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The Mea Has Nothing On The Dhss


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To be honest, I know there are a lot of people worked up over the MEA, but at least we have a spivvy modern power station and an undersea cable to show for it.


The far bigger scandal is what the DHSS does with its budget. I know I'm basing this rant on the Examiner's headline, but when you have a government department spending nearly 40% of the Government's budget (that's taxpayer money) and they have what seem to be poor controls over finances, overtime, etc the people responsible should be seriously examined to see if they are the right people for the job. We all have a chance to vote out the MHKs responsible but the employees of the outfit don't seem to have anything to lose? If you were in charge of a private enterprise that spent almost £1million per day, most would agree you would have to be pretty good at your job and if you weren't you would be shown the door. Do we have the right people with the right credentials at the DHSS?


For as long as the naivety that seems to pass for 'controls' continues (how could things have got this far?), the Isle of Man is forever going to squander its resources - with nearly full employment and an expanding economy thanks to greater tax receipts we should have noticeably better services, be putting plenty of funds aside for a rainy day or using our money to help countries worse off. When you struggle to get a doctor's appointment in the same week (unless you're an emergency!) these days, I think few would think they were enjoying improvements and there must be lots of other examples of deteriorating standards. Grrhhh!!!


Must have got out of bed the wrong side this morning, but glad I got that off my chest!

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..................or using our money to help countries worse off........................

So, on the one hand you're bitching 'cos we're spending too much money and yet you want to give more away?


I'm sorry but your post says an awful lot, without actually saying anything.

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..................or using our money to help countries worse off........................

So, on the one hand you're bitching 'cos we're spending too much money and yet you want to give more away?


No - read again what I said. I'm saying there is a lot of money being spent without proper controls and the people responsible don't seem to be accountable for their failures even though they are spending more of the taxpayers' money than any other department. There may not be anything new in what I say, but that's just all the more depressing that nobody seems to learn any lessons - typical of all governments, I suppose.


If the Isle of Man's revenue is going through a 'good time' as we are led to believe, then there should be something a bit more tangible to show for it. I don't see how helping those less fortunate could not be included in that plan, though I was including an example of how we might use a windfall, not actually advocating it :)

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The problem is that Government revenue has been so plentiful for so long that profligate spending has been the order of the day for many years. Complete lack of government accountability is the reason why it will continue unabated. The 'Gravy Train' will roll on and on.

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And where does most of that money go ? In paying pensions and benefits to the less fortunate in our society.


Go and get the breakdown of where the money goes (which are available on line)


You will be gobsmacked when you compare how little we pay for what we get (in terms of staffing, assets etc) when compared with how much we pay in benefits.

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And where does most of that money go ? In paying pensions and benefits to the less fortunate in our society.


Go and get the breakdown of where the money goes (which are available on line)


You will be gobsmacked when you compare how little we pay for what we get (in terms of staffing, assets etc) when compared with how much we pay in benefits.


How reliable is the data when there are no proper financial controls in place?

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The following is point 1 of the Govt Financial Regulations:


"These Regulations are issued by the Treasury, which is required by section 3 of the

Treasury Act 1985 "to supervise and control all matters relating to the financial affairs of the Government”."


That's where the financial controls are based. When referring specifically to Capital Projects, there is a core team who review and monitor performance of all the Capital Projects.


I am not saying that the controls have not been followed, or that at any time Treasury have failed to "supervise or control....matters relating to the financial affairs of Government" in this or any of the recent cases. I am simply directing you all to where those financial controls that have been questioned, may be found.


Although I have had to resign my position, I am still a Government employee until November 17 and am bound to act according to all the relevant regulations, so I am not going to start making unfounded accusations about any individual or group within Government. If I am unsuccessful in my election campaign, I do hope to find work within Government in the future, so again I am not going to risk my livelihood without damn good reason.



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Although I have had to resign my position, I am still a Government employee until November 17 and am bound to act according to all the relevant regulations,




So how can you have an opinion on anything leading up to the election?


What do you do on doorsteps, say "Well thats an interesting question. I'd love to answer it honestly but can't til after Nov 17th. By the way vote for me!"

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Although I have had to resign my position, I am still a Government employee until November 17 and am bound to act according to all the relevant regulations,




So how can you have an opinion on anything leading up to the election?


