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New Call Centre Staffed With European Immigrants


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a group of eight newly arrived Romanians were seen at the NSC the other day...more are on the way... apparently there are more Polish / Romanians / Hungarians / (East) Germans arriving than there are jobs being created..so a new call centre is on the cards..employers like to set up where there is an available work force...when is there going to a food shop importing some scrummy east european foodstuffs?



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a group of eight newly arrived Romanians were seen at the NSC the other day...more are on the way... apparently there are more Polish / Romanians / Hungarians / (East) Germans arriving than there are jobs being created..so a new call centre is on the cards..employers like to set up where there is an available work force...when is there going to a food shop importing some scrummy east european foodstuffs?




Nice try ANOTHER misleading post linked to an IRISH newspaper article.

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blablabla...Polish / Romanians / Hungarians / (East) Germans arriving..blablabla

I appreciate that you seem to be rather slow with news in general, but think that 16 years should have been enough for news of the German reunification to reach you...

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a group of eight newly arrived Romanians were seen at the NSC the other day...more are on the way... apparently there are more Polish / Romanians / Hungarians / (East) Germans arriving than there are jobs being created..so a new call centre is on the cards..employers like to set up where there is an available work force...when is there going to a food shop importing some scrummy east european foodstuffs?




Possibly along the same lines of the shops selling South African tit-bits?

Really, if you're going to be racist at least be even handed.

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blablabla...Polish / Romanians / Hungarians / (East) Germans arriving..blablabla

I appreciate that you seem to be rather slow with news in general, but think that 16 years should have been enough for news of the German reunification to reach you...


I don't read MCB posts anymore (thanks ignore mode :) ) but I do occasionally check the flames in response to the threads created by said troll and I have to say - well played Amadeus - top flame. :)

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Well, if you believe the Daily Mail today there might be another one million eastern european immigrants arriving in the UK pretty soon:


Daily Mail 5 Oct 2007


If one per cent of them caught the Steam Packet over for a look see it would be quite interesting. We are, I assume, relying on employers to decide who stays based on the work permit system.




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If one per cent of them caught the Steam Packet over for a look see it would be quite interesting. We are, I assume, relying on employers to decide who stays based on the work permit system.




Yep. That fantastic work permit system we have that rubber stamps issues 19,000 work permits in two years to protect Manx workers - many of whom have no right of employment in the EU at all - from EU migrants.

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Someone suggestd to me the other day that the Isle of Man is pressured by the UK (presumably the DCA) to take a certain number of immigrants. Not too sure exactly how they could do this but you never know what is said behind the scenes. However, Jersey and Gurnsey have strict residency controls so why shouldn't we?


I note that the senior bod from Jersey is visiting the powers that be here. I wonder if they are going to pick his brains on the issue?

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Well, if you believe the Daily Mail today there might be another one million eastern european immigrants arriving in the UK pretty soon:


Daily Mail 5 Oct 2007


If one per cent of them caught the Steam Packet over for a look see it would be quite interesting. We are, I assume, relying on employers to decide who stays based on the work permit system.




"Well, if you believe the daily mail....." :rolleyes:


The Daily Mail is regularly full of reactionary, over the top, stories on immigration, law & Order, etc, to get the hackles up of 'middle england'. They, together with the Sun, Express, News of the World and Mirror have been writing anti-immigration stories since Enoch Powell's 'rivers of blood' speech. They were doing the same in the '70's when the National Front came to prominence. The BNP have been riding on the back of all the latest anti-immigration stories of the last few years and also all the anti-islamic terrorism scares.


There is generally a bit of truth in what they write but it pisses me off that they grossly exagerate and sensationalise a lot of their 'stories' to increase their impact and sell more papers. This feeds racist parties like the BNP to the point now where they have elected councillors. At least in the '70's the National Front never got members elected.


The numbers in that article don't add up either. Paragraph 6 states "Yesterday, official figures revealed the number of foreign workers in Britain is now 1.5 million, an increase of five per cent on a year ago. The rise is mainly down to the influx of eastern Europeans." and an increase of 5% is about 70,000 people in the one year yet in paragraph 19 it states "It is yet another headache for Home Secretary John Reid, charged with rebuilding public trust in the UK's 'open door' immigration system. Ministers predicted only 13,000 people a year would head to Britain from the eight countries which joined the EU in 2004, including Poland, but more than 600,000 have arrived." Now since 2004 there would have been about 140,000 extra at 5% over a year yet here we read 600,000, 4 times as many. Must be that Mail readers (and editorial staff!) can't add up. :o


And if 1% of them caught the steam packet over for a look then MacQuarie would be laughing all the way to the bank because that would be an increase of 10,000 visitors, increasing their profits big style. I think we'd all notice that. I think there were somewhere in the region of 600 jobs in the job centre last time I read the details in the papers. most of them wouldn't be staying long then without work, would they?

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