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Fox Hunting


Do you agree with the proposed fox hunting ban?  

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I think this sort of thing is so stupid, fox hunting has been a tradition that has gone on for about a thousand years. They are pests to farmers, if they happen to get near any chickens for example they won't settle for killing just one they'll maul the whole lot. What do you think?

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Well its just a shame that within such a short space of time the entire culture of the country is being changed beyond belief. It will be devasting to the countryside with all the money lost, the same people asking for an end to things like fox hunting also want to get rid of the monarchy and other british institutions.


How does the Government plan to enfore this stupid law? All it'll do is make 'criminals' out of ordinary people.

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DtCB comes from generations of farmers – and we would never allow The Hunt anywhere near our farms.


It is much more efficient to shoot foxes. Despite what the Pro-Hunting lobby tell you, it is easy to do, if you know your farm and and habits and lifestyle of a fox.


My family wouldn’t let them near our farms because of the damage caused, which their lordships rarely compensated for apparently, it was seen as the duty of the lowly farmer to allow this to happen.


But the main reason to oppose this is because….


It is an aristocratic pursuit – it re-inforces the class system -


Its origins are from the middle ages when the Lord of the Manor had horses and hounds to play with. Last century all the aspiring noveau riche learned to ride, got some horses and wore the red coat to be seen as part of and to be allied to, the aristocracy. It is still an aristocratic pursuit, the preserve of the comparatively wealthy. There is little place for the real working farmer in this ‘sport’.


As to loss of jobs – b ollocks. Fox hunting was made illegal in Germany (by Hitler) in the thirties, and the Germans continue hunting - by draghunting – just as is practiced here. There need be no loss of jobs, just a different type of hound.


Finally – it is wrong to kill for the pleasure of killing something. That is all fox-hunting is.


It is not to control vermin. It is on a level with cockfighting and bearbaiting.


As I have said elsewhere, there should be an enquiry into the excessive force the Police used yesterday in London.


An enquiry as to why they did not use a lot more.

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Voted yes to support it. There are more humane ways to eliminate the fox problem.



Seriously, like what? A fox hound will dispatch a fox in seconds. I disagree with the glorification of hunting but to stop the hunting of foxes by using hgounds will result in a lot more pain and lingering deaths than being set upon by a pack of hunting dogs that by nature and nurture go straight for the kill.


So the fox is shredded afterwards? So what - it's dead.


What's more the mechanism whereby the government are forcing this bill through sets a very dangerous and much to be avoided prescedent.

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Voted yes to support it. There are more humane ways to eliminate the fox problem.



Seriously, like what? A fox hound will dispatch a fox in seconds.


A bullet will despatch a fox in a fraction of a second. I have seen my father and grandfather do it. They are much easier to hit with a .22 than a rabbit is, and more regular in their habits.


The Countryside Alliance et al don't worry about controlling rabbits by shooting because they may have a lingering death. Why is that argument used for foxes?


The killing is to give pleasure to the participants in the Hunt, nothing else.


Perhaps it could be kept legal if they agreed to eat the kill, then there would be some justiification......

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Voted yes to support it. There are more humane ways to eliminate the fox problem.


How the hell can you be humane with a fox? Do not be soft.


And about cats and dogs they are supposed to be trained by their owners it is there responsibilty, a fox is completely different it is in their nature


Actually its the 21st century

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