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[BBC News]Race issues group visits bishop


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It was felt that in the IOM there is work to do not only about the small number of black people who attend Angican services but also about the numbers of young people.


Has it occured to the geniuses in the Church that there are not many black people here. Hence I suppose its entirely reasonable that only a small number could possibly turn up for your services?


As for encouraging the young. What does the Anglican church offer anyone, young or not? Its just not relevant to most peoples lives anymore, and why should it be? Dull churches, dull people, and you don't even get a good sing-song (which is one thing you can say about the Afro-Caribeans - they know how to have a good time in church).


I supplied the Chair of the Group with the census statistics for the Isle of Man. You are right we are geniuses here and we indeed do recognise there are not many black people. As I have said this committee is charged with going to each of the 42 Dioceses of the Church of England. This is decision of the Archbishop's Council not this Diocese. We are the smallest and the one with the least number of black people.


The Anglican Church offers a great deal of pastoral support to many in need. It is not about entertainment. If you want that look elsewhere although I have to say livelier services are needed to attract more young people. The 1662 prayer book does little for them.


I agree about the Afro-Caribean Churches. My little grand daughter attends one for Sunday School in Leicester and I will always remember the vitality and fellowship of a Christmas Service I went to two years ago.

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Tjhe Committee which looks into the position of Ethnic Minorities is really a committee of the Church of England which is primarily concerned with the welcome and support or inded any issue which arises for black people i.e. people from the Caribean mainly. It monitors and makes recommendations to the Archbishops' Council, the General SYnod and Boards and Councils of the CoE.


Ony 2.2.% of clergy were from minority ethnic backgrounds in 2005, compared to 7.9% of the working population in the UK 2001 census and 3.2% of electoral roll members in 2002.


Minority ethnic candidates accounted for 4.7% of all those recommended for training for ordination in 2005.


So there is proportinately fewer people of Black and Black British backgrounds among the clergy than among the population or omn Church electoral rolls. Black and Black British people account for 2.3% of both the population and the electoral rolls, they account for 0.9% of its clergy.


The lady who is leading the group told Clergy and Readers of the Diocese today that out of 113 Bishops in England and Wales and the IOM only 3 were black out of a total of 113. The current Archbishop of York is one of them.


I t was felt that in the IOM there is work to do not only about the small number of black people who attend Angican services but also about the numbers of young people.


There will be a Report in this weeks Manx papers about the visit. I understand the Tynwald members will also be consulted on ways in which integration and best practice can be achieved.


I don't see why members of Tynwald, especially the Methodist ones, should concern themselves with how many people from ethnic minorities go to church on the Isle of Man. Surely it's a problem for the Church of England itself to address.

Keep the church out of politics.

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I know, I think, where you are coming from but for good or ill, religion and politics are intertwined throughout the world. I hope this Committee goes beyond just looking at particular black communities attending a particular church, but understands the wider issues of racism, cultural diversity, yes immigration within communities. I also hope people of all faiths or none would welcome this initiative for greater understanding.

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