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Fox Hunting


Do you agree with the proposed fox hunting ban?  

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I can't believe that fox hunting has ever been instrumental in reducing fox numbers by any significant amount in a particular area?


How many foxes are despatched per hunt? How many hunts are held in a particular area each year?


Foxhunting is one of those things which reinforces the English class structure, which is making an unwelcome return particularly under this government. Apart from the cruelty, the damage and disregard for others can be likened to the controversy surrounding our own issues with the use of country tracks!


I don't believe that there is a humane way of killing wild animals but a more efficient way would be hunting with a gun, I wouldn't object to this to be honest, providing that it was properly controlled!

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I can't believe that fox hunting has ever been instrumental in reducing fox numbers by any significant amount in a particular area?


How many foxes are despatched per hunt? How many hunts are held in a particular area each year?


Foxhunting is one of those things which reinforces the English class structure, which is making an unwelcome return particularly under this government. Apart from the cruelty, the damage and disregard for others can be likened to the controversy surrounding our own issues with the use of country tracks!


I don't believe that there is a humane way of killing wild animals but a more efficient way would be hunting with a gun, I wouldn't object to this to be honest, providing that it was properly controlled!



As said though, were not just talking about the tofs. It may not be the most effective way of controlling fox numbers but is that a justifiable reason for banning it? The tofs can still go on rides with the hounds disregarding others and causing damage if you like, but that’s not what’s been banned here.


'Humane' would be an instant death, a bullet to the brain or chest brings about just that therefore is considered 'humane'. I guess the issue is hounds don’t necessarily bring this about? I don’t know. But regardless what bothers me is its still legal to hunt other vermin (rats, rabbits etc) with hounds/dogs, ferrets etc. How is that so? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander imo... Same with Badger, why do fox and ~Badger deserve such special treatment over other species that causes us problems/danger/expense? Neither are rare or endangered.


Shooting is an excellent method when carried out by someone who knows what they are doing, but even then wounding can still occur from time to time. But the main issue is that its not always safe or practical to carry out, and to do it you have a whole load of hoops to jump through.


Even bell-end Blair regretted banning fox hunting because he “didn’t know enough about it at the time” His words (or similar, do a search).

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The principal argument against traditional fox-hunting is moral. It is morally indefensible, save to those of a Neanderthal disposition, to make enjoyment and entertainment out of the taking of life. If fox populations need to be culled from time to time it is a matter of great regret and should not be a light hearted matter.

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The principal argument against traditional fox-hunting is moral. It is morally indefensible, save to those of a Neanderthal disposition, to make enjoyment and entertainment out of the taking of life. If fox populations need to be culled from time to time it is a matter of great regret and should not be a light hearted matter.


So why hasn’t the same law been brought in for hunting other vermin species? Genuinely, why?, if the method used is so indefensible...


It should never be taken light hearted, "lethal force" is always supposed to be the last resort in any line of pest control. Given experience most people know when other means are a waste of time and expense though.


Personally I don’t buy the enjoyment/entertainment bit. As I said before if that was the sole purpose why do the tofs still put so much effort into their drag hunts etc?


If all they want to do is kill something it seems like they are going to quite an unnecessary amount of farting about don’t you think!.

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So why hasnt the same law been brought in for hunting other vermin species? Genuinely, why?, if the method used is so indefensible...


It should never be taken light hearted, "lethal force" is always supposed to be the last resort in any line of pest control. Given experience most people know when other means are a waste of time and expense though.


Personally I dont buy the enjoyment/entertainment bit. As I said before if that was the sole purpose why do the tofs still put so much effort into their drag hunts etc?


If all they want to do is kill something it seems like they are going to quite an unnecessary amount of farting about dont you think!.

The Law should be extended to all species. Clearly, the hunt want to exercise their primitive hunting instincts to not only kill but to enjoy the process. They should stick to drag hunting if the fun is all they want - the insistence on killing foxes gives the lie to that being the sole purpose - they want to kill. As I said, Neanderthal instincts.

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So why hasn’t the same law been brought in for hunting other vermin species? Genuinely, why?, if the method used is so indefensible...


