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Ean wrote


How about going up to Jurby airfield and seeing whats going on there late at night, jesus how about having a sniffer dog as people come off the boat every once in a while?


While you're on the subject, how about fishing boats?

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While you're on the subject, how about fishing boats?

I don't want to appear to be picking on this post but I would be genuinely interested in just how effective a sniffer dog would be on a fishing boat? I wonder if it could find any gear that was inside a fish in the hold? It could be the perfect smuggling operation after RN-V.

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My point is that the police go in all guns blazing and got naff all, and alerted the dealers that the police are still around and are still paying attention. They could have got the bigger fish if they had just gone softly softly into the Rosemount, not made such a song and dance about it. If you saw the state of the junction that day you would understand, they made it as public as possible that something "big" was going on inside by parking vans and cars everywhere, causing traffic disruption. Now the bigger dealers are going to go back further underground and it's going to be much more difficult for the police to get them. They made a balls up, face it.


And as to the way to import drugs into the Island, Ardal O'Hanlon said it best, just stick the condom of whatever into a dogs ass not your own. That way if the sniffer dog suspects something nobody is going to know!

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It dont matter how much they got, they still got some of the street, £150 or £15000.00 next time better luck. Smackheads are dead heads we dont want drugs. Anyone caught with drugs should be kicked off the Island for good, dont put them in prison because that means us taxpayers pay the bill.

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I wonder why it was called "Operation Bastille". Who comes up with the names? Granted they stormed it. But the Basille was a prison which was stormed by a mob. Appropriate?


Was the Rosemount a "Bastille"? If I play CSE word - association ..... then "Bastille" and "storming of" go together. So it makes me wonder whether they came up with the "storming" first. And that photograph? Very dramatic! Was that supplied by the Police or was the newspaper tipped off. My hope is that the photo came from the Police - because I believe in "need - to - know". Otherwise this would definitely seem like a stunt. EDIT: the point being that if it was a stunt, which it does, currently, sort - of (possibly) seem like to me, then it was very much less than convincing. That amount of force would suggest the possibility of a serious counter - reaction. But there is no history of violent drug dealing on the IOM.


I'm not second - guessing the Police. I like them and they do an horrid job. I hope that they really did have good reason to be so dramatic. If I was a copper and was potentially dealing with very dangerous people then I'd want heavy backup.


But if I was in the business of getting someone for a few grams of cocaine on a Friday evening in a finance district then I'd probably take a softer approach to the arrest. So I'm assuming that they were expecting to grab serious toughies.


Whilst drugs are certainly an issue on the IOM and everywhere else. We haven't got a history (AFAIK) of violence connected with drugs (apart from seedy smackies killing each other). Seems to me that the Police have made the first move here - in terms of stepping up the levels. How will the nasty drug dealers react? Guns?


I once watched the Police in Nottingham taking over a crack house. I could entirely understand their need for force. But I'm not convinced that anything that could have been going on at the Rosemount would have justified this drama. Though I am prepared to be wrong.


They're going to need to tell us all what this was all about. Is there a Police watchdog on the IOM? We do need to know that they didn't over react for effect. Because doing stuff for effect is dangerous.

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Again i repeat, i reckon someone was tipped off not to be in the Rosemount over the weekend. At least i hope thats the case, because if the police justify their actions for the haul and arrests they got then i despair.

So they did not seize 1000's of pounds worth of heroin and arrest the bigger dealers on the island. If you have that type of attitude you may as well say anybody who is burgled, but has less than say £1,000 worth of property/money stolen, is not worthy of police time and effort in order to catch the culprit.


It would certainly appear the police were expecting a much larger scale raid, but any steps taken towards seeking out and arresting drug dealers/users is worthy of police time in my eyes.


Right we have the Police farce, SID, Drugs Squid & Customs & Exorcise, The place is absolutely rife with drugs... so what are this lot doing then? - Let's take a look C&E they have 3 super expensive boats.. & what do they have to show for it?? f**k all!


The trouble is there's no politcal will on this Island to sort this problem out & there's also too many people on the make...

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Right we have the Police farce, SID, Drugs Squid & Customs & Exorcise, The place is absolutely rife with drugs... so what are this lot doing then? - Let's take a look C&E they have 3 super expensive boats.. & what do they have to show for it?? f**k all!


The trouble is there's no politcal will on this Island to sort this problem out & there's also too many people on the make...

So I have to ask, with your clearly broad depth of knowledge on the subject when was the last time you provided the police with intelligence? Ok, they're not called plods for nothing and for all I know magneto is the local supergrass but if you seriously want to deal with this problem surely you should be providing the Island's Finest with every bit of intel you have?


Just an observation.

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Well P.K I’d just like to point out that I do know a couple of people in both the Police & C.E & they're equally frustrated with the lack of understanding & guidance from those on high.


The point I was trying to make (although badly) was there is no shortage of money when is comes to buying (good looking) equipment etc.. There is however a shortage of Political will…. For what ever reason that might be



As for the use/collection of intel, the trouble is we are a small community and word has a habit of getting round about those who are telling tales.... That and the appearance of the law being stacked in favour of the criminal... well what can you do?



jeez I wish i could shake this fffing cold....

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My point is that the police go in all guns blazing and got naff all, and alerted the dealers that the police are still around and are still paying attention.

Clearly they weren't paying attention otherwise they would never have gone in?!



I think you'll also find that one of the C&E boats was actually given to them by the Scottish Authorities as a thank you for help on a combined crimebusting exercise, and in fact the authorities had difficulty trying to warrant the gift as it was too expensive to maintain and fuel...

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I think you'll also find that one of the C&E boats was actually given to them by the Scottish Authorities as a thank you for help on a combined crimebusting exercise, and in fact the authorities had difficulty trying to warrant the gift as it was too expensive to maintain and fuel...


Yeah understood.. but I think you'll find that we the tax payer.. picked up the bill or should that be bills for the many thrills, spills & smashes that were had in the Blue Ranger...

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Well P.K I’d just like to point out that I do know a couple of people in both the Police & C.E & they're equally frustrated with the lack of understanding & guidance from those on high.


The point I was trying to make (although badly) was there is no shortage of money when is comes to buying (good looking) equipment etc.. There is however a shortage of Political will…. For what ever reason that might be



As for the use/collection of intel, the trouble is we are a small community and word has a habit of getting round about those who are telling tales.... That and the appearance of the law being stacked in favour of the criminal... well what can you do?



jeez I wish i could shake this fffing cold....

I think you are right. The word parochial springs to mind. At one time I was in the Met Pol working in Drugs Intel amongst other things. Strange but true.


Does anyone have any idea on how prices on the island compare with, say, Liverpool? It's always a good sizing indicator.

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It dont matter how much they got, they still got some of the street, £150 or £15000.00 next time better luck. Smackheads are dead heads we dont want drugs. Anyone caught with drugs should be kicked off the Island for good, dont put them in prison because that means us taxpayers pay the bill.

Completely agree with your first sentence but to kick off the island anyone caught with drugs is a pretty silly thing to say. Where do you suggest these people go? We don't want them here so we'll just send them off to be a problem for the residents of whatever place they end up..........hey, great idea! Don't put them in prison or punish them, let them be free to roam around and be a continual menace to society! :rolleyes:

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