstairs rollerdisco in Summerland...sigh...followed by a fast skate along the prom to catch the last bus. Those were the days.

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There was a bloke who used to roller skate behind buses on his way home from work safe in ther knowledge that he was saving 50p on each journey.


One day he realised that if he followed a taxi he would save £3.20 for the same journey.

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Skating is great fun! I'm still from the old school 4 wheeler boot brigade though - never tried the inline boots but I was pretty nifty you know ;-)


Funnily enough, I have had a real hankering to do it again recently - is there anywhere other than the prom to do it these days though??? Gone are the days of the upstairs rollerdisco in Summerland...sigh...followed by a fast skate along the prom to catch the last bus. Those were the days.


me too - i had a great dream last night about skatin and jumpin - so, high in fact i took off and ended up paragliding..


yeah the four by four rollers with boots for me - i've tried those in-line skates and can't handle the breaks being at the back (need the stoppers at the front for proper take-off..) i broke my leg rollerskatin at summerland - years and years ago - i was only little (nuffin to do with me bein a crap skater, but i don't think

quaffin a bottle of merrydown on a youth-club trip exactly enhanced my performance...)


- i was actually thinking of the promenade coz i'm moving to doolish soon and need to find some form of exercise that i actually enjoy 9can't stand gyms and there's no-where really to walk around there so rollewRskating would be IDEAL...

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