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R Plate Lunatics

Roger Smelly

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A good way of curtailing R plate drivers would be to ban them all.

ANyone with an R plate is banned for 12 months and has to retake his test (its usually a sad little boy with a big exhauste) an dthen they get their R plate and get banned all over again, problem solved.

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Ive been to skiing slalom events but wnat to know where I can attend a fucking slalom, sounds fun

Derby Road would seem to be your best bet! The uphill fucking slalom is not an event for the weak hearted!


I'm sure there are other manx uphill events that prove equally challenging.


Uphill VTR dodging on Crellins Hill for example.

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  • 2 months later...

Well was driving home tonight and was over taken by a R plated anus doing more than 60mph.


To me you sound confused about the R plate, Did you not know that if you are a teenager with a crowd of mates in the back or heavens forbid a Chavy slapper in the passenger seat to impress the R stands for RACER and have to drive like a complete tosser,


Ahh Chavy slappers can't beat 'em!

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and yellow line parking restrictions are blatently ignored.


You're not wrong on that one, I'm often walking about central Douglas during the day as part of my job, and not only do huge numbers of people flout the double yellows, they actually get away with it as well.


Instead of having a traffic warden possibly passing by and standing around for a few minutes looking like he/she might write a ticket out, (if they're in the area at all), why not start getting them patrolling known trouble spots together with digital cameras, and anyone who's so fucking lazy as to create a dangerous obstruction that everyone else (on foot or in a vehicle) has to actively avoid, gets a ticket through the post with photographic evidence?


There seems to be some sort of bizarre agreement in place which says that the Appetites/Jaime's Kitchen vans can park on double yellows on Prospect Hill whenever they want, and nothing will ever be done. Considering that these two establishments are opposite from each other on a very busy road, why the fuck is nothing ever done about the fact that double decker buses have to swerve out over the centre line on what is close to being a blind corner to get past an illegally parked van that someone's loading with sandwiches?


When you have an Appetites van on one side, and a Jaime's Kitchen van on the other, the net effect would be funny if it weren't so potentially deadly.


Yeah I know they're businesses and businesses have to make money, but if you can't afford the couple of extra minutes and the couple of extra pounds that it costs to have your vans park on Shaw's Brow for a quid an hour, you're doing something wrong.


Still, at £3.50 for a baguette, the owners of Appetites must be poverty stricken!


Douglas prom is the worse for this, have you seen how many FOR SALE cars are parked for weeks on end in 2 hour and 24 hour resticted areas, I live at the Queens Prom end and I have Never seen a traffic warden in this area who as actually given out a ticket, the prom is beginning to look like a used car lot

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I loved the car that I saw a few weeks ago, "R" Plate on the Off-Side Front and back bumpers, "L" Plate on the Near-Side Front and back Bumpers. I could just imagine the parental conversation "Johnny, get in the right side of the car, that's the side with R on each corner..."


Heh, made me laugh anyway.



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The standard of driving in the Isle of Man has certainly deteriorated in the last five years. I genuinely believe a lot of it boils down to bad manners and laziness. If everyone paid a bit more attention to the impact they were having on the people around them then a lot of the rudeness and agression would be taken out of the experience. It costs little extra in terms of additional time to abide by the speed limits or park in designated areas - given that so many people don't its no wonder we're becoming a nation of stressed-out fatties! Certainly not the preserve of R plated drivers either - drivers of all ages and levels of driving experience are responsible.


Also, I wouldn't mind betting on the following road usage trends over the last five years which contribute to the stress of driving during peak times:


(1) An increase in the total number of cars on the road;


(2) An increase in the average size of cars on the road;


(3) A decrease in the average number of people in each car;


(4) A decrease in the average distance of each journey.


Still, far better to provide a compelling alternative to taking the car for more journeys than trying to legislate your way out of the problem. Certainly in Prague I use public transport in preference to the car for journeys within the city because its cheap, quick, regular and less hassle than driving. Not sure the same could be said of public transport on the Island - if you can find the right formula then the quality of life of everyone would undoubtedly improve.

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I would just like to announce that today i managed to single handly remove a R plated driver from the islands roads :rolleyes: ,


I did this simply by stopping at a red pedestrian crossing....... i and two other drivers had just passed a parked car near a crossing and stopped at the red light when Mr "Ronnie racer" passed the parked vehicle behind me and accelerated all the way in to the back of my works van, luckly i had left a good sized gap between me and the car infront which was soon closed up as the heavily tuned clio complete with fluffy dice, loud exhaust and chavett passenger interfaced with the tow hitch and proceeded to redesign the front of his car complete with a new style of wrap a round radiator for his engine :lol: ,


Of course as the dutyful driver i pulled over to the side of the road when the lights changed to check if either he or his passenger was hurt then removed his bumper fom my tow hitch and checked my van over ,no damage luckly, after which i pointed and laughed out load at him and told him he was a bit of a prat and that he had justed learned a valuble lesson, then drove off :lol: needless to say thats one less on the roads for a week or two,

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Well done on taking one of them out!! Unfortunatly I have to try and minimise the chances of them plowing into me at the moment, have just bought a new car, that the R platers could never afford to insure and for some reason they insist on driving 2 inches from the bumper I assume its a case of "wanna race mister" but I am doing the speed limit in town so I have to drive for them and make sure I slow down gradually so their little minds can keep up and not write off my car with their POS!


P.S Not one of them has followed me to an unrestricted out of town road yet i think the extra 250bhp puts them off a little....

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