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Volkswagon Golf CL 1400cc '94


The truth in badness - Drivers seat is knackered, needs replacing. Bash on the rear right hand side, lights work but panel is goosed, needs bashing out and welding. Bash on the front left, near light. All lights work regardless of bumpage. Few rusty bits, but nothing that can't be fixed up. Tyres and brakes will want changing also.


The truth in goodness - The car has never let me down, it starts first time, every time. I just got back from a 10 day holiday yesterday, cleared it out this morning and was going to take it to the car wash, it started first time.


Its been used as a works vehicle, so the inside is not as clean as a new car would be, but its not ripped or damaged at all really, just in need of a good clean.


I was going to take it to a scrap merchant, but they were going to break it down and give me £50 for it. I just feel the car deserves better. Anyone who knew what they were doing would be able to get it into a reasonable state again for minimal cost, because as i said, the engine and workings are all sound. The car has been my friend for the past 6 years, i just can't bear it to be turned into a pile of waste metal.


If anyone is interested in having a look and making me an offer please pm me.

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