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Cloud Nine - Mt - Cable And Wireless

local skeet

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Apparently there was an article in last weeks Examiner all about these companies and how our local company are going to reduce prices for Pronto moby users.


Anyone know by how much and when?


Did a search but the was that muchy about these companies I gave up and I have not got the Examiner.


Cheers :P

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Had an MT mobile on contract for about 6 years now, used to get really screwed on the roaming charges.


Competition for MT is certainly something good, I might not have to 'jump ship' if the competition is sucessful, as MT will have to lower their own prices - will certainly watch this one though.


Maybe MT could come up with some sort of a 'loyalty' package that will give long term users a better deal??


(Maybe I'm just dreaming?).

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MT will have to lower their own prices - will certainly watch this one though.


With a bit of clever thought and innovation MT could rule both the mobile and fixed markets with absolutely no chance of competition taking anything away from them. All they need to do is look elsewhere at similar fixed/mobile/internet packages, their discounts, bundles and their special offers etc. Even better, they need to look 'beyond' current trends and take the lead - so people look towards them for ideas. Yes they did 3G and HSDPA - but I mean 'real' products and services that you and I can get, at affordable prices, not just something to satisfy the marketing people and press.


MT have good coverage for GSM/3G, they run the Island's fixed line network, they have the billing infrastructure, the cash, a large number of staff and the biggest advantage - they already have the customer base.


You would think it would be very difficult for C&W and Cloud9 to compete given they need a new network, new infrastructure, administrative functions, staff, operations and marketing campaigns. They may also have to use MT's current network and have interconnect agreements with MT (and other operators). MT may also have high interconnect fees for the new operators calling Pronto customers, so you may find to call a Pronto mobile may cost considerably higher (Although this is one for the regulator!).


With all that said - I hope the new operators do well and with MT being the big beast that they are, I can't see them being massively pro-active, more reactive with time. All competition is a good thing, even if it just results in MT dropping their prices and introducing new services (which otherwise wouldn't have happened without these new companies)

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When all is said and done I would imagine Manx Telecom is/will become the Manx BT in that it OPERATES the infrastructure but has little more claim to it than being guardian of the fibre optics!


That said, knowing the Isle of Man Government, Manx Telecom have full control and could switch it off tomorrow if they wanted. :P

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That said, knowing the Isle of Man Government, Manx Telecom have full control and could switch it off tomorrow if they wanted. :P

The Government have got their own mobile telephone infrastructure if they needed to use it and it is better than MT's as well...


Last 10

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That said, knowing the Isle of Man Government, Manx Telecom have full control and could switch it off tomorrow if they wanted. :P

The Government have got their own mobile telephone infrastructure if they needed to use it and it is better than MT's as well...


Last 10


I was thinking more of landlines.

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I thought it was to do with the huge investigation this summer on the cost of roaming charges for all networks, most networks have slashed their roaming charges after being prompted by the mobile regulators.


This link's into the thread a while back relating to the Call-Key pre-paid SIM cards that are being sold by various websites. Customer buys a card, goes abroad - to make calls they actually 'receive' a call from the voice servers then dial-out in that manner. From what I believe hardly any European operators (bar a few Estonian ones) do pre-paid SIM cards with no inbound roaming charge - which is why the MT ones are attractive for this application.

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I agree with all your comments. It is interesting to see that once again the government have come into the subject. They could have a lot of sway with the fact that the manx public are being ripped off by a local company. We are a captive customer base, and therefore we have no choice in our use of a mobile/landline tellecommunications provider, so they can do what they want. Their customer service is disgusting, but what are you going to do, go somewhere else? Dont think so.

I am looking forward to the competition coming in, and they should be assisted by this pathetic government to do so for the benefit of the Island people.

There are similar situations though arnt there? Take that bad penny the Steam Packet Company, they are similar to MT. Don't use us, then what you going to do? At least we can fly, and its a choice you can make.

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Apparently there was an article in last weeks Examiner all about these companies and how our local company are going to reduce prices for Pronto moby users.


Anyone know by how much and when?


Did a search but the was that muchy about these companies I gave up and I have not got the Examiner.


Cheers :P

local skeet


I can half answer your question about when these so called price reductions take effect from, and it must be true because IOMONLINE said so!! - October 1st (no not April) :rolleyes:


Isn't it quite funny how it has taken IOMONLINE to tell us first rather than the mighty MT!

Clickety to IOMONLINE



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