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Petrol Prices To Fall In Uk

Bombay Bad Boy

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Another stealth Tax










I suppose you'd prefer doubling income tax, introducing inheritance tax etc, changing from all-inclusive rates to council tax+ water charges and so on, like the immensely successful UK government.

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I don't mind paying if they deliver on service.


If your a pensioner then the island is great but if you want to make a life for yourself the isle of man isnt up there with the UK.


The companies on the isle of man always rape the man & woman on the street its a fact.


Anyway this is going off topic sorry all :rolleyes:

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I don't mind paying if they deliver on service.


If your a pensioner then the island is great but if you want to make a life for yourself the isle of man isnt up there with the UK.


The companies on the isle of man always rape the man & woman on the street its a fact.


Anyway this is going off topic sorry all :rolleyes:

You forget the many advantages of being on the Island - no need to hijack this thread to discuss this but you do sound like someone with a terminal case of moaning-itis.

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I was recently informed it was about 6p a litre of petrol in Libya - I didn't think petrol bought anywhere in the world could be that cheap!!


Why is it that we pay so much more, it can't be all transportation costs and taxes... can it?

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Re: the price of petrol in Libya ... its subsidised … Mr Qadaffi makes so much money selling the stuff to foreigners he basically gives it away for free to the locals … Mr Chavez does the same thing in Venezuela.

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Interesting feature on Fifth Gear tonight. Bloke puts (filtered, but unmodified) waste chip oil in an old Mercedes, which then appears to run fine. Then a brief interview with a bloke who makes his own biodiesel from same.


Here's the kicker: Some countries in the EU allow you to use waste oil in this manner, no paperwork, no duty, why does the UK insist on charging duty on something that would otherwise be thrown away, in this 'hey, lets be green and recycle everything' day and age?

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