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New Call Centre Staffed With European Immigrants


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"Well, if you believe the daily mail....." :rolleyes:


The Daily Mail is regularly full of reactionary, over the top, stories on immigration, law & Order, etc, to get the hackles up of 'middle england'. They, together with the Sun, Express, News of the World and Mirror have been writing anti-immigration stories since Enoch Powell's 'rivers of blood' speech. They were doing the same in the '70's when the National Front came to prominence. The BNP have been riding on the back of all the latest anti-immigration stories of the last few years and also all the anti-islamic terrorism scares.


Don't forget their support for Hitler in the Thirties.

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a group of eight newly arrived Romanians were seen at the NSC the other day...more are on the way...


What do you mean 'seen'? What kind of McCarthy-ist paranoid detection scheme have you got going on MCB? do you follow groups of strange men from the Sea Terminal just to see where they might be heading? And why on earth do you talk about them as if they are some group of plague infested scum that must be avoided at all costs? Your previous postings & topics made me think that you're just some kind of devils advocate stirrer, but this is just plain inciduous & nasty.



Most immigrants, be they Polish, Romanian, whatever, will be mainly short term visitors looking for seasonal work, the most threat they will cause will be to other seasonal workers. Some one I know was complaining about the amount of Polish workers down the Fish Yards in Peel. This I found hilarious. I used to work in the kippers & queenie yards in between school & uni term times, about 10 years ago. Then, there were few manx working there, & the majority of the work force were Irish seasonal workers, mainly students like myself. Strip back the language barriers & there is nothing different

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Not private, they pay tax and NI (public insurance) just, I hope, like you


As for the suggestion that the EU keeps out manxies, come off it.


of 80,000 population 45,000 were not born here, The majority of them willqualify for EU establishment rights


Just how many Manx born, have got 2 parents and 4 grandparents all manx or none british born and have not spent, at soem time cumulatively 5 yeras in UK.


I get impression there may be about a 1,000 affected by the protocol 3 definition of Manx and not entitled to benefit.

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Just how many Manx born, have got 2 parents and 4 grandparents all manx or none british born and have not spent, at soem time cumulatively 5 yeras in UK.


I get impression there may be about a 1,000 affected by the protocol 3 definition of Manx and not entitled to benefit.


I know quite a few actually. The census will also confirm what proportion are affected. But the poster was right. You have EU rules that actively discriminate against Manx people and a Manx work permit system that does not attempt to redress that balance.


Until Manx people have equal employment rights under the EU we deserve a work permit system that does what it was set up to do.

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It isn't just us or the UK. There are imbalances between where the jobs are and where the populations are.


Spain enetered into the EU in the early '80's, it had a backwrad economy, had suffered ecomnomic isolation under Franco and had high unemployment.


It still has 10% + unemployment as an average, but in Catalunya around Barcelona there has been one of those economic miracles. Nearly full employment, booming building and manufacturing and service sectors.


A few non catalan Spanish move there but they have immigrants from all over europe, they are integrated, learn Catalan and the projections are that tey will need another 4 million within 20 years.


Poor old Ireland, all it exported were its well educated youth, now the Celtic Tiger economy has provided fuller employment and jobs for those who want to stay and those who want to return. It has also provided jobs for lots of immigrnats.


As long as the infrastructure is put in place so that there are homes and health care for all these waves of immigartion can only do us economic good.


We then cross over into the cultural area. We in the Island must tryt and ensure that what is left of our manxness is retained. Thats down to education and compulsory classes for immigrants, even those from England. Its what they do in Catalunya.

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