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Deemster Calls For Cocaine Crackdown

Night Shift

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The report states he's Acting Deemster, if you're going to get picky and what not.


I know you guys got some crazy titles for judges over there, so is it inconceivable that he's a Deputy High Bailiff AND an Acting Doomster?


Jeez, maybe he's even Batman too...



I know Doomster was an attempt at humour, but as Deemsters adeem and pronounce dooms it really is apt.


Another sign of our norse culture, same root as Domesday but in this cas direct adeem to judge or pronounce judgement and doom judgement.


In modern Swedish a judgement is a dom.

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Question. Why does anyone have to take drugs? and I include alcohol in this one. Is in insecurity or follow the leader? I've seen good people go down the pan because of what I beleive are these two things.


No its just that Methodism is about as attractive as sticking a javelin through your neck.


I don't see how having a few drinks infers that you are insecure. You should get out more, go down the pub, and have a laugh with some real people rather than sitting at your keyboard de-crying people that might have a drink or smoke the odd spliff.


Anything done to the extreme is hardful. Even criticism.

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Yes Alastair Montgomerie sits as Deputy High Bailiff and as an Acting Deemster.


There are more than 200 lawyers if you include registered Foreign Lawyers. The IOM Law society has nearly 175 members alraedy.


I don't know any drug taking ones, maybe I'm naive. I am willing to be tested any time.


As for drugs policy, as with penal policy, it would be nice to have a sane non emotive debate, which included a look at alcohol and tobacco as well as the others


All those lawyer on an Island of 80,000!!!


They turn their nose up at £100 per hour Legal Aid these days and I believe many filch £200, £300, £400+ per hour.


Where on earth does all that money come from and where does it go? We would like to think it is the likes of £multi-million trusts who are paying for the services of the 175, but alas these days there are everyday Manx citizens getting fleeced. Which is bad news isn't it.


Yes sir, there is quite an imbalance in this society and the bubble has to burst and the greed merchants seen for what they are.


Although of couse there are at least one or two perfectly decent and honourable lawyers, I am told. :)

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I took early retirement from big firms so I can do what I want when I want without the hassle of staff, rent, PI insurance and all the other overheads.


I to do legal aid at much lower rates than that as Duty Advocate at the Police station, £77 to be precise; because I have no overheads I can make it pay just.


I charge between £100 and £150 for private work.


The problem is not that the Lawyers are charging too much, its that the business models employed by larger firms make legal aid uneconomic.


I used to charge £300 to £325 per hour for commercial work and do 60 hour weeks. One third went to pay staff, one third for rent, library, insurance paper, equipment heat light and power. I had to pay my own pension contributions and service the huge loan I took out when I bouhght in.


I'm now better off, financially and in life style terms, but not many others can see it, They are on the tread mill.


I have invented new ways of helping clients budget. monthly regular payments spraed over the age of the case or more. I am flexible.


If you have a £200,000 per month wage bill you can't be. If the others didn't then we would lose our legal independence and fees would flood off Island.


What we neeed is revision of the legal aid system to benefit many more. Why won't the government publish the Legal Aid Commision report so it can be debated at the general election. Thay have been sittig on it for two yeras. What are they frightened of.

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What we neeed is revision of the legal aid system to benefit many more. Why won't the government publish the Legal Aid Commision report so it can be debated at the general election. Thay have been sittig on it for two yeras. What are they frightened of.


Couldnt agree more. From a bystanders point of view the whole Legal Aid thing seems grossly unfair.

I would also suggest any overhaul of the system needs to look at the unfair result of awarding Legal Aid to people when they are involved in court proceedings with individuals who earn too much to qualify for assistance but too little to retain a lawyer for any length of time.

Clearly this results in an unfair contest.

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