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Blah blah blah..... any member of the public can ask for a referal to an independand body, which could go as far as the European Court of Justice.



I'm sure (and hoping!) someone will put me right here, as the fact is I don't know the answer, but as we are not a full member of the EEC, would the circumstances you described above apply?

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Mr & Mrs Joe Blogs are down on thier luck, the small market garden they ran has been totaly destroyed. Not having any savings to cover the morgage on the little house or pay the day to day bills they decide to go and visit the friendly DHSS man.

They tell thier story to the friendly DHSS man and he replies, take a look at these booklets they will tell you if you can claim any dole or help. Mr & Mrs Blogs carefully read all the books and find they can claim a few shillings. They go back to the counter and the friendly DHSS man says, do you understand what you can claim for, and the Blogs say yes. Right go away and fill these forms in and bring back proof of all the bills you have to pay.

They go away and decide to claim more than allowed, they get a friend to give them an invoice or two saying that they have to pay £400 a week for the house when in fact they are only paying £200. They also get some help from other friends that say that the day to day bills are £100 a week when in fact they are only £50 a week.

Of they go to the dole office and there to meet them is the friendly DHSS man who says have you filled all the forms in and brought all the proof of your payments, the Blogs reply yes. DHSS man says sign the forms and we will give you some pennies.

Every week for over a year the Blogs recieve £500 from the friendly DHSS man, plenty to pay the bills and a few quid left over to go and watch the football and have a few pints on a Sunday. While at the Monday club down the Pub, the Blogs are offered some Black work (cash in hand) greed takes over and they take on the work. They dont say a thing to the hard working friendly DHSS man and continue to collect thier dole.

After about a year Mr DHSS man is out and about and he sees the Blogs driving a brand new car and Mrs Bloggs is pissed and has a lovely new mink coat on. Mr DHSS man is angry, he cant afford to get pissed or buy a new car and mink coat for the wife so he decides to do a bit of checking up on the Blogs. He finds out that they have been abusing his good nature, taking the xxxx out of him, finds out the truth. He calls them into his office for a good talking to. Does he take the money back he gave them and call the Police in, are they taken to court or does he just say dont worry its only the taxpayers money you stole, no one will care.


What do you think would happen to Mr & Mrs Blogs. :angry:


Im sure that in the past, anyone who gave false information to a Government Department to obtain payment ended up in court.

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It seems the chaps time is nigh...and rightly so...as he falls on his sword will he apologise for having the forum removed?

I sense not....come on Carter that was not the reason the Manx forum ended...yeah right.

Of course it was, he should go, know doubt...but someone let the side down..lets not threaten peoples families....torching the place i ask you.

You know who you are....don't drag us down with you.

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Carter, you're an idiot. How many times do people have to be told that no forums were shut down over this, or any other, political 'scandal'.


I guess some people just believe what they want to believe no matter what he actual truth is, and quite frankly, if they're prepared to ignore the facts and evidence that point elsewhere for the blame on this relatively trivial matter, I don't reckon they can be trusted to present a fair and balanced view on this whole Ned thing.

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If you tape yourself saying them and then listen to the tape backwards does it sound like you are saying "Peter Karran Smells of PeePee"?


Well that just about sums up your intellectual capacity, your judgement and your debating skills.


And that sums up your ability to understand a joke.

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The problen is Ans, that the whole sordid affair will never get to court, the public will never get to hear the full story. You have two parties that want to get into court, but the other just wants to spend vast sums of cash to find any loophole to keep it out of court.

To pospone the Tynwald standards meeting this week was just an other example, what has hearing the evidence of the Governments independant Surveyor got to do with any Police investigation into Neds problem. All that was going to be asked from the surveyor was, was the holiday homes built the high standard as previously stated by them and was the cost for the development correct as per the Builders account, a simple yes or no question.

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If it's never going to get to court, then it's clearly not as cut and dried as you've been trying to convince everyone for the last god knows how many months.


I bet the public is never going to hear your accurate and honest account either.


I still thinik you're a naive idiot to be even commenting on a court case you're implicated in on a message board that you know is monitored by the people on the other side. You're just giving them bullets to shoot you with. But it's fair to say that nobody really considers you the brightest bloke.

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Of course it was, he should go, know doubt...but someone let the side down..lets not threaten peoples families....torching the place i ask you.


In fairness that comment was taking the xxxx, whoever construed it as being serious must be a lawyer for being so anally retentive.

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If it's never going to get to court, then it's clearly not as cut and dried as you've been trying to convince everyone for the last god knows how many months.


I bet the public is never going to hear your accurate and honest account either.


I still thinik you're a naive idiot to be even commenting on a court case you're implicated in on a message board that you know is monitored by the people on the other side. You're just giving them bullets to shoot you with.  But it's fair to say that nobody really considers you the brightest bloke.

]Our court case is rock solid, the legal system on the IOM is behind the times, what happened this week is a delaying tactic. Its a game of blind brag, the man with the most money wins. As said before we are paying our own legal bills, whos paying his.

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Ans , your the sort of bloke thats used to etc etc etc
Keep it clean please FCMR


As said before we are paying our own legal bills, whos paying his.

For a private matter he will have to pay his own bills (that is if you are implying that it is public funds being used) If he has some other private sponsor, then that's just the way life is sometimes eh?

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