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Cloud Nine - Mt - Cable And Wireless

local skeet

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Points very well made and, as you rightly say, the complete havoc amongst air service providers to the Island over the past 5 years is a prime example of greedy feeders who realise (at yours and mine) expense that the Manx pie only provides so many servings. A monopoly is never healthy and MT has iundoubtedly exploited its position. I believe that 1 more mobile provider is all that is required or that the Island could support - provided that couple didn't then dive under the duvet together.

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I believe that 1 more mobile provider is all that is required or that the Island could support - provided that couple didn't then dive under the duvet together.


Gah, I say anybody who wants to come in and compete should do so. Even if only to teach a horrible, harsh lesson to everybody who leaps up and down at the words Manx Monopoly. In fact, anybody who's ever moaned about the lack of competition should be drafted into the new companies and forced to work very hard to carve a slice out of a market this small.

Hey - why don't we merge this with a residency bill? New workers are allowed, as long as they're working for a company which competes with the Steam Packet/MEA/South African Pastor/Your Exploitative Monopoly Here?

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Let's hope you still think so when everyone decides that the island's telecom pie's not quite big enough and the new kids on the block float back off into the sunset leaving you playing with your cheap phone.


We've lost shipping companies in the past, airlines and independent newspapers. Can we now look forward to losing 'our' telecom company, radio stations, engineering companies and local supermarkets.


Isn't competition just fine and dandy? :huh:


'Healthy' competition can prove to be decidedly unhealthy on a small island such as this.


Whenever I've needed help and contacted Manx Telecom, I've been met with consideration and first rate attention, so I'll be sticking with our proven 'local' company, thank you.


The attitude of slating and abandoning reliable local companies is plain silly. Loss of Manx Telecom would mean loss of reliable long-term jobs and loss of proven commitment and investment on this island.


That's worth thinking about isn't it?

Let's get one thing straight here Addie, MT have had the whole of the telecom pie for long enough and now it is time to see what other companies can do for Joe Public and share the pie around instead of being greedy!


Would I be right in saying that you support Manx Monopolies? I don't because they can rip you off and we cannot do anything about it.


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Points very well made and, as you rightly say, the complete havoc amongst air service providers to the Island over the past 5 years is a prime example of greedy feeders who realise (at yours and mine) expense that the Manx pie only provides so many servings. A monopoly is never healthy and MT has iundoubtedly exploited its position. I believe that 1 more mobile provider is all that is required or that the Island could support - provided that couple didn't then dive under the duvet together.

Utah 01


You should have made your valid submission to the Communications Commission before they granted the licences.


It is too late now to complain that there should be only one other licence granted!


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Not to put a damper on Cloud9, I'm glad there is some competition coming but their website is changing daily, yesterday it talked about "packages" like free calls to other cloud9 users now today it is 2 magic numbers - that's quite a turn around. Oh and finally got my cloud9 info through the door. So much for sign up and be the first to hear I think I was the last to receive this info and I signed up months ago.


edited to add links


This is what I was talking about in case you missed it.


FOC Bundle


FOC Cloud9 calls

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I think I was the last to receive this info and I signed up months ago

I haven't received mine either bazza and I signed up months ago as well...


But looking at the last post re; 8 million it makes me more determined to sign up with one of the two new alternatives :rolleyes:


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If you are still waiting for your cloud9 brochure this is a direct link to the pdf file.

Thanks for the direct link Baz


Really interesting times lie ahead with Telecoms on the Island (and not before time) :D


Last Ten

Just out of intrest all - I see it mentions number porting..... If I moved to any one over there do you know if you can port a main land 07 number to one of the Manx based companies ?



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