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Credit Card Fraud


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Credit cards can be useful though, especially for online purchases as you have better levels of protection.


I have an empty current account with no overdraft limit that has a debit card which I use to make any online purchases. I simply transfer the funds to the account from the other current account I hold at the same bank and make the payment. It's one extra step, but I'm safe in the knowledge that there's never any money in there for somebody to steal.

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I have an empty current account with no overdraft limit that has a debit card which I use to make any online purchases. I simply transfer the funds to the account from the other current account I hold at the same bank and make the payment. It's one extra step, but I'm safe in the knowledge that there's never any money in there for somebody to steal.


After reading a post by Ans some while back on him doing this, I did the same. No money kept in there so no chance of being robbed.

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Even better, don't have a credit card at all. I keep an eye on my bank account with internet banking every day or so.


mine was with a switch card. try and live without one of those!


I know where you are coming from, but there are a few things you can do. Open a savings account and transfer a couple of hundred a month to it for switch transactions and cash withdrawals. If your card gets cloned or nicked (or you get Kellyed (Coronation Street)) you know then that there is the maximum you can lose. If you feel you must use credit cards then get several cards with low limits rather than one card with a high limit. Don't ever use switch on your current account, and try not to use direct debit. Once you set up a direct debit you cannot stop it. The other party is in control. Be warned.

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Even better, don't have a credit card at all. I keep an eye on my bank account with internet banking every day or so.


mine was with a switch card. try and live without one of those!


I know where you are coming from, but there are a few things you can do. Open a savings account and transfer a couple of hundred a month to it for switch transactions and cash withdrawals. If your card gets cloned or nicked (or you get Kellyed (Coronation Street)) you know then that there is the maximum you can lose. If you feel you must use credit cards then get several cards with low limits rather than one card with a high limit. Don't ever use switch on your current account, and try not to use direct debit. Once you set up a direct debit you cannot stop it. The other party is in control. Be warned.


Credit cards are still better since if the goods turn out to be not what was advertised or defective or the warranty offered fails because the provider goes bust or the payment is taken but nothing turns up, that then becomes the credit card company's problem, not yours. Some cards even cover accidental damage

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I got ripped in tenerife last year, eventually they found out that a reader and camera had been put over a legit cash machine.


The only reason the bank believed I hadn't been on a spending spree was that some transactions were taken out in tenerife while I was in liverpool (they had a listing for me checking my balance in john lennon airport on the way home). More transactions happened while I was in the bank complaining, so a better back-up than ever!

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do banks listen? no the f..ers don't.

I told Lloyds TSB where I was going..... Australia NZ and went off.

Then my bro phoned me in NZ and said a statement had arrived at home with £7000 worth of spending going thro all in Nice and Marseille...

Needless to say I phoned the bank and told them and they checked and said the card must have been cloned so they cancelled it...

I asked them how do you get me a new card in NZ when I'm leaving for the US in 3 days? Not possible.

Luckily I had a Co-Op card to use...

When I got home 10 weeks later there was a form to fill in and the bank put teh money back into the account..but they charged me interest on the balance even though I hadn't spent the money..big argument..told them to go stick it and paid them and cancelled the account and moved to IOM bank. What was the point of telling them where i was going if they let paymejnts go through from a country I was no where going to be near? LLoyds TSB...W...kers!

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do banks listen? no the f..ers don't.

I told Lloyds TSB where I was going..... Australia NZ and went off.


When I got home 10 weeks later there was a form to fill in and the bank put teh money back into the account..but they charged me interest on the balance even though I hadn't spent the money..big argument..told them to go stick it and paid them and cancelled the account and moved to IOM bank. What was the point of telling them where i was going if they let paymejnts go through from a country I was no where going to be near? LLoyds TSB...W...kers!


I don't know much about international banking, but I don't think they process all their global credit card payments via Doris at the Victory House counter who knows you are in New Zealand.


Just imagine your in Auckland and swipe that card - "beep" at the same time poor old Doris is handing Mrs Kelly her pension cash back and "beep" up it pops - can MCB have this 10 NZD to buy a kagool because its raining?


"I'm not sure says Doris. It might not be MCB. I thought she was not due in Auckland until tomorrow"


Ok. says the system "Payment denied".


But at least no fraud was committed.

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but it was Lloyds card services I spoke to before I went and they logged on all th ecountries I told them I was visiting...France was never mentioned...since the unauthorised use was in France and it was a fraud how comes the supposedly sophisticated computer didn't spot the card being used there as well as NZ..I think it was just a waste of time telling them inn advance..

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As sophisticated as their computer system is they cant go declining every overseas transaction because u told them u wouldnt be in that country.


Theres a fine line the bank has to manage between stopping fraudelent transactions and not causing unnecessary inconvenience. Their system generally recognises any transactions which seem unusual in respects to the normal activity on the account, maybe these fraudulent transactions were in line with normal activity on your account(allbeit in france)


Also bear in mind even if they had pulled these dodgy transactions it would have soon become clear that some1 had cloned ur card. Which means they would have had to cancel ur card anyway.

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