It should never be taken light hearted, "lethal force" is always supposed to be the last resort in any line of pest control. Given experience most people know when other means are a waste of time and expense though.


Personally I don’t buy the enjoyment/entertainment bit. As I said before if that was the sole purpose why do the tofs still put so much effort into their drag hunts etc?


If all they want to do is kill something it seems like they are going to quite an unnecessary amount of farting about don’t you think!.

The Law should be extended to all species. Clearly, the hunt want to exercise their primitive hunting instincts to not only kill but to enjoy the process. They should stick to drag hunting if the fun is all they want - the insistence on killing foxes gives the lie to that being the sole purpose - they want to kill. As I said, Neanderthal instincts.




Just one problem. Due to all the complaints about non-target species getting accidentally poisoned, trapped, or caught in snares you will want those methods banning to, its like a slippery slide. Shooting & legally held guns are under enough scrutiny and will probably become yet more restricted if not completely removed from the general public and before you know it agricultural businesses have lost practically everything to deal with a major threat to productivity and the townies wonder why food prices go sky high and vermin are pouring into the towns & cities causing them problems.


But as you are clearly an expert on the countryside/agriculture/pestcontrol you must know better then me. ;)


All I know is none of the above is likely to happen in the near future, quite the opposite if anything for reasons I cant really be arsed discussing in depth. Put simply the main reason pests can be controlled is to protect agriculture, and therefore food security which is becoming a bigger issue all the time.


I'm not a horse riding, fox hunting toff or a supporter. But making so many clearly unsubstantiated, false, and misleading comments about the their mental state of mind is wrong, I know that. So I don’t think you should unless you can back it up properly which nobody has been able to yet. Any genuine physiatric reports ? :lol:


Maybe everyone with a mouse trap or fly swat is mentally ill to, as they must also gain some sick pleasure just from using them .

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Ruger - you really don't know what morals and ethics are, do you?


Yes I do, I don’t think its as clear cut as you make it sound though.


The same issue applies to those that brought the ban in, they didn’t know all the facts or were just ignorant of them.


I bet half the people who voted for the ban in this thread didn’t realize it is still legal to use many other ways of 'hunting' fox, all the ban did was limit the options down to those that wont always be the most appropriate.


The same applies to many other subjects, people feel the need to pass judgment or worse still laws on things they know little or nothing about.


The regret bell-end Blair (a politician!) expressed over then ban speaks volumes alone.


If you think I’m some heartless animal hater, then think again. I have probably done more for wildlife, (particularly rare species) and the countryside than you ever have.

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Ruger - you really don't know what morals and ethics are, do you?


Yes I do, I don’t think its as clear cut as you make it sound though.


The same issue applies to those that brought the ban in, they didn’t know all the facts or were just ignorant of them.


I bet half the people who voted for the ban in this thread didn’t realize it is still legal to use many other ways of 'hunting' fox, all the ban did was limit the options down to those that wont always be the most appropriate.


The same applies to many other subjects, people feel the need to pass judgment or worse still laws on things they know little or nothing about.


The regret bell-end Blair (a politician!) expressed over then ban speaks volumes alone.


If you think I’m some heartless animal hater, then think again. I have probably done more for wildlife, (particularly rare species) and the countryside than you ever have.


ruger thers no point really.


because the public see foxes as fluffy cuddlay things that do no harm, and thats because they dont have to deal with them, they sit and watch them on the TV or see them running in the fields (maybe not here)

They feel they have to protect them :rolleyes:


Now im betting you that if it was rats or mice in there house they would have somebody in to remove these animals as soon as, and not a care in the world. because they have to deal with them there in there space and they dont want them.

and im betting if it was foxes in there gardens biteing there children and causeing hell they do the same thing.


Its just because they know northing about them and what harm they do and how dangoures one is, because they watched a bit of TV that shows them to be cute and loveable.

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Ruger - you really don't know what morals and ethics are, do you?


Yes I do, I don’t think its as clear cut as you make it sound though.


The same issue applies to those that brought the ban in, they didn’t know all the facts or were just ignorant of them.


