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Time Team Find!


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Programme presenter Tony Robinson says it's an exciting discovery, which may shed some light on an age old mystery.


Is there a more underhand, snivelling little wretch on telly than this prat. He can't just find something old and interesting, no, it has to solve an age old mystery.


There was a trailer for a programme he made recently looking at Doomsday beliefs which looked interesting until knobhead popped out screming that it is "absolutely central to the way we all look at the world today". And asking if there is a secret code in the Book of Revelation that predicts the end of the World. No fuckface that's what the book's about.


Since they are always in such a rush on Time Team I hope they fill the trench in before the sod gets out.

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Marstander (a key Norse Archaeologist wrote in 1937 about 2 other Manx Ogham inscriptions -

"The inscriptions of Ballaqueeney and Knock y Doonee may be described as the most unique and important historical monuments any people possesses, being original documents, removed in time by only a few generations from the great events that made the Isle of Man a Celtic community, and older by far than Fergus Mor's conquest of Scotland." thus this too may date from around 3rd to 4th Century

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This reminds me of the song by Chris TT about Time Team finding the Holy Grail and it changing the whole world.


Build A Bridge, Burn A Bridge


Tony Robinson and his Time Team

found the Holy Grail in Somerset

They won an Emmy, they won a Nobel Prize

and Channel Four staff got a pay rise

Call the lawyers! Call security!

A Holy tug-of-war could be a new Crusade

the Chief Rabbi wants a piece of the action

and the Pope is on His way


Build a bridge...


They put the Chalice in the British Museum

and the Pope had to queue with the people outside

Archeology defeated the faithful

within a year the religions all died

in Hollywood they made a new Indian Jones

and Tony Robinson got a cool cameo:

he played himself with some fake archeology men,

found the Grail again and again and again


Burn a bridge...


Would you long for an enemy in an empty world?

You so rubbish on your own, would your soul unfurl?


What a coincidence Chris TT will be playing at the Cornerhouse Friday 6th October More Details

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One does have to ask exactly how much justice a 4 day dig (and I belive only 2 days of actual finds + recording, the rest was spent covering it up), can do to a site which was allegedly "untouched" (which it actually turned out subsequently it wasn't anyway)? It also begs the question what was ignored & destroyed around that area when the golf couse and then the estate was built???


They found a remains of a Keill (which one of the archeologists persisted in calling an "old church" until I told them we called them Keill's & 3 lintel graves (cists). There was also a ditch which contained finds which dated to the bronze age, and there is a suggestion this site might have been in use for much longer than the Keill, the ditch was quite extensive, but obviously not excavated in its entirety.


Still does look interesting, and according a young lady I was chatting to, it will be used as the basis for future excavations of that site.


Ogham's (I believe they should be correctly prounouced Ohams - though I never do & neither do most people I know) are a fairly significant find, though not unusual over here. They're basically an alphabet which somewhat resembles a system of tally's - the letter being denoted by the position of the scribe above, below, or upon the centreline, the number of tallies upon it, and as to whether they are straight or have a slant to them. It's actually pretty easy to read when you are familiar with it (though I've forgotten what most of the symbols are now obviously not having much use for them in everyday life). If you want to see Oghams, you will see examples of them in the Manx Museum, together with a key explaining what each symbol means. They predate the nordic runic alphabet, and examples of them can be found in sites in Scotland (some are even found upon Pictish stones there as well), Ireland & Wales.


I will be watching the program with interest, however I doubt it will actually do justice to the site & will probably not even impart much of the information that has been found. I hope they will do a follow up talk at some point at an on Island venue.


Found it a bit strange seeing the team there, cos you get so used to seeing them on TV you feel like you know them, I remember seeing Tony Robinson & giving him a nod (like you do to aquaintances) saying "alright mate" then remembered that I hadn't evern met him, and he was probably thinking "who the f@ck is he"!!??!!

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