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Fox Hunting


Do you agree with the proposed fox hunting ban?  

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we have loads of foxes in canada but you don't see a bunch of rich people dressed up with dogs chasing the crap out of them and ripping them to shreds.

oh really....

Over in Canada, where the code also applies, there are a dozen foxhound packs, which may be used to hunt foxes or coyotes.


The provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia currently have annual fox hunts...


Of course, Canada has much more humane hunting activities… (look, not a dog in sight)




Public opposition has declined to 36% in light of recent political debates, public inquiries, and as the facts become known and better understood. An opinion poll of rural veterinary surgeons in 2001 revealed that 63% of them were opposed to a ban on hunting, on animal welfare grounds. In line with this an NOP poll taken in December 2002 showed that public support for a ban has now fallen to only 36%.

Over the last decade, hunting has been subject to an unprecedented level of scrutiny. Two Labour Government inquiries, Scott-Henderson (1951) and Burns (2000) as well as the independent Phelps inquiry (1997) have all provided no basis for a ban.


Good old Labour.

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What a whole pile of crap !!!


The journalist has practically no factual basis in this article.


Barry portrays himself as The Devil's Advocate so must of his scribblings are tongue in cheek. I personally find most of it mildly amusing and like his use of words. His English really is very good indeed. But I don't think ANYONE should take the content seriously.


Rog tell your mate Barry the following:


1. It is about Class - the sooner we get rid of it, public schools, privilege, Fox Hunting the better.


If it were not for Public Schools providing a bench mark to show just how God-Awful the state education system is it would probably be even worse. But I do agree with legislation to ban hunting as a sport though I do not agree with banning the use of dogs in the hunting of foxes. 


The reality is that shooting a fox and getting a clean kill is very difficult and there will be a great many of the things left to die in agony either by having been wounded or even worse as a result of poisoned bait that will also be eaten by any other carnivore that comes across it.

Public Schools do NOT provide a benchmark on education standards. The Grammar Schools did that. Public Schools certainly did provide a benchmark on privilege and homosexuality though.


Shooting a fox and getting a clean kill is no different from shooting any animal. It all depends on how good a shot you are. Personally I am a Marksman First Class so I find making a clean kill extremely easy. So spare us all the "left to die in agony" bleeding heart bs. More get killed on the roads than by any other method anyway. Anyone giving up driving?

2. There is absolutely no chance in the next millennium that shooting and fishing will ever be banned.

Let’s wait and see.  You can bet serious money that the bunny-huggers will go after both as soon as they succeed on this present issue.

As both are used to obtain food to eat then there is no chance of a ban. Shooting will be needed to control the fox population anyway! In any event as far as I am aware neither are currently on a party Manifesto.

3. The Health Service, Education and Law and Order if they have not actually improved, they certainly, by any measure, have not got worse (but of course Rog and Barry, nothing like the golden age of the 50's and 60's when we were young eh?)


Actually the 50’s and 60’s were both better and worse in all respects.  Better in that education was vastly superior to that of today.  It’s not that kids now work any less it’s that the education was better.  More focused on teaching the essentials, more focused on educating rather than teaching, more focused about learning how and not just what. 


And schools much better disciplined.  Step out of line – you get punished either by the cane, detention, or ‘lines’. Sometimes all three. 


Another example of discipline (very close to home!)  get caught with an illegal salmon and a ‘snatch’ – a good back-hander from Sgt. Jim Swindlehurst (and I mean a GOOD back-hander), loss of the fish, and that was it.  Tell your mum and you get the same.  Far better than being dragged before a juvenile court and all that then follows on. 

I was at school during the seventies and I could not say the education was better then than it is now. The world has changed so much since then that I would hope the education system has changed with it. As far as discipline and law and order goes I think we have swung towards too liberal but the next swing will be the other way. A point to bare in mind is that 50% of all arrestees in a UK county tested positive for narcotics - unheard of when I was young.

But on the other hand lots of things that have improved. Standard of living – certainly and massively.  Quality of living – awful.

Your quality of life may be awful. Mine isn't.

4. We need asylum seekers - our white population is mean and pasty faced and our gene pool needs serious improvement from the more intelligent peoples of the world


We need asylum seekers like we need a hole in the head.  Do the sums and look at the REAL cost of importing NuLabour voters – ‘cos that’s what it’s all about, make NO mistake.  <edit: removed by ans as original post has been changed>.  As regards ‘more intelligent peoples – precisely who had you in mind?

But they do an awful lot of low paid jobs that young chavs would never do.

5. The economy has never been better


The economy is an unmitigated disaster giving the impression of success.  It si founded on unprecedented levels of personal debt and unprecedented levels of Government borrowing.  It is akin to a family having mortgaged their house to the hilt and beyond and every member having run their 'plastic' to the limit.  And believing that they are doing well because of all the things that they have bought.


In the near future the effects of running the economy in the manner in which NuLabour has will become clear to the whole country – when the bills come in.

Care to make a guess when that might be?

7. The only area Blair has got badly wrong is IRAQ - and for that he should not only be booted out by the people, he should be put on trial for War Crimes.


The only thing that Bleah did that was RIGHT was to support the US.  But even that he screwed up by even suggesting to Bush that he should go to the worthless UN.

As far as I am concerned the jury is still out on that one.


Edited because I can't spell skule (ha ha ha) as any fule no.

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6.  The sooner we become fully integrated in a European Federation the better



By saying 'we' I presume you mean UK residents. As, of course, the Isle of Man will not be joining the European Union at this stage in it's history.


That would probably be the biggest mistake this Island could make. I personally would never want to be part of ' a European Federation'.





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What a piece of jingoistic journalism!!!

There’s a great many people – myself included – who see this and similar articles from the same sources as being amusing and very tongue in cheek but nonetheless at heart precisely representative of how we see the world.


And those people are free to go to Mr. Bealzebub's website directly. Or even click on any link you provide.


Please don't cut 'n' paste long pieces of writing into a message when the same content is viewable elsewhere on the net. .

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Well its just a shame that within such a short space of time the entire culture of the country is being changed beyond belief. It will be devasting to the countryside with all the money lost, the same people asking for an end to things like fox hunting also want to get rid of the monarchy and other british institutions.


How does the Government plan to enfore this stupid law? All it'll do is make 'criminals' out of ordinary people.


I voted yes, Ban this mostly toffee-supported pass-time


Batman - what an interesting connection you made ...


Fox species- with a natural instinct to raid....and the Monarchy, created by....raiding ...

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I fear we have been dragged into the politically correct era by overbearing socialists.


We are no longer entitled to opinions lest it hurts someones feelings.


What's wrong with wanting to keep standards high or even improving them, we are constantly being dragged down to the lowest common denominator.


George Orwell must be laughing down his sleeve.

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