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Fox Hunting


Do you agree with the proposed fox hunting ban?  

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The best thing for all those who dought my claims, is to google “cruel farming methods” you will then see.


Routinely injecting farm animals wiv anti boiotics when they dont have an existing infection of any kind, is NORMAL practice, goggle it and u will see, its NOT LIES!


Im not scaremongering about the over use of anti biotics, theres a newer strain of bacteria emerging now that is even resistant ALL known anti biotics and its because of the over use of anti biotics! and we can quite saftly say that farmers are the one of the main reasons for this bactrial resistance because of the way they over use anti biotics! .


Oh so we don’t feed cattle meat anymore? Well thank goodness for small mercies , YOU SHOULD NEVER OF BEEN FEEDING THEM MEAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(


Your all having a good go at trying to prove what im saying to be wrong, unfortunately you have failed! Your twisting everything that I say around.


So why is the use of holding crates being objected to and starting to be faded out and becoming illegal ? Because it causes unessacerry cuelty and suffering to the poor animals, thats why!


Its perfectly natural for pregnant cattle and pigs ect to get up and move about whilst giving birth, holding them down in cages causes severe suffering and stress to the poor animal.

Plus the cattle are castrated which is very painfull for them!

That is blatent cruelty !!!


Its like everyting else, what one person says is cruelty another will say its not., but I personally feel that keeping hens in almost complete darkness, in tiny little cages in over crowded conditions were they can hardly move and allowed to burn in there own urine to be cruelty ! when they are finally taken out of there tiny cages to be killed for food, they have been in imprisoned within these cages for so long they are crippled and unable to stand up nor walk ! That is blatent cruelty! :(


What do you mean de-beaking hens is for there own good! You shouldn’t be keeping them in such crowded conditions that wud need then to be de-beaked!!!!!!!

Farmers taking away a birds beak is just nasty and cruel, the poor birds suffer severe pain via the process and oftern death !


I do DARE to say that factory farming methods in its present form are destroying the country side and causing cruelty because its true! You can take what i say any way you like, thats your choice, im only posting the truth!


Luckily tho people are now objecting to the terribly cruel way that animals are being kept by farmers, and new laws are being introduced to help prevent animals suffering as they do at the moment!


People wont stand by and allow animals to be treated this way! :)

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And just to add yes i do consume sum dairy produce, but ONLY ever if its free range and organic!

I know wiv free range organic produce they are still not kept in perfect envoiroments ect, but wiv free range organic stuff there living conditions are much better and healthier for them !


Id ask anyone who eats dairy produce to only buy organic free range, especially eggs, they dont cost that much more than battery hens eggs!

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And just to add yes i do consume sum dairy produce, but ONLY ever if its free range and organic!

I know wiv free range organic produce they are still not kept in perfect envoiroments ect, but wiv free range organic stuff there living conditions are much better and healthier for them !


Id ask anyone who eats dairy produce to only buy organic free range, especially eggs, they dont cost that much more than battery hens eggs!


ha ha ha ha free range dairy now thats a piss take in its self.


all dairy on the island is free range.



thing is of what you posted in the other post your not telling the truth at all. googel is your friend and thats about it, and your just talking shit from what u read on the net

where mine comes from real life and hands on.


once again ruger theres just no point with these types of people cause they know it all from googel :rolleyes:

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The best thing for all those who dought my claims, is to google “cruel farming methods” you will then see.

I ounce googled to see why I had a lump under the skin on the back of my neck, aparently I had cancer of the lyphatic system and was most certainly going to die, shock horror. Fortunately it was completely wrong, most people have the sense to take some of what they read on the net with a pinch of salt, I bet your into all the government conspiracies about 9/11, aleins, earth quake/tsunami causing technology etc etc :rolleyes:


Routinely injecting farm animals wiv anti boiotics when they dont have an existing infection of any kind, is NORMAL practice, goggle it and u will see, its NOT LIES!

Please give google a rest, I live in the real world and have never heard such a thing as being "standard practice", only time I've known it used is to treat bacterial infections to SAVE the LIFE of the animal in question.


Im not scaremongering about the over use of anti biotics, theres a newer strain of bacteria emerging now that is even resistant ALL known anti biotics and its because of the over use of anti biotics! and we can quite saftly say that farmers are the one of the main reasons for this bactrial resistance because of the way they over use anti biotics! .


Like I say give it some back up, your just spreading slanderous rumours. Good saying,'if in doubt, blame the farmers.' Nobody ever sticks up for them thats why, and they are all to busy WORKING to stick up for themselves.


Oh so we don’t feed cattle meat anymore? Well thank goodness for small mercies , YOU SHOULD NEVER OF BEEN FEEDING THEM MEAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

I NEVER have known it happen, any farmer who has mentioned it has condemed it.


Your all having a good go at trying to prove what im saying to be wrong, unfortunately you have failed! Your twisting everything that I say around.


Ohh really, your ignoring all my answers, like the one about your methods on fox control (hands off) only increasing their suffering. Please go back, quote it, and give me a response.


So why is the use of holding crates being objected to and starting to be faded out and becoming illegal ? Because it causes unessacerry cuelty and suffering to the poor animals, thats why!


Its perfectly natural for pregnant cattle and pigs ect to get up and move about whilst giving birth, holding them down in cages causes severe suffering and stress to the poor animal.

Plus the cattle are castrated which is very painfull for them!

That is blatent cruelty !!!


Yes it is perfectly natural, but its exactly what incures losses to the already born piglets because the pig lies on top of them and kills them while giving birth to the next, I couldnt think of a worse way to die and you should not complain about efforts made to prevenet this from happening. Castration prevents lots of stress brought about by unwanted pregnacies in young animals, and when I saw it done the animal dosent give a damn it just stands there chewing its cud through the breif process. You may see this as cruelty, I, and anyone else know it is simple prevention of cruelty.


Its like everyting else, what one person says is cruelty another will say its not., but I personally feel that keeping hens in almost complete darkness, in tiny little cages in over crowded conditions were they can hardly move and allowed to burn in there own urine to be cruelty ! when they are finally taken out of there tiny cages to be killed for food, they have been in imprisoned within these cages for so long they are crippled and unable to stand up nor walk ! That is blatent cruelty! :(


I'm not saying that is not cruel, I wouldnt never want to see farm animals in those conditions which is why I hate people who just want the cheapest shite they can buy off the shelves, get people buying freedom and free range and abolish the practice.


What do you mean de-beaking hens is for there own good! You shouldn’t be keeping them in such crowded conditions that wud need then to be de-beaked!!!!!!!

Farmers taking away a birds beak is just nasty and cruel, the poor birds suffer severe pain via the process and oftern death !

Your twisting things, I have a few hens that roam totally free (no fences, go where they want), I loose lots of eggs up trees and in hedges but I prefer that than them stuck in a hen pen down the garden. They are just for myself, I dont farm them, stop twisting things. I dont de-beak or clip their flight feathers, why would I do that?. But by wanting the cheapest rubbish you can get you only encourage these crowded/intensive conditions etc and that requires de-beaking to prevent them pecking one and other to death. I dont agree with it, never said I did, just giving you the reasons why its done.


I do DARE to say that factory farming methods in its present form are destroying the country side and causing cruelty because its true! You can take what i say any way you like, thats your choice, im only posting the truth!


British countryside is spectacular and as I said its been mostly scoupted by farming, patchwork feilds, divided by mostly well maintained hedge rows, random tree plantations on farm, etc. Wildlife has lived alongside it well enough and I dont see what your problem is for now or the future. If anything is destroying the countryside its development for all your houses, where your sitting now used to be home for wildlife I bet, many farms prevent this as long as they can justify the use of land for agriculture rather than development. Say/think what you want, I bet I've done more for the countryside and wildlife than you ever will.


Luckily tho people are now objecting to the terribly cruel way that animals are being kept by farmers, and new laws are being introduced to help prevent animals suffering as they do at the moment!


People wont stand by and allow animals to be treated this way! :)


Good, whatever, but your wrong and very insulting to slanderously tag ALL farms with cruelty. Farmers keep anaimals half because they love them and would never cause unnecessary suffering.


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