I bet half the people who voted for the ban in this thread didn’t realize it is still legal to use many other ways of 'hunting' fox, all the ban did was limit the options down to those that wont always be the most appropriate.


The same applies to many other subjects, people feel the need to pass judgment or worse still laws on things they know little or nothing about.


The regret bell-end Blair (a politician!) expressed over then ban speaks volumes alone.


If you think I’m some heartless animal hater, then think again. I have probably done more for wildlife, (particularly rare species) and the countryside than you ever have.


ruger thers no point really.


because the public see foxes as fluffy cuddlay things that do no harm, and thats because they dont have to deal with them, they sit and watch them on the TV or see them running in the fields (maybe not here)

They feel they have to protect them :rolleyes:


Now im betting you that if it was rats or mice in there house they would have somebody in to remove these animals as soon as, and not a care in the world. because they have to deal with them there in there space and they dont want them.

and im betting if it was foxes in there gardens biteing there children and causeing hell they do the same thing.


Its just because they know northing about them and what harm they do and how dangoures one is, because they watched a bit of TV that shows them to be cute and loveable.


Quite correct. I suppose they use humane mouse traps, where upon releasing the mouse outside, it first bites you, then beats you back in on the door :lol:


Aye im all for it, I hate people that tell me what to do, and not what to do when they have no rite to



Yes, true & very annoying which brings me onto my final point.


The other reason for the ban was the fact lots of votes were to be had from the general, gullible, out of touch public. Who simply saw a Ban on hunting the poor, innocent, cute little bazzle brush by the evil, murderous, rich, country toffs.


When you think about it, its no surprise they weren’t interested in the facts or repercussions, they just saw many potential votes from the bunny hugger brigade who unfortunately out number those with any connections or knowledge on the actual matter. They simply saw an easy target.


No wonder tosser Blair openly admitted it was a mistake, after he was PM, when the damage was done, and when it was to late :rolleyes:

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Im absolutely and utterly astounded by this reply!


Ohh dear, what is it?, a different opinion to your own!!!


It has to be sum kind of joke surly? or an attempt at trolling to make me respond ?


The irony! For exampe, what has pesticides/chemicals got to do with fox hunting? Your just out to cause controversy, typical troll.


But I suppose I must! Its ones duty in life to help others !


So shut up and listen?


No im not a “townie” I am at one with nature and I always have been! I didn’t chose to be so, it kinda chose me!


Wow, what planet are you on? In your dreams "it" did...


Pesticides that have been linked and shown to cause cancers ect are STILL being used in the uk, the USA has banned them over fears of there toxicity, but we still use them in the uk!!! Google it and you will see !

Pesticides which are supposed to kill insects DO get passed down the food chain from grasses and plants ect to cows and sheep and eventually onto to humans causing desiese ect in humans.


The use of pesticides IS a false economy, insects that pesticides are designed to kill are now becoming resistant to pesticides, ( and im glad these insects are becoming resistant ! ) and so much more pesticides are needed to have the same killing effect .

But not only do pesticides kill “pests” they also kill helpful insect species aswell such as bees.

If bees are wiped out, and farmers are having a good go at it!! then it would have a catastrophic effect on food production as bees pollinate approximately 80% of all plant and trees.


What has this got to do with fox hunting ? This is a seperate topic, why not start a new thread about it? I cant be bothered wasting time correcting you, if I showed you black you'd say it was white, simple as that. Whats the point!


Farmers who use pesticides are indeed IGNORANT and FOOLISH in there ways! In fact Id go as far as to say there VERY VERY dangerous to society!

They are killing bees, the worlds most important pollinator, how utterly stupid is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So your calling like 99% of farmers ignorant and foolish and your calling me a troll, if our farmers were so ignorant and foolish they wouldnt be any british produce on shop shelves, I just cant understand how you can be so confident that farmers dont need to buy expensive sprays, expensive sprayers/machinery, go through sprayer tests annually etc etc if they are so much better without it?


The argumant they are stupid DOES NOT stand up, back it properly you nutter!


Dangerous to society? Whats worse, your delusional ideas about conventional farming, or nothing for us to eat? Becasue I assume you'd have us all grazing grass and weeds, drinking from streams, and living in caves or something if conventional farming is so dangerous for "society"?


