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Muslim Separation


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The women have no real choice but to mix with others who can speak their language. This fuels division. Whole areas become predominantly Muslim. "White flight" adds to the phenomenon.


Thats the other thing wrong with the Islamic world its run by men who have not changed their attitude in 500 years, who create ghetto's just by instilling ignorance and isolation within their families.


As to letting them wear what they want ... lets not forget that these people are the same people complaining about Fiona Bruce wearing a cross to read the news in and she's a normal British woman, reading the BBC news in London and frankly can wear what the f**k she wants as far as most people are concerned. If they find a small cross offensive, tough titty, shove it up your burka, and remember where you are living. You can always watch Al Jazera on satelite if you're that offended by a "foreign" news reader.


Quote of the week must go to Albert Tatlock:


In a globalised economy there would be little room for the Flintstones to insist that we drive cars made from rock and wood, and use dinosaur cranes - and force us to make it law at everyone else's expense. If these people want to leave the town of Bedrock they need to adapt to the customs of others or stay where they are - and not


Yabbir Dabbir Do !!!

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Apparently and according to the Sunday Times, the veil is banned in Turkey and Tunisia, a couple of countries that seem to want to cast off the medeval Islamic fundamentalist trash.


I just hope that the Island makes the right choices when faced with this form of blackmail by so called religious groups who use every trick in the book to turn matters of worship into political issues!

Turkey also banned the fez and actually executed people who refused to conform, is this where we are going?

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Lets copy the Turks and ban veils , fezezezs and baseball caps, with double jepordy for wearing them back to front, :ph34r:


I accept where your coming from, but I'm sorry people who leave their home country do so for a wide number of reasons, and you can't possibly expect to replicate the values that apply in your home country somewhere else.


I appreciate the media are whipping up a storm on this (particularly that hate filled sack-of-shit the Daily Mail) but these people in total are 3m out of a population of 60m. The extremists amongst them are much, much, less. I thought we lived in a democracy where the majority got to set policy - not where ten thousand nutters that dress up like extras from "The Life of Brian" get to decide what's acceptable for British people and what is not. That is not how a democracy works, and the fact that the majority set policy is the main rule you live by when living in a democracy.


I also doubt these Clerics or community leaders parodied by the likes of the Mail represent the average Muslim citizen any way. Many women are only wearing veils because husbands and elders tell them to but the media plays it for all its worth. The publicity the normal peace loving Muslim community is getting as a result of these "leaders" must fill them full of dread. With the Clerics like Abu Hamza etc there is a "gobshite" factor that drives their media profile. These people by and large got kicked out of their own countries because they are gobshites who hate any authority other than their own. They claim asylum in the UK because they are "oppressed" but then set about proving exactly why they are "oppressed" by pissing off people in their adopted land as well. They are not oppressed people, they are hate-filled big mouths who can't keep out of a fight. They are going to be oppressed anywhere they go because they are ignorant, loud mouthed, hate filled arseholes. they do not in any way represent the views of most of the 3m Muslims that live in the Uk.

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Were it the case that women were forced to veil up then that is a separate issue, My understanding, from first hand, is that the veil exhibits the ladies status and is generally a willing act. If its ok with them, then its ok with me.

Re democracy, it is far from perfect and has become a buzz word with no real understang of its cons.

I remember the analogy,

" If you had a democracy of 1 million squirrels and 999,999 wolves then the wolves would have to learn to live up trees and eat nuts"

There has to be an allowance for diversity in democracy or it aint democratic, its about everybodies freedom not just conformity innit?

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(particularly that hate filled sack-of-shit the Daily Mail)


they are gobshites

they are hate-filled big mouths

they are ignorant, loud mouthed, hate filled arseholes


Do you read the Mail?


No. But for taking such things out of context ... do you Edit it??

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I think we should look at setting up a new religion with the most ridiculous clothing. Maybe one that forces you to dress as a pirate with a patch and wooden leg, or perhaps a goldfish bowl on the head, and flippers.


Ace - when do we start?


Pirates are cool.

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I happen to agree with Mr Straw in his opinion..


what runs against him is that the clearly provocative statement was made to get him into the media spotlight at the right time...perhaps similar to Pope Benedict...both *had* to know that by making such statements the spotlight would have been cast upon them...it seems to be the case that the politicians ace up their sleeve that brings about the on-call media storm in a teacup is dissing muslims..


