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[BBC News]'No plans' for drink drive change


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I think MCB is doing this on purpose, or else she never reads anything posted after her contributions.


Anyhow, back to the thread.


Did anyone else find it a little strange that the road safety officer (I think that was his title) was on MR yesterday talking authoritively about the DoT policy on this? We see many criticisms about Government being run by the civil servants rather than the politicians and it did strike me as a little strange that a civil servant should be the one promulgating policy rather than the Minister.


I may be barking up the wrong tree, but you never see a civil servant being interviewed in the UK media about policy, possibly about implementation of a policy, but never as I can recall the policy itself; it is always a politician.

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A fair point, but the Minister for Transport isn't that popular with the public after the Speed Limit fiasco (yes, it was a fiasco) also our politicians are sort of on holiday just now, although I am not sure where the relevant Minister is just now.


I would imagine the Civil Servants look forward to this time of year when they can let rip a bit without too much political interfence, especially with an election coming up.

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If that is the case Lard, then surely he is acting beyond his powers? It does beg the question; is it policy or what the civil servants would like to see as policy?


I have no particular axe to grind on this particular issue, other than drink drivers ought to be keel hauled and why should we have to wait until the UK introduce these laws in order to be 'consistent', can't we make our own minds up if this is a good idea or no?


And who decided this policy? Was it the Minister, or a civil servant ?


Really, my point is it does seem that 'policy' is being set by civil servants without reference to those who SHOULD be setting policy. Those who set the policy should announce it, then the civil servants should be explaining how they will implement that policy.


It may be pendantry, but it is all too easy for the proper boundaries of who does what, can do what and is responsible for what, to become blurred.

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I have no particular axe to grind on this particular issue, other than drink drivers ought to be keel hauled and why should we have to wait until the UK introduce these laws in order to be 'consistent', can't we make our own minds up if this is a good idea or no?


And who decided this policy? Was it the Minister, or a civil servant ?


I have a problem with it. After the ludicrous situation over trying to force the all Island speed limit in on the grounds of "safety" I am amazed that an official goes public to say that it won't lower the drink-drive limit on safety grounds. Its like saying its ok if you are a bit pissed, but we'd prefer it if you don't speed (which is many times more likely to cause an accident than speed).


It just shows an embarrasing lack of consistency.


Finally Glady's don't forget the Minister is probably busy campaigning - he needs to.

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The excuse (and that's exactly what it is!) is that the reciprocal agreement for bans makes it 'difficult to do other than accept the UK standrads on this issue. That seems utter nonsense to me - a ban for drink driving should be just that - a ban - regardless of whether it's because of exceeding a specified limit in either jurisdiction.

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Well, I certainly haven't seen hide or hair of him. Or of Mrs Cannell or either of our other candidates - people seem to be leaving things fairly late in Douglas East.


I'd count yourself as lucky. If they all turned up at once it would be like getting a visit from the Munsters.


Then again, those swanky apartments aren't full of the traditional Manx voters they're looking for.

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