By the way, the more people on this planet (including you) the worse its going to get (in your eyes atleast), just wait until it really hits home that we need to up production, organic or 'green' methods will be the last thing on our minds. Prices are going up all the time, this is half the reason.


Fox hunting is a disgusting and sadistic pastime, fox hunters share the very same characteristics as psychopaths and encourage a world full of cruelty.

A fox tears open a rabbit for its food, a fox hunter tears open a fox and kills for fun and pleasure which is cruelty, there is no evolutionary gain in cultivating a world full of cruelty.

In your imagination they do, fox will suffer much more if you allow their numbers to go uncontrolled but you cant see past the end of your own nose so how would you know! Think mange, teretorial fighting, lack of food resulting in starvation etc etc. Not to mention the negative effect on ground nesting birds, small mammals, farms animals( poultry, lambs, piglets...)


As above, foxes are VERY WELL KNOWN for killing for fun! Just as a fox kills for food, we kill to PROTECT our food, or for food. But no, you will say its for some sick pleasue etc!


Tell the truth about fox hunting please !!!!!!!!!!!


A child who has been brought up in association wiv animal cruelty as being acceptable and the norm, has a much greater chance of becoming a cruel and violent adult, and is at a much greater risk of become a murderer ect, is this the kind of world u want to encourage?


You will encourage cruelty by adopting the hands off approach with wildlife. I think kids are more likely to get messed up in the head watching weird films and playing stupid games then spending time outdoors taking part in a traditional, and safer (than shooting, traping, snaring), style of pest control.


No I wouldn’t leave the pups to die inside her, as If I came across a pregnant vixen who was ripped open I would help save the pups, but id never dream of harming her in the first or second place!


No I don’t have to learn any more on the subject before passing comment.


'Twas freindly advice but fair enough


This is a public forum and anyone can post.




Gazza Im disappointed in ya for shooting foxes!!!!


Top stuff Gazza I say, sounds like more of a challenge to the usual rabbit contol over here!




Do you realize its still perfectly legal to hunt many other species of vermin with dogs? Why should fox have such special treatment? Just because you think they are 'cute' and rats arn't? I dont understand that one... pretty unfair on the other species if so.


I agree with Cambon, exept maybe... you are both an idiot and a troll.






( Its times like these that I wish steven would come back and make an appearance, just one last time! What ever happened to the man!

Im quite sure he wouldent put up with all this crap and nonsense and would definitely show fox hunting and other blood sports to be what they are, utterly selfish and vile !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steven may well be dead after what they did to him years ago, but his beautiful enlightened spirit lives on in midnight !!!!!!!!!!! :) )


But anyways Im unable to quote specific statements, I haven’t sussed out the multi quote thing as yet! and im not going to answer all queries anyways coz no one has answered most of mine! so will just make generizations.


I haven’t called farmers ignorant nor foolish, ive stated that there “methods” of farming are ignorant and stupid which they are!


The use of pesticides has EVERYTHING to do wiv fox hunting!!!

hunting and farming ect are all linked to each, all are consumed in animal cruelty! :(


All these people, mostly disrespect nature and wildlife and destroy the countryside via there crazy methods and actions! .

Its not only the farmers who are at fault, its the supermarket giants who drive factory farming and have forced local farmers and harmless farming methods to become exstinct!


These super markets have little or no respect for animal welfare, and “force” large scale farmers to farm with cruelty so the supermarkets can make as much money out of famers quickly and to hell with the consequences !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Keeping chickens tiny gages when birds are SUPOSED TO FLY!!!!!!!!! And cruely de-beaking them .


Locking Pigs in tiny cages and strapping them up in bondage so there unable to move or get up ect as they give birth to there piglets, why do u do this? its suffering RELEASE THE POOR ANIMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


70% of sows are locked in gestation grates, 2ft by 7 ft, throughout there pregnancy ( and most of there lives) barley able to move.


