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Terrible Accident In Austria


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A terrible accident occured in the small Austrian village of Parndorf yesterday.


While trying to cross railway tracks, a lorry got stuck and was hit by a passing train. Luckily, no-one was injured, but the lorry was fully loaded with a huge amount of perfectly fine Milka chocolate - just look at the carnage!


post-1086-1158825544_thumb.jpg post-1086-1158825557_thumb.jpg


Milk Chocolate, Fruit and Nut, Chocolate Fingers - all gone!


Bet the rescue workers had toothache after that :)

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So they were just left to 'nestle' there by the tracks? Wouldn't it have been 'kinder' to sweep them up?


[Okay... who said "Wrap up?"]


Superb! :D


I wonder if anyone got (cad)buried beneath all that lot.

I'm guessing the driver didn't feel such a Smartie after that. I bet it was the Topic of conversation for miles, with everyone Whispaing about it.


I would imagine cleaning all that up would be no Picnic either!


Sorry, I'll get me coat. :unsure:

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Well soorrryyy for it not being a serious topic to debate on :rolleyes:

Poor poor wasted chocolate, R.I.P :(

Does that mean this is a "bitesize" topic then????


if so what do we need to do to make it Normal size topic if not "kingsize"


Bet you the drivers arse was makin "Buttons" as the train approached :o but i have heard a couple or rumours but i believe it to be "hershey" and am not going to say any more till i have some proof


i think also that the brand of product has had a significant "Boost" to is advertising due to this accident, i just hope the driver does not try to "Fudge" his accident report maybe even "milky (a)way" some of the compensation money .......




..........Taxi :ph34r:

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