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parochial springs to mind


Whenever I hear that word I think of the vaderetard. Someone said it it a reply to him once, and (after he looked it up) he used it 19 times in the next three days. I stopped counting after that as it got silly.

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Completely agree with your first sentence but to kick off the island anyone caught with drugs is a pretty silly thing to say. Where do you suggest these people go? We don't want them here so we'll just send them off to be a problem for the residents of whatever place they end up..........hey, great idea! Don't put them in prison or punish them, let them be free to roam around and be a continual menace to society! :rolleyes:


As long as it aint our society I dont give a dam were they go.

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The drugs are brought into the Island and most of the dealers caught are from off island. The IOM has taken xxxx from all walks of life over the past few years, not only was our own human waste washing up on our shores we got that of the UK as well. The IOM used to be one of the best places to live and bring your kids up, you could leave your doors unlocked while at work, your neighbours could freely walk into your home and take nothing more than a bowl of sugar or jug of milk. What have we got now

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The IOM has taken xxxx from all walks of life over the past few years, not only was our own human waste washing up on our shores we got that of the UK as well.

So because we've had a bit of poo washed up on the beach from the UK we'll get our own back by sending them a few scumbag druggies from over here.

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Completely ridiculous idea in the first place, and an equally ridicuous response there.


Can you leave your doors open while at work, or your car unlocked in the drive, not so many years ago we could, and that was when work was short on the Island, look at it now plenty of work and loads of money about but we still see an increase in theft and by whom, mainly from those involved with drugs.

How many MURDERS have we had on the Island that had drugs involved ?

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Can you leave your doors open while at work, or your car unlocked in the drive, not so many years ago we could


The back door to my house has never been locked in the ten years I have lived there. Infact I don't even know if the lock works. As for leaving you car open, never have and never will.


look at it now plenty of work and loads of money about but we still see an increase in theft and by whom, mainly from those involved with drugs.


As the population has increased it is only natural that the crime rate increases proportionally. I dont see that many crimes reported where drugs seems to be an overiding factor.


How many MURDERS have we had on the Island that had drugs involved


Not many, I can only think of two at present and as there have been murders on a yearly basis your comment seems unsubstantiated.




BTW on a personal level I think the police wasted their resources if all they got was a bit of personal gear. Better inteligence is required and more low profile succesfull busts.

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Southerner wrote


I think you'll also find that one of the C&E boats was actually given to them by the Scottish Authorities as a thank you for help on a combined crimebusting exercise, and in fact the authorities had difficulty trying to warrant the gift as it was too expensive to maintain and fuel...


Southie, I was told it was on loan to them for the reason you gave.

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Can you leave your doors open while at work, or your car unlocked in the drive, not so many years ago we could, and that was when work was short on the Island, look at it now plenty of work and loads of money about but we still see an increase in theft and by whom, mainly from those involved with drugs.

How many MURDERS have we had on the Island that had drugs involved ?

I never leave my house nor my car unlocked, yes there probably has been an increase in crime, and some thefts are drug related but I fail to see how that backs up your argument that people caught with drugs should be booted off the island. The island certainly was a safer place many years ago and it's a pity that's still not the case now, but drug related crime isn't confined to the Isle of Man. Would we be happy if towns in England sent their unwanted drug users and dealers over here to live?


Drug related murders??? A couple that I recall, but the most recent ones didn't involve drugs as far as I'm aware.

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