Feeding cattle meat ect when they don’t have the protease enzymes ect to digest meats, cattle ARE VEGITARIAN NOT CARNIVORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Routinely Injecting cattle with anti biotics when they don’t even have any bacterial infections !!!!!!!! THAT IS JUST ABSOULTY STUPID !


Has anyone not heard of bacterial antibiotic resistance ?


MRSA in hospitals thats alarmingly on the increase and killing people is due to people over using anti biotics (farmers as the main culprits for the dramatic rise MRSA!!!!)


The list of additives banned in the usa and in use in the uk can be found on he internet, just look!!


Ok heres just one additive - Roxarsone is an additive which is fed to 70% of broiler chickens to promote growth and improve colour of meat.

Roxarsone is an arsenic based additive, arsenic is a deadly poison to humans, linked to kidney, bladder and lung cancer ect even in minute levels.


The farming industry and its All these farming methods and practices, of which ive mearly touched upon, causes desiese and illness, mad cow desiese, bird flu, foot and mouth ect ARE ALL CAUSED MY FAMERS AND FARMING METHODS!!!!


Large scale factory Farming methods are mostly unnatural and terribly cruel and is very dangerous to the animals and human health!




But to try and excuse blood sports by trying to deflect the truth by saying “hunters are only cruel because were killing cute little foxes and if rats ect were being hunted nothing would be said” , YES IT WOULD!!!!!!!!!!!


The species being hunted is irrelevant, hunting is morally wrong, by continuing this cruel immorality, you create cruelty within the world, every thing is connected, your actions and thoughts effect everyone and everything!


If foxes do get special mention by animal rights supporters, then its probably due to fox hunting be second only to bull fighting in cruelty . (well actually there others which are even worse!)


The matador in bull fighting is a “brave hero”? tormenting and torturing the poor animal for pleasure ! The man exhibits cowardly tendencies and is quite obviously mentally sick!!!! He needs help!


As the evil goblin says the law should be extended to protect all species from being hunted, ( I tip my hat :) )


And before I go, as ive just been made a nice cuppa tea, oh and ive even been offered a piece of chocolate cake filled with fresh cream too!!! (well it would be quite in-polite for me to refuse, we have to indulge in such luxuries now n then! :) )

I have not called anyone a troll or any other hurtful thing, I don’t bully others and call them names ect

You are what you are, theres no need for me to tell you, the very nature of your posts towards me and other people, is a mirrored image of yourself! You have in effect, proved my point about blood sport supporters and the attitudes they have and exhibit towards others.


It may be a good idea to stop trying to prove me wrong when im not wrong im write !!!

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Feeding cattle meat ect when they don’t have the protease enzymes ect to digest meats, cattle ARE VEGITARIAN NOT CARNIVORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Routinely Injecting cattle with anti biotics when they don’t even have any bacterial infections !!!!!!!! THAT IS JUST ABSOULTY STUPID !


you fined that does not happin anymore.


and why o why would you inject cattle with anti biotics for no reason, are you mad, do you know how much that stuff costs, not one for just useing for the hell of it



These super markets have little or no respect for animal welfare, and “force” large scale farmers to farm with cruelty so the supermarkets can make as much money out of famers quickly and to hell with the consequences !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


no you find the reason is because of YOU. the public. if they could charge more they would. but you lot complain when the price gos up



All these people, mostly disrespect nature and wildlife and destroy the countryside via there crazy methods and actions! .


so now your saying that farmers destroy the whole countryside. yep can see that.




The farming industry and its All these farming methods and practices, of which ive mearly touched upon, causes desiese and illness, mad cow desiese, bird flu, foot and mouth ect ARE ALL CAUSED MY FAMERS AND FARMING METHODS!!!!


so out of one of them you have one right the rest is bullshit,

and even the one you got can be argued that wasent all man kinds fault :rolleyes:



And before I go, as ive just been made a nice cuppa tea, oh and ive even been offered a piece of chocolate cake filled with fresh cream too!!!

o so you dont mind curlty to dairy cows then :rolleyes:

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( Its times like these that I wish steven would come back and make an appearance, just one last time! What ever happened to the man!

