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[BBC News]Vandals strike at primary school


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Thousands of pounds? THOUSANDS??? Give me a break. They could always just spray the rest of the benches blue and also paint the wall blue but that wouldn't be quite as dramatic as having to spend THOUSANDS of pounds restoring the items. Some grafitti is very nice and makes dull walls look great, the kids need somewhere to practice. Exactly how much difference does having a bit of spray paint on things make? I would be a bit cross if it was my car but I dont mind the kids writing stuff on the back wall of my house, I have been known to cross their names off and write my own. Its a bit of writing on a wall, inconvenient but, not the end of the world.

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I hope you are joking.....


The Benches are wooden so should the school have to pay someone to paint them all Blue? Someone could then come along and spray them a different colour.


The Benches are in fact the table and a row of seats each side all in one. They do look very nice, the kids at the school like them and I can see why they are expensive to repair/replace.


As to the Grafitti on the wall - it's not the sort of grafitti that you would want the kids to read.


The point is that it is not their wall to "practice" on. If you would like to post your address on the forum, if I see any kids at a loose end, I'll point them up towards your place.....

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Today I am mostly posting irrelevant rubbish.


totally agree with your sig, :lol::P


The point is that it is not their wall to "practice" on. If you would like to post your address on the forum, if I see any kids at a loose end, I'll point them up towards your place.....


Totally agree with your reply.


well created graffiti art is one thing. Vandalising school benches is another.

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No, I am not joking.

Neither am I about to post my address on a public forum, are you mental? I do have graffitti on my back wall, I live by a school - I do not mind, its only a wall and they are just kids, doing kid things. Bet even you scratched your innitials into something when you were young.

The benches are nice, but they werent locked away at night, so, obviously the people responsible for them didn't think they were worthy of protection. No CCTV? As to what was written, perhaps primary school children cannot read that well, and even if they can, what are the chances of comprehension?



Edit : changed mind and didnt edit after all.

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