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Little Gits Running Amok


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This morning on 3FM they were saying as one of the headlines that police were having problems with a group of 150 underage drinkers (13-16 year olds) causing problems and vandalising things on Douglas Prom and in Noble's Park. Apparently Police are asking parents to keep a closer eye on their kids.


I'm aghast at this. What kind of ridiculous situation have we got to where this can happen en masse and nothing appears to be getting done. FFS a group of 150 youngsters breaking numerous laws right outside the police station and they are simply appealing to parents to control their kids a bit better? It's beyond a joke.

Most kids try a drink or two before they're 18 but when I was that age you'd run like feck if there was a Bobby around because you were scared you'd get done, whereas now they happily hang around in large groups, doing whatever they like and nothing is done - it's an utter disgrace. Why has it got so bad?


Probably because nothing really gets done about it so it's almost like encouragement to the wee scrotes when they can get drunk, smash a load of mirrors off cars, scratch some paint and then plan to do the same again next week.

I've had three vehicles vandalised in Douglas in close proximity to one of these asbo kids hotspots and it makes me furious.


Presumably some absurd law protects the little shits from being punished but something needs to change as it's a problem growing out of control and getting worse by the week.

150 of them FFS. If only someone had been in Noble's park with a combine harvester to scoop them up and shred them - their parents probably wouldn't have noticed from the sound of things anyway and the island would have been a better place.


Please will the 'powers that be' take some note and attend to this growing menace. :angry:

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Wow - two really great suggestions up there - that's really gonna solve the problem, isn't it? <_<


I believe we've been here before?


My points from back then still stand - whinging about it and calling the police all the time won't sort it, neither will shooting or boiling them - because "them" are the Island's future generation, and that simply requires a different approach...

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- because "them" are the Island's future generation, and that simply requires a different approach...


I agree, why don't we make them pay huge electricity prices when they grow up and charge them more for everything for the rest of their lives!



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This morning on 3FM they were saying as one of the headlines that police were having problems with a group of 150 underage drinkers (13-16 year olds) causing problems and vandalising things on Douglas Prom and in Noble's Park. Apparently Police are asking parents to keep a closer eye on their kids *snip* Presumably some absurd law protects the little shits from being punished but something needs to change as it's a problem growing out of control and getting worse by the week *snip* Please will the 'powers that be' take some note and attend to this growing menace. :angry:

It looks as though your wishes will not be granted Click


The age at which children can be brought before the courts should be raised from 10 to 14


Two years later and they get the vote for heaven's sake! Why not just remove the age of responsibility altogether and be done with it?


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The sniper rifle idea is good but a large bore, pump action shot gun would be more effective as you could hit several bogies at once.


Unfortunately, bringing back the birch is not an option.


On a more serious note, these children want to be treated like adults, so treat them like adults. At the moment the biggest threat the police will make is basically "Stop it or I will tell your mum!!!"


No, arrest them and throw them in the clink, then tell the parents to collect them. Both the children and the parents will be so embaressed, it may actually have a positive effect.

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A group of 3 lads were openly doing 'Coke' outside my house the other day, I was going to confiscate their drugs and citizens arrest them but my husband said it might not be such a good idea seeing as they were washing it down with neet Vodka. Point taken. Its a crying shame these kids have got nothing better to do.

Perhaps if the police werent so unfriendly people would have more respect for them. Perhaps..

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Don't you lot remember what it's like to be a teenager? They're bored, too old to hang around with their parents on a Saturday night, but too young to go to the pub. They're frustrated, and need help to have their frustration channelled into something positive.


All that they need is to be separated into two camps - the emos and the chavs. They should be encouraged to drink vast amounts, while anti emo / anti chav propoganda is forced upon them. Then they should be given various blunt weapons and forced to fight for our entertainment.

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99% of the time the kids will not be doing anything wrong but they are intimidating and when they know people are intimidated then they become wise to the fact and thats when the problems start.


For starters the fact that there is a large bunch of kids hanging around on the prom tells us a small part of the problem, they have got nothing better to do. Bored kids are going to get into mischeif.


While the idea of shooting and boiling some of them does appeal to me, i remember what it was like when i was that age, we did the same stuff and used to hang around in a massive gang pissing around all the time and getting in trouble with the law.


I dont want to say there is nothing to do on the island because there is plenty to do, just none of it appeals to a teenager. Lazer quest/bowling is pants and not in the best place in the world, an arcade in the middle of town that does not allow under 18`s in, a teens disco once a month that is very poorley executed, its no wonder they are getting bored and into mischeif.

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The sniper rifle idea is good but a large bore, pump action shot gun would be more effective as you could hit several bogies at once.


But then you have to get up close and personal...at least my my suggestion you can pick them off from the safe distance of a nearby window, flat bed truck etc etc.....

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