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Little Gits Running Amok


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I live right opposite Nobles Park and although there is a bit of noise on a Friday night, I have never had any problem with any younger people there.

This has been going on for years and I have to say, that is what I feel the park is for. They aren't running amok all over the place or causing any serious harm. If people living near a public park can't put up with a bit of inconvenience, then move somewhere else! There is more noise generated by the bowling competitions at night, or the rally using it as a parc ferme in the early hours, and then after a sleep interupted night...leaving early in the morning!!

I can understand that older people may feel a little intimidated due to UK media hype about large groups of youths and their behaviour, but lets be honest, are they doing anything that you or I have never done?

Or is that the concern?

Leave 'em alone I say, give them a break as long as they are not breaking the law.

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I tend to concur with Max Power. The kids who congregate on the promenade do so more-or-less opposite where I live, and there were a few dozen of them there last night as usual. Admittedly, they make a bit of noise, but kids do when they're having a laugh. Anyway, why would I need total silence between 8pm and 10pm at night? From what I can tell, all the kids do is muck about and play with their skateboards, and kids having fun and skateboarding doesn't particularly irritate me.

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Understanding between the ages wouldn't go amiss. Live and let live.


There is nothing worse than some old so and so waving their arms about and telling the kids to move on or else..!

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Do you lot not remember being teenagers? I know for a lot of you there was more things to do back then but you have to see that there is sod all these days.


My brother is 15 and he hangs about with the emo crew on the prom, they all used to go to the youth centre on Broadway but i dont know what happened to that.


From what my brother has told me and what i have seen of these teenagers that hang about on the prom they really arent doing any harm, just having a laugh and chatting with mates. I say leave them to it.


Prehaps someone will wake up and provide something for these kids to do but until then there is no use in moaning about it because they are going to be hanging about until they have something to do.

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People seem to be missing one of the points here when they're trying to convince us that these groups of cherubs do nothing but "make a bit of noise".

There is shitloads of vandalism going on every week - as I've said over the last 4 years or so I've had 3 different vehicles vandalised when I've had to leave them in the areas where these 'fun' type youngsters congregate. I don't think it's wrong for me to be somewhat annoyed (along with dozens of other people) having to pay for hundreds of pounds of damage over the years because the little shits are 'just having fun'/'harmless'/'not really doing anything wrong'.


We're just getting to the point where fireworks are going to be in the shops too - which means the little sods will be turning the areas where they so innocently loiter into beirut hotspots when they chuck them around at all hours. But it's ok - they're only having fun. :rolleyes:

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People seem to be missing one of the points here when they're trying to convince us that these groups of cherubs do nothing but "make a bit of noise".

There is shitloads of vandalism going on every week - as I've said over the last 4 years or so I've had 3 different vehicles vandalised when I've had to leave them in the areas where these 'fun' type youngsters congregate. I don't think it's wrong for me to be somewhat annoyed (along with dozens of other people) having to pay for hundreds of pounds of damage over the years because the little shits are 'just having fun'/'harmless'/'not really doing anything wrong'.


We're just getting to the point where fireworks are going to be in the shops too - which means the little sods will be turning the areas where they so innocently loiter into beirut hotspots when they chuck them around at all hours. But it's ok - they're only having fun. :rolleyes:


Well, those kids who are vandalising things or intimidating people should feel the full weight of the law - I think we'd all agree on that. It's just important that we don't demonise all kids who hang around on street corners as a result.

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Quite agrere, but when the good kids see that the bad kids get away with this kind of behaviour unpunished there's nothing to dissuade them from doing it themselves, especially when peer pressure and maybe a bit of alcopops is added to the mix.


That's then when otherwise good kids canbegin to get corrupted and start to slowly 'turn to the dark side' as it were.

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I don't have a problem with kids/teenagers hanging around the streets per-se - we were all young once and we all in most cases did the very same things when we were younger too.


I do however have a big problem with the mindless vandalism that some seem hell bent on inflicting on the rest of society.


Being 'bored' is no excuse - get a fucking clue and find yourselves something to do ffs! If that's the sole excuse for these acts of vandalism happening - charge the scrotes and be done with it!


I wouldn't say from a personal point of view that there was any more to do when I was that age, fortunately, I had a good upbringing and learnt values such as respecting my elders and not to do harm to others / other's property. I also had a part time job which allowed me to get more out of my free time by having cash in my pocket and a certain amount of independence.


Not all youngsters are bad - I know plenty that are very well behaved and know right from wrong - it's just a shame that once again, the minority of pond life seem to be tarring the majority of decent young people with the same brush.

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I'm afraid it seems to be society that is breeding these chavs, Saturday night I saw a few cases of pissed ones willing to pick a fight with a carrier bag. Maybe the position of the burberry cap on the back of the head mixed with buckfast and a cool south-south westerly wind has this reaction.


Seriously though, it was quite frightening that someone out there will get a beating for no apparent reason because these little pricks don't know or care the difference between right and wrong. The promenade is quite a scary place if your not with a group.

To them a jail sentence is a couple of months without paying rent at their bedsit or buckfast bills. The winter is setting in, the Victoria road Radisson looks quite appealing to them.

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Although I haven't been working nights for a couple of weeks, my usual rank to park on was the one at Tower House and, because weekends are nowhere near as busy as they used to be, I've had plenty of opportunitities to observe the youngsters gathering on the Promenade opposite there.

Okay, they're likely to just step out into the road without bothering to use the pelican crossing or even looking to see whether there's any traffic coming along - just to show how 'cool' they are. They're also likely to make pedestrians leap aside as they hurtle along on skateboards. They seem to find it hilarious to grab a hat from one of their number and hurl it around, refusing to give it back (I played that game at the Sunshine infants' school!). They are also loud and some of them have (or have had) alcohol. One or two of them have a tendency to lean on cars, or sit on the bonnets of them, while they're chatting to their friends. But I've never seen them deliberately cause any damage (I'd have reported it if I had) and I've never seen them deliberately hurt anyone. The occasional 'fights' are hardly worthy of the name - usually just an attempt by one idiot to impress others with his 'hardness.'

Later at night, when the adults are pouring out of Quids and Jaks, it's a different matter. Then the groups of older people can be intimidating, their boisterousness can quickly turn to real violence and damage to property is often something done to show everyone that really still young at heart.

In other words the kids are socialising, showing off to each other, and accepting stupid dares. They seem to have some kind of unofficial curfew because they're pretty much gone by eleven o' clock and, apart from being a bit of a nuisance to some people, they are fairly harmless.

The real vandals and thugs on Douglas Promenade are - more often than not - the ones who are old enough to drink (but not old enough to handle it) and who have emerged from a night of drinking in the pubs and clubs.

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