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One of the presenters even shouted that he could see a skeleton in one of them - what else would

he expect?

actually he wouldn't expect any organic remains to survive in the generally acidic manx soils - this is probably the 1st such (though some Victorian writers describe seeing bones that dropped to dust as the top of the cist was removed) and thus of key importance in dating - the bones needed to be saved from contamination as quickly as possible for accurate carbon dating.

She had been dead for 1500 years - if you want to complain have a go at the much more recent study of the victorian cemetery that was underneath the new St Pancras International Railway station. Surely you don't believe in resurection of the dead ?

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One of the presenters even shouted that he could see a skeleton in one of them - what else would

he expect?

actually he wouldn't expect any organic remains to survive in the generally acidic manx soils - this is probably the 1st such (though some Victorian writers describe seeing bones that dropped to dust as the top of the cist was removed) and thus of key importance in dating - the bones needed to be saved from contamination as quickly as possible for accurate carbon dating.

She had been dead for 1500 years - if you want to complain have a go at the much more recent study of the victorian cemetery that was underneath the new St Pancras International Railway station. Surely you don't believe in resurection of the dead ?


Well, two wrongs don't make a right.


Actually some people do believe in the resurrection of the dead, and would be offended by your question.

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Actually some people do believe in the resurrection of the dead, and would be offended by your question.

40 years an engineer have convinced me the best question is 'show me an example' (and by the way have you ever worked out the engery requirements to remake a few gadzillion bodies at the 'last trump') - if people base their lives on an unproven statement why should they be offended when it is questioned ?

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Perhaps Andy Johnson and his side-kick Nick Johnson (the "Keeil expert") ought to be slung out on their backsides and people with more respect for our past be employed - after all it is public money that pays them.


This is quite the silliest thing I've ever read. Sillier than George Bush's press statements, sillier than Ken Todd's tickling stick, even sillier than a colony of whoopee cushions.


Andy Johnson is an archaeologist. It's because of archaeologists that we have a past to respect, because - clever, this - they dig it up and find out all about it! No really - I just checked the dictionary and it says that's what archaeology is! That body had, as you say, lain there for 'nigh on 1400 years' - I doubt anyone would see that on telly and cry, '"You bastards! That's my grandma!" If you are actually older than the last millenium and it was your grandma then of course I apologise. If I were dug up after that long, I'd be bloody glad of the company.


I can just imagine Time Team if you'd been at the helm - "Uh-oh fellas. Looks like there's something down there. That's it, stop digging. It's a wrap" - or national heritage if people all thought like you: No Pagan Lady in Peel Castle. No knowledge of Viking ship burials. No Newgrange. No Piltdown. No Sutton Hoo. Just lots of respect for the past. Please don't be so silly.


Oh, and to a couple of other comments on this site - Tony Robinson's actually a top bloke, extremely well-informed and completely BS-free, and Phil Harding's West Country accent is real because - shock! - he's a West Country man.


Dearie me, people - some positive, thoughtful, non-sensational coverage of the Island and this is what happens - a cavalcade of crabby forum goblins drag it down their burrow and tear it apart. How bloody, bloody predictable.

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Actually some people do believe in the resurrection of the dead, and would be offended by your question.

40 years an engineer have convinced me the best question is 'show me an example' (and by the way have you ever worked out the engery requirements to remake a few gadzillion bodies at the 'last trump') - if people base their lives on an unproven statement why should they be offended when it is questioned ?


I wasn't questioning whether there is a resurrection or not.


By the way, which university did you do your engineering degree at? I have never heard of the number "gadzillion".

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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zillion says


By analogy to the names billion, trillion, and so forth for large powers of ten, words such as zillion[1] and bazillion[2] are often used as fictitious names for an unspecified, large number of indefinite size, or as part of a large, indefinite measurement. These words are often used in exaggeration. The size is dependent upon the context to which it is used, but can typically be considered large enough to be unfathomable by the average human mind.


Many similar words are used, such as jillion[3], bajillion[4], squillion[1], skillion[5], kabillion[6], kajillion[7], gajillion[8], umptillion[9], gagillion[10], gadzillion[11], godzillion[12], quillion[13], and grillion.[14]


Typically, these words are used in a humorous context, or in loose, unconfined conversation to present an un-guessably large number. It is often used to impress someone with the concept of an ambiguous numerical enormousness.


These words can be transformed into ordinal numbers or fractions by the usual pattern of appending the suffix -th, e.g., "I asked her for the zillionth time."

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Actually some people do believe in the resurrection of the dead, and would be offended by your question.

40 years an engineer have convinced me the best question is 'show me an example' (and by the way have you ever worked out the engery requirements to remake a few gadzillion bodies at the 'last trump') - if people base their lives on an unproven statement why should they be offended when it is questioned ?


I have never heard of the number "gadzillion".


It's Godzilla's mean older cousin. It eats pedants before breakfast.

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Perhaps Andy Johnson and his side-kick Nick Johnson (the "Keeil expert") ought to be slung out on their backsides and people with more respect for our past be employed - after all it is public money that pays them.


This is quite the silliest thing I've ever read. Sillier than George Bush's press statements, sillier than Ken Todd's tickling stick, even sillier than a colony of whoopee cushions.


Andy Johnson is an archaeologist. It's because of archaeologists that we have a past to respect, because - clever, this - they dig it up and find out all about it! No really - I just checked the dictionary and it says that's what archaeology is! That body had, as you say, lain there for 'nigh on 1400 years' - I doubt anyone would see that on telly and cry, '"You bastards! That's my grandma!"


I can just imagine Time Team if you'd been at the helm - "Uh-oh fellas. Looks like there's something down there. That's it, stop digging. It's a wrap" - or national heritage if people all thought like you: No Pagan Lady in Peel Castle. No knowledge of Viking ship burials. No Newgrange. No Piltdown. No Sutton Hoo. Just lots of respect for the past. Please don't be so silly.


Oh, and to a couple of other comments on this site - Tony Robinson's actually a top bloke, extremely well-informed and completely BS-free, and Phil Harding's West Country accent is real because - shock! - he's a West Country man.


Dearie me, people - some positive, thoughtful, non-sensational coverage of the Island and this is what happens - a cavalcade of crabby forum goblins drag it down their burrow and tear it apart. How bloody, bloody predictable.

Hear, hear. Afascimating programme, made all the more so as it is on our own doorstep. Far from removal of the plait 'unceremoniously', they were extremely careful as it could have disintegrated at any time. Not a mention of a Manx cat, kipper or TT race!


Top prog!

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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zillion says


By analogy to the names billion, trillion, and so forth for large powers of ten, words such as zillion[1] and bazillion[2] are often used as fictitious names for an unspecified, large number of indefinite size, or as part of a large, indefinite measurement. These words are often used in exaggeration. The size is dependent upon the context to which it is used, but can typically be considered large enough to be unfathomable by the average human mind.


Ah! I see! Frances was using a fictitious number for something he/she believes to be fictitious ! Clever, that.

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Oh, and to a couple of other comments on this site - Tony Robinson's actually a top bloke, extremely well-informed and completely BS-free, and Phil Harding's West Country accent is real because - shock! - he's a West Country man.


I don't doubt the authenticity of the accent one bit. I used the word 'eaffected'.


If he's/we're lucky he might be in the next Celebrity Big Brother house.





edit typo

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...and Phil Harding's West Country accent is real because - shock! - he's a West Country man.

Doh! Thanks for that - it's suddenly dawned on me he means he's found 'pottery' when he says 'I thoink I foind sam patttterrreeeee'! I've been rewinding the vid for hours to try and make it out.

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The program was certainly a slightly different portrayal of the IOM than we are somewhat used to & it was certainly refreshing not to hear the old stereotypes trotted out.


As I have voiced before, I still have some doubt as to whether it was appropriate to use a "previously 'untouched' Keill" as the basis for a 4 day dig IMHO it really should have constituted a beginning point for a much larger exploration of the site. One has to wonder whether the haste used could have lead to many items of significance being overlooked?


One thing is for sure, from what I have heard from talking to people involved with the dig, there was a few other things that didn't get mentioned in great detail the program that might have been appropriate to be covered. One suspects the need to fit them into a 1hr program has something to do with this.


I went up to have a skeet (as no doubt did a number of you) plus bumped into the team on the town & one thing I would say is that it would appear non of the 'character' is affected - unless they are extremely good in staying in role all weekend, even in offsite hours!

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