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Cloud Nine - Mt - Cable And Wireless

local skeet

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OK lfc84, if you are so sure this info is supplied "by by MT from a press release" then please point us all to that press release as I for one would really like to read it.


Uhm, press releases generally tend to appear, you know, in the press. I'm not quite sure where else you expect to read them.


I am not sure if you realise but the press also have websites, Manx Radio, IOMONLINE?

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I am not sure if you realise but the press also have websites, Manx Radio, IOMONLINE?


What exactly is your point? I really dont understand what you're actually arguing about now.

Nicely edited ans


The mighty power of an Administrator!!


Now Uni may realise why I will not renew to a MF Subscriber!



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Uhm, press releases generally tend to appear, you know, in the press. I'm not quite sure where else you expect to read them.


But, in general, there would be different ways of using PR generated news items:


- print it in full, titled "Press Release".


- report the issue of the press release, setting it in context and maybe quoting from it: "In a Press Release Acme PLC stated: ..... " Maybe even examine the contents and comment.


- report it as news without setting it in context and creating the impression that the story has it's own momentum and that the press release is the final word.

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But, in general, there would be different ways of using PR generated news items:


I'm not the one arguing that they got ther information from a press release. I'm just mocking Last Ten for demanding to read a press release in anything other than the press. Personally I have no idea where they got their information from as they dont seem to cite any official source. Seems a pretty dumb thing to be arguing about really.

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The notice of rates changes was posted in the 'public information' section of the newspapers.


Last Ten, ans was just disagreeing with you. You think the fact that you pay to use this discussion forum means the moderators can't disagree with you?


Grow up eh?

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In all honesty I will be sticking with MT.I use maybe £10 a month on my PAYG phone,so any reduction in PAYG prices wont really be much of an incentive for me to change.

Competition is good,but there is more to being competitive than just undercutting prices

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In all honesty I will be sticking with MT.I use maybe £10 a month on my PAYG phone,so any reduction in PAYG prices wont really be much of an incentive for me to change.

Competition is good,but there is more to being competitive than just undercutting prices


Why not just scrap the local licencing of mobile telephone systems?


There isn't any obvious point or reason for the local licencing of mobile telephones. If a UK licence was good for the IOM then it would only be a matter of planning. There isn't any obvious reason why a UK licence isn't good for the IOM.


There isn't any obvious reason why the IOM should exist as a different licencing jurisdiction. Why can't the UK operators just be allowed to extend their networks to cover the IOM? There isn't any obvious reason for the IOM to be divided from the UK with respect to mobile telephones.


It doesn't serve us any good existing as an independent licencing juridiction. We'd be much better served if the UK operators were allowed to extend their networks to also cover the IOM. Then we could have the same systems and prices which exist in the UK.

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There isn't any obvious reason why the IOM should exist as a different licencing jurisdiction. Why can't the UK operators just be allowed to extend their networks to cover the IOM?


In some ways I agree, but I wouldn't say the UK Licensing system is the best model to replicate. I only have experience of WiMAX licensing, but many providers and vendors of WiMAX kit think the licensing situation stinks in the UK. It really boils down to money, and the license holders don't actually have to put the license to use. The licenses are generally granted nationwide, so a London operator could hold a license in Newcastle and have no intention of using it. Hence Pipex were sitting on the largest 3.5GHz license when other providers with dying to get hold of it.


The same was true in Ireland until Comreg stepped in (Irish equivalent of Ofcom) and revoked those licenses that weren't being put to use (`use it or lose it`). They introduced regional licensing whereby a license was granted for Cork or Dublin, but not nationwide. This sparked a massive growth in wireless broadband, in some places competing head to head with DSL. Comreg also regulate the market very well seemingly driving prices down.


The Island is very similar in the fact that although we have a Comms Comission I believe they follow Ofcom's rule. Licenses are also issued by Ofcom and Ofcom are the guys to talk to when you have issues with the license itself.


I think the issues relating to price and service are more down to the government and the regulator. BT have took a hammering from Ofcom in recent years to drive prices down and to make it a fair playing field for other players.


Competition just brings their pricing schemes under the microscope and may make people wake up to the fact that they're not as good value as they seem. I believe MT do provide a very good service on the fixed line side of things for residential and business, although some think their pricing is questionable.

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Hello All, yes i am new so be gentle.


Do we have any idea of the Island Coverage these companies are going to have?

I am dubious about this and suspect that they will only be covering the Douglas Area.

So what happens when you go out of town?


What sort of roaming agreements are they going to have? Are Cloud 9 going to have as many agreements as MT?


I am sure i have loads more questions about this but my mind has gone blank so that is it for now

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