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Was It Manxchatterbox?


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.. a zero tolerance policy is what's needed.. but that would probably involve too much out of office work...and if there is no zero tolerance some dog owners will carry on without having to worry they will end up having to pay for their poor social and community responsibility...


..if the Council were really serious then they would say there is a zerol tolerance policy and put it into effect....IMO its what Douglas ratepayers as a majority would favour but will we hear it?

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I don't like dog dirt on the streets as much as anyone else, but really, zero tolerance, are you sure?


There isn't zero tolerance about parking on zig zags (much more dangerous to the health ands safety of our citizens), so how would you expect zero tolerance to be exercised over dog crap?


The streets are much cleaner of dog doos than they were years' ago when there were many more irresponsible dog owners who would just let their dogs out for their exercise, free to crap where and when they wanted!


Oh, do get real!

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Good on the Corpy I say, I went for a lovely six mile walk around Ramsey this morning which I thoroughly enjoyed, except for the absolute fucking non-stop game of "dodge the dog shit" I had to play every step of the way.


It really is anti-social cuntery of the highest order, and yet these "dog lovers" are probably the same people who moan about what a lack of respect for others and suchlike there is these days.


The more fines that are handed out the better IMO.

Maybe you should join me at Smeale beach this October. We can hurl abuse at those who arrive in their cars, let the dogs out to foul the area, then drive off.


I see this very often; two fat lumps stay in the car while the kids play in the sand and the dogs just do whatever they want.

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Good on the Corpy I say, I went for a lovely six mile walk around Ramsey this morning...


Erm - really six miles?



Why not?

Didn't think you could go for six miles without getting far away from Ramsey into the badlands of Lezayre.

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Clifton Park > Jurby Road > Whitebridge > Lezayre Road > Queens Pier Road > May Hill > Lheaney Road > Queens Drive > Queens Prom > Quay > Swing Bridge > Mooragh Prom > Grand Island > Bride Road > Clifton Park.


Takes about 70 minutes if you really get a shift on, and is a most delightful walk, apart from all the dogshit.

$ set mode=pedantic/underwear=asbestos


Six miles in 70 minutes is impressive! You're not a racehorse in heat?


$ set mode=normal_peasant

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On the corner of the cul-de-sac where I grew up there is, unsurprisingly, a road sign naming the street. In the 80s and 90s there also used to be a stupid amount of dog shit on the pavement which basically forced people to walk on the road.


One day my dad decided to rename the street. He got a piece of white wood, and cut it to the same shape and size as the road sign. With a black marker pen he wrote "Dog Shit Corner" on it in large letters, and in smaller letters underneath, "Why not bring your dog to shit all over this pavement? Everyone else does".


I also remember him chasing a man up the street for letting his dog shit outside our house. The bloke disappeared, so we could only assume that he was hiding in someone's garden. Half an hour later the dog shit disappeared.


The moral to the stories: Graffiti is funny. And the threat of physical violence solves problems.

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Clifton Park > Jurby Road > Whitebridge > Lezayre Road > Queens Pier Road > May Hill > Lheaney Road > Queens Drive > Queens Prom > Quay > Swing Bridge > Mooragh Prom > Grand Island > Bride Road > Clifton Park.


Takes about 70 minutes if you really get a shift on, and is a most delightful walk, apart from all the dogshit.

$ set mode=pedantic/underwear=asbestos


Six miles in 70 minutes is impressive! You're not a racehorse in heat?


$ set mode=normal_peasant


I've measured it as six miles, and I can do it in 70 minutes, these are the facts.


I do have quite a healthy libido, although I'm not a racehorse.


I don't see why you couldn't do 6 miles in that time Chopely, I can do 9 miles in 1 hr 50 and that's maintaining a steady, not too quick pace.

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