What do you do on doorsteps, say "Well thats an interesting question. I'd love to answer it honestly but can't til after Nov 17th. By the way vote for me!"


Being bound by the regulations doesn't stop me having opinions and certainly doesn't stop me being honest or answering specific questions. In fact, it gives me even more reason to be honest and rely on facts. It does prevent me making unfounded accusations at specific people though. Fortunately none of the people I've spoken to in Onchan have seen that as being a negative thing so far.


Having had 3,000 introductory manifestos already delivered around Onchan, several media interviews and knocked on several hundred doors already, I'd like to think that I'm not without opinions, views or more importantly, suggested solutions to a number of issues.


I'd have thought it would make a refreshing change to have a candidate who has more reason than many in the past to be honest and not simply go around telling everyone it's all bad or that the solution to the problems Government faces is to have some "old fashioned hangings". I've also agreed not to use my current position to political advantage in a way that is unfair to my opponents. Whether they have all agreed to conduct themselves in a similar manner and not use their respective positions to personal advantage not available to other candidates is up to them.

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I believe the problem lies in the fact that our society is continually wanting more and more and is not prepared to pay for it. Every man and his proverbial dog are forever wanting this and that service, and if politically supported, then they are provided and often without the necessary resources to do it. On the other side of the coin, look at the antibodies that are raised when services are talked about going to be reduced or cut. Politicians get on their hind legs and deride the relevant Dept for daring to suggest such things and the status quo usually prevails.


We all need to get real. We as citizens, the Government, and the public services in general, have to live within our respective means. If the political process is not prepared, or unable, to fund the level of expectation then the demands needs to be scaled down accordingly. However, on a political front this would mean being unpopular, and being accountable, and there apparently there is not a lot of politicians around who want to do that.


So, we are all part responsible for the problem, but also part of the solution. Until there is acceptance that there is not a bottomless pit of cash, and that the services we demand, need to be paid for, and ultimately unless the IOM Govt start successfully playing the national lottery(or finds endless money under the bed), the only realistic sustainable source of income is tax. Increase the taxes and the Island becomes less viable in economic terms. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but criticising Govt Depts without the full facts is noting less than cheap sport for armchair critics.

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I believe the problem lies in the fact that our society is continually wanting more and more and is not prepared to pay for it. Every man and his proverbial dog are forever wanting this and that service, and if politically supported, then they are provided and often without the necessary resources to do it. On the other side of the coin, look at the antibodies that are raised when services are talked about going to be reduced or cut. Politicians get on their hind legs and deride the relevant Dept for daring to suggest such things and the status quo usually prevails.


"We" - are paying £375m a year for it. 50% of all the revenue that the IOM generates goes directly to the DHSS. The claim you make that we are expecting to much is just crazy. For £375m a year I think we are right to expect quite a bit.


The fact is that this is a budget that is out of control, that is not being managed, and that people seem to think that the IOM is a bottomless pit of money that they can just keep on spending.


For a population of 80,000 (a small UK town) that is the equivalent of £4,700 per head per year being paid into the DHSS. BUPA would cost me about £1,000pa so it would be cheaper to give us free BUPA and let them run the health service at a profit.

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If you look at the figures you will find that the total you quote includes income to the DHSS, cost of social services and social security as well as health costs. The largest budget is the Social Security which is in excess of £150m which is paying benefits and pensions. Getting behind the figures gives a more accurate picture and avoids making generalisations that are inaccurate.


I believe the problem lies in the fact that our society is continually wanting more and more and is not prepared to pay for it. Every man and his proverbial dog are forever wanting this and that service, and if politically supported, then they are provided and often without the necessary resources to do it. On the other side of the coin, look at the antibodies that are raised when services are talked about going to be reduced or cut. Politicians get on their hind legs and deride the relevant Dept for daring to suggest such things and the status quo usually prevails.


"We" - are paying £375m a year for it. 50% of all the revenue that the IOM generates goes directly to the DHSS. The claim you make that we are expecting to much is just crazy. For £375m a year I think we are right to expect quite a bit.


The fact is that this is a budget that is out of control, that is not being managed, and that people seem to think that the IOM is a bottomless pit of money that they can just keep on spending.


For a population of 80,000 (a small UK town) that is the equivalent of £4,700 per head per year being paid into the DHSS. BUPA would cost me about £1,000pa so it would be cheaper to give us free BUPA and let them run the health service at a profit.

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