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Top Gear Presenter In Critical Condition


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Best of luck to him and especially his family. However, one has to chuckle at the irony of it all. Ironical that a man who encourages highly irresponsble behaviour on the roads along with (the highly anti-motorcycling)J.Clarkson on the ridiculous Top Gear should almost engineer his own demise with such behaviour. (Luckily no innocent third parties involved). And particularly ironical that the admins over on iomtt.com are banning users left right and centre for the slightest criticism of him and his behaviour. The same Richard Hammond who wrote an article for the Motor Cycle News in 2005 slating the standard of marshalling on the revered mountain course. Yes, the MCN that was supposed to be boycotted after another year of marshall bashing in 2006. All very confusing. Can we buy the MCN again now??? lol

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I'm not sure what's irresponsible about driving a car like this under strict safety conditions on private land specifically set up for the event. It all sounds like it's just a terrible accident and not a result of recklessness or poor judgement.


I'm not a Top Gear fan because I dont have any interest in cars, but I've seen him on Brainiac and other things here and there and he's always struck me as an enthusiastic, affable and genuinely likeable little man so I wish him a speedy recovery for his and his family's sake.

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Ironical that a man who encourages highly irresponsble behaviour on the roads lol


Examples? That's a crock really.


Good luck to him - asmany have said he's a very likeable character and adds a lot to all programs I've seen him on.

The fact he is walking & talking now must be a massive relied to those near to him - may he cotinue to recover as quickly as he appears to be doing.

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Examples? That's a crock really.


Not sure what you mean by crock, but for examples watch Top Gear, on which he and Clarkson have an obsession with speed and the promotion thereof with resultant consequences, both social and environmental. I particularly remember the pair of them racing very fast cars over the mountain road at dangerous speeds, behaviour I feel we'd all be safer without.

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Examples? That's a crock really.


Not sure what you mean by crock, but for examples watch Top Gear, on which he and Clarkson have an obsession with speed and the promotion thereof with resultant consequences, both social and environmental. I particularly remember the pair of them racing very fast cars over the mountain road at dangerous speeds, behaviour I feel we'd all be safer without.


Yes how dare they have fun on closed roads with all necessary H+S precautions in place.


The do encourage terrible behaviour though. I don't know about anyone else but straight after the last IoM based Top Gear I jumped straight into my Aston Martin V8 Vantage and hammered it over the mountain in an attempt tp beat The Stig's time :rolleyes:


Top Gear is escapism and fun pure and simple, and what happened was an accident. He could just as easily had a blow out as he drove to the airfield and been seriously injured then.


Don't use it as a platform to push forward your wishy washy environmental and social bullshit.

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for examples watch Top Gear, on which he and Clarkson have an obsession with speed and the promotion thereof with resultant consequences, both social and environmental. I particularly remember the pair of them racing very fast cars over the mountain road at dangerous speeds, behaviour I feel we'd all be safer without.


you be careful you don't get a nosebleed all the way up there on your pedestal.

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I find it quite annoying really that the health and safety police and their supporters want a program banned that shows cars being driven fast, mainly on airfields and test tracks as irresponsible and encouraging dangerous driving, but miss the monthy barrage of dangerous driving tips in the boy racer type magazines. It was mentioned on another forum that one of these magazines, Max Power, featured an article about someone who got his car up to 180MPH on the M6 toll road, fully supported by the magazine and treating him like a hero, albeit with some half arsed disclaimer.

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It was mentioned on another forum that one of these magazines, Max Power, featured an article about someone who got his car up to 180MPH on the M6 toll road, fully supported by the magazine and treating him like a hero, albeit with some half arsed disclaimer.

Max Power Linkage


I guess the police might want to have a word or two there...

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Oh! I wasn't aware the roads were closed. Not as good an example then.


Have you got a good example of what you are accusing them of then?

I can't remember them ever condoning reckless behaviour on open roads but sure you will correct me....


For those amongst us who enjoy the show and appreciate it is light hearted entertainment and not instruction on how to drive like a boy racer on the roads there's an online petition agains the morons trying to get the showed pulled off air.


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It was mentioned on another forum that one of these magazines, Max Power, featured an article about someone who got his car up to 180MPH on the M6 toll road, fully supported by the magazine and treating him like a hero, albeit with some half arsed disclaimer.

Max Power Linkage


I guess the police might want to have a word or two there...


Blocked at work due to porn reasons. How strange that for a car magazine.

Well, it was when it first came out and before it turned into a half baked chav heaven jazz mag.

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