Im quite sure he wouldent put up with all this crap and nonsense and would definitely show fox hunting and other blood sports to be what they are, utterly selfish and vile !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steven may well be dead after what they did to him years ago, but his beautiful enlightened spirit lives on in midnight !!!!!!!!!!! :) )


No idea who he is, but if hes anything like you its not suprising hes gone .


But anyways Im unable to quote specific statements, I haven’t sussed out the multi quote thing as yet! and im not going to answer all queries anyways coz no one has answered most of mine! so will just make generizations.


Looking back I think we have mostly.


I haven’t called farmers ignorant nor foolish, ive stated that there “methods” of farming are ignorant and stupid which they are!

That’s the same thing as calling them stupid and ignorant, farming is the way it is for a reason. If you are such an expert why don’t you lead the way in showing farmers how it should be done? Becasue you dont actually have a clue


The use of pesticides has EVERYTHING to do wiv fox hunting!!!

hunting and farming ect are all linked to each, all are consumed in animal cruelty! :(


Nothing to do with it :rolleyes: . Look, if nobody ate meat there wouldn’t be a life for any farm animal in the first place. Animal cruelty is breaking the law so how you can say farming is consumed in it I really don’t know because its very closely monitored by the Gov.


All these people, mostly disrespect nature and wildlife and destroy the countryside via there crazy methods and actions! .

Its not only the farmers who are at fault, its the supermarket giants who drive factory farming and have forced local farmers and harmless farming methods to become exstinct!


How dare you say they disrespect nature and wildlife and destroy the countryside! I take that as an insult as I have grown up in the countryside, I and everyone I know has done no such thing and more the oposite you bufoon, I have probably put more trees in than you've had hot dinners, not to mention nest boxes and all my other efforts to preserve what we have. You are really starting to cross the line now, grossly insulting bullshit!.


The countryside has been sculpted mostly by farming, wildlife has lived alongside it up until now so what’s the problem? Why all of a sudden is it in so much trouble? Declines in species is usually a result of an increase or continued success in another predatory species (Fox, mink, corvids (magpie mainly), raptors.). I have seen this in person on "conservation" (hands off) farms, they are nothing but a home for vermin as the owners do nothing about the corvid populations decimating any songbird nests.


These super markets have little or no respect for animal welfare, and “force” large scale farmers to farm with cruelty so the supermarkets can make as much money out of famers quickly and to hell with the consequences !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As said thats not true, the general population includeing you have made the supermarkets and farming the way it is.


Keeping chickens tiny gages when birds are SUPOSED TO FLY!!!!!!!!! And cruely de-beaking them .


Only because everyone wants cheap ass chicken, get people buying freedom birds and free range (requires you to pay more) and do away with it. De-beaking prevents cruelty by stopping them pecking one and other to death, surely you know that?


Locking Pigs in tiny cages and strapping them up in bondage so there unable to move or get up ect as they give birth to there piglets, why do u do this? its suffering RELEASE THE POOR ANIMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Probably one of the reasons is to stop the pig lying on the other piglets as it gives birth to the next for god sake! I think the pig has more on its mind than going for a nice leisurely stroll around when doing this.


70% of sows are locked in gestation grates, 2ft by 7 ft, throughout there pregnancy ( and most of there lives) barley able to move.


I find that hard to believe, and if true, again its intensive factory farming to get the public want they want, cheap cheap cheap.


Feeding cattle meat ect when they don’t have the protease enzymes ect to digest meats, cattle ARE VEGITARIAN NOT CARNIVORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!


None of the farmers I know do this, and they all disapprove, YOU are spreading more lies.


Routinely Injecting cattle with anti biotics when they don’t even have any bacterial infections !!!!!!!! THAT IS JUST ABSOULTY STUPID !


Wrong, never heard of it at all. As said, expensive stuff, why waste it? LIES.


Has anyone not heard of bacterial antibiotic resistance ?


MRSA in hospitals thats alarmingly on the increase and killing people is due to people over using anti biotics (farmers as the main culprits for the dramatic rise MRSA!!!!)


Scaremongering and finger pointing, blame the easy targets you dont have a voice. I should hope you have good proof to back up statements like that.


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The list of additives banned in the usa and in use in the uk can be found on he internet, just look!!


Ok heres just one additive - Roxarsone is an additive which is fed to 70% of broiler chickens to promote growth and improve colour of meat.

Roxarsone is an arsenic based additive, arsenic is a deadly poison to humans, linked to kidney, bladder and lung cancer ect even in minute levels.


The farming industry and its All these farming methods and practices, of which ive mearly touched upon, causes desiese and illness, mad cow desiese, bird flu, foot and mouth ect ARE ALL CAUSED MY FAMERS AND FARMING METHODS!!!!


More scaremongering & finger pointing. Either way, nobody would be here to get these illness if we had nothing to eat, I just don’t get farmer hating types like you.


Large scale factory Farming methods are mostly unnatural and terribly cruel and is very dangerous to the animals and human health!

Wrong. They wouldn’t exist if that were true. But they also wouldn’t exist if the human population had no demand for it.




Take a leaf out of your own book.


But to try and excuse blood sports by trying to deflect the truth by saying “hunters are only cruel because were killing cute little foxes and if rats ect were being hunted nothing would be said” , YES IT WOULD!!!!!!!!!!!


I can disprove this 100% quite simply, do a youtube search for fox hunting, look at the stream of abuse, do a search for rat hunting, look at the stream of praise. You are completely wrong once again. Fox = "aww, cute and cuddley", Rat =" Ewww dirty and horrible! "


The species being hunted is irrelevant, hunting is morally wrong, by continuing this cruel immorality, you create cruelty within the world, every thing is connected, your actions and thoughts effect everyone and everything!


You clearly have no idea, as I've already said (but you keep ignoring), leave fox populations to go uncontrolled and you encourage A) Disease, B) Fighting, C) Starvation D) DECLINE of venerable prey species. To name but a few. Similar reasons for Deer management. Put simply for you, your methods and ideas are the only ones encouraging immoral cruelty!


If foxes do get special mention by animal rights supporters, then its probably due to fox hunting be second only to bull fighting in cruelty . (well actually there others which are even worse!)


Wrong, they get special treatment for the reasons I give above. Bull fighting is unjustifiable and not comparable in the slightest with fox hunting. Bull fighting IS killing an animal for fun/entertainment, most normal people will agree that this is wrong.


The matador in bull fighting is a “brave hero”? tormenting and torturing the poor animal for pleasure ! The man exhibits cowardly tendencies and is quite obviously mentally sick!!!! He needs help!


I don’t know if they are cowardly to go in a pen with a mad bull without any protection, they get smashed up quite regularly have you not seen? Cant say I have any sympathy though, good on the bull if you ask me.


As the evil goblin says the law should be extended to protect all species from being hunted, ( I tip my hat :) )


Ok, so you think the other methods of controlling vermin are acceptable? I doubt it, so if you had your way we would all be dieng of weils disease, rat shit and their shriveled up dead bodies would come through in massive quantities in your chocolate cake and breakfast cereals, barns full of animals would burn down from rats chewing through electrical cables causing fires... Jesus I could go on all night but its not worth it. Most people aren’t as ignorant as you fortunately so this will never happen.


And before I go, as ive just been made a nice cuppa tea, oh and ive even been offered a piece of chocolate cake filled with fresh cream too!!! (well it would be quite in-polite for me to refuse, we have to indulge in such luxuries now n then! :)


The hypocrisy, you obviously eat something but, wow.


I have not called anyone a troll or any other hurtful thing, I don’t bully others and call them names ect

You are what you are, theres no need for me to tell you, the very nature of your posts towards me and other people, is a mirrored image of yourself! You have in effect, proved my point about blood sport supporters and the attitudes they have and exhibit towards others.

You called me a troll, look back. I don’t bully anyone, sorry for calling you an idiot, maybe it is just your ideas that are idiotic. Like the farmers, apparently its just their methods that are ignorant and stupid after all. :rolleyes:


It may be a good idea to stop trying to prove me wrong when im not wrong im write !!![/size]


You must be worried that were showing you up. You wouldn’t feel the need to keep responding if you knew you were right, simple a that.



Keep 'em coming, its quite enjoyable actually.

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