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Hang on there, John Shimmin is in MY area & I havent heard a snifter from any of them. Cant be very popular this election thing, I think we should have a complete vote of no confidence in the elected, the candidates and the general electorate. First off, there is no one to vote(well except the 5000 dead people PK just enrolled to ensure his place, sfa other way ee's getting in), and secondly no one likes the candidates they have to choose from. So what has come of democracy? did the people lose heart or are we sick of the same old hags, spinning the same old garbage term after term.

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The thing with this democracy thing The Bees is that if you don’t have any confidence in those that are up for election you could always stand for election yourself. That’s the whole point really, it gives us the voters the chance to make a difference by voting or by standing for election.


I have my misgivings about the system of voting itself, I believe in the one vote per voter, but no mater what the system WE HAVE A CHOICE and many in the world do not.


I personally have only had one canvasser so far, could be to do with my working all day and out with the kids at the weekend, but I already know who I will vote for so to be honest canvassing wont change that.

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Jessop was first for me. Pretty much promised to sack all civil servants and hate everyone.


Had noone here canvassing yet, - don't know about sacking all the civil servants - I'm sure we could probably sack about 60% of them and not see much difference!!!


After numerous attempts for the tax office to get my name corrected (been going on for more than 10 years this one!), and nearly three years for them to change the name of the company I now work for (and they still haven't got it right), it's quite obvious that many of them would be totally unemployable in the private sector!


After going into the tax office numerous times, trying to get something sorted out, you eventually get to a counter with a spotty teenager who tells you, "Sorry I can't do that", so then you ask for someone who can, "Sorry they are on holiday", you go back in again two weeks later - same scenario!!!!


I'm sure our society would save a shed load of money if we sacked half of them and gave them unemployment benefit & a PC, so they could then play solitaire at home.


Maybe the reason we have so many useless civil servants is to keep the jobless figures down - i can't seem to fathom any other logical reason!

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Some links to get you in the voting mood:


http://www.iomelections.com/ 2006 election

http://iomelections.com/2001/ 2001 election

http://www.manxradio.com/election/ manx radio site

http://www.iomelections.net/ this is where my vote would go


Speaking of canvassing and following on from slims thread, only one guy has visited me. If I wasn't on the list of those registered to vote, surely he wouldn't have visited? I've also been contected by Steve Babb via the instant message feature on this 'ere forum but I will only vote for the people who knock on my door. With so many people standing for Onchan, all with similar ideals, this is what it comes down to. He who knocks, wins.

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