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Hed Kandi


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If I can add my two pence worth...


Everyone on the Club IoM mailing list new about the night - so as they say - if your names not down... drop me an email info@clubiom.co.uk or PM...


Rob Wilder has been know to the Full-on! crew for the last 5 years and has played about 8-10 times back in the day when he had his Trance Trousers on - genuine 'nice guy' who did the Isle of Man a BIG favour playing for us and sitting in on the 'PH Factor' on Energy...


Rob is one of Hed Kandi's most repected DJ's and has travelled the world for MOS flying the Kandi flag. I don't think that Rob would argue that playing for Full-on! and rubbing shoulders with some top DJ's in the process, helped him up the ladder. And lets not forget, the sterling work done by Paul Hughes through his radio show which is listened to around the world. Rob must be one of the most interviewed DJ's ever on Energy.. This was Rob's way of saying 'thanks' to the Isle of Man :P


Just for the record - his two hour set just blew the room away with people crying for more at the end. There was a queue of girls at the DJ box asking for his autograph! :unsure: I have to say though, everyone was gagging for it as Cam, Wee Jason and PH got the room to fever pitch... OMG did I say that?


The tickets were sold selectivly to friends, so we could just just enjoy the night - and it worked a treat.. Even security were a joy - they were there because they wanted to be a part of it - and it showed..


All in all, a top night - well organised...


Want another one? Well, sometimes pigs can fly :lol:


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