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Congratulations Plod....


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Well done! I must say I am well impressed with this crack down on those nasty ganglords taking over our streets:


Cocaine worth £144 - about 2.5 grams

Cannabis worth £8.46 - a few spliffs


Definatley worth a 'two' day operation, man power, dog teams, scaring old biddies with their riot gear. Oh the joys of taxpayers money. Next time please use your CS gas, its paid for.




I drove past this whilst in full swing and thought they were taking some pretty heavy action so it must be really serious.


That sort of amount of drugs would probably be found in most establishments if everyone was searched. Its hardly a groundbreaking bust!



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To be honest if I was in a pub & the cops suddenly came in and demanded I be searched I wouldn't have a problem with it. Nothing to worry about unless you have something illegal about your person.


Besides, I don't think the point is so much that they haul in a huge shipping order of chemicals, but more possibly giving a message out that they're going to do stuff like this so if you're involved with this kind of thing you might end up getting a visit from lots of rozzers!

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35 police officers in full riot gear? That doesn't bother you for the fact that they stopped £144 worth of cocaine being dealt (the cannabis is obviously personal use only). 35 police officers, the pub re-opened at about 8ish, 35x3=105 man hours on that haul? Kids have found bags of coke stuffed in walls that are worth more than that!


They were blatantly expecting more, me thinks that somebody has been tipped off...OR police intelligence isn't that good (heh!)

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Oh the joys of Manx Intelligence.... Bust a pub for £150 worth...


The best of it was, we were in there that night and apart from the comedy entrance they made, they did not detain and search everyone in the pub, they only held the people in the pool room... we were told to finish our drinks and get out... Good job they warned me, I had a huge bag of skunk in there with me (not really but I could easily have had worse and they would never have known)....


The whole thing was a joke, as I stated in an earlier comment, the guys that ran in to bust the place were like specials from a Monty Python sketch... quite hilarious...


As for the amount of coppers, vans, dogs and people involved a fookin ridiculous waste of money, if ever I saw one!!! :ph34r:<_<

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I agree. The police should get in contact with criminals before they make their raids, to ensure it's all going to be worthwhile. They could have some form of 'pre raid checklist' perhaps, to ask if the criminals have any weapons on them and stuff, so the police can save valuable taxpayers money and leave the protection at home when it's not required.


It's how the UN should have dealt with Saddam too. Just given him a bell and asked if he had any WMD, they'd have saved a flippin fortune.




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Officers from the drug and alcoholsquads joined forces with uniformed officers to stage the raid, called Operation Bastille


What do the alcohol squad actually do? - all we need now is the Cigarette squad and we'll have the Manx Police Marvel Super Heros.

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Definatley worth a 'two' day operation, man power, dog teams, scaring old biddies with their riot gear. Oh the joys of taxpayers money. Next time please use your CS gas, its paid for.


Lol, Bless their little cotton socks!! I can picture it now, just before the so called "raid" the officers involved all sat round for the final briefing in the cop shop saying to the officer in charge ....


" Please Sir, Can we play at being REAL police officers today. please... please... please"!!!!

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What do the alcohol squad actually do? -  all we need now is the Cigarette squad and we'll have the Manx Police Marvel Super Heros.


Cigarette Squad already in force in America - ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms)


I don't mind the odd bust to show a bit of strength, I've got nothing to hide. But I would say the majority of dealers won't deal in pubs and if they do the wouldn't have the gear on the premises.


Intelligence - sums it up.

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You may well mock the local police force over this incident, laugh at the small amount of drugs discovered during the raid and accuse them of going overboard with the manpower employed for the task, but surely any raid and any amount of arrests is better than none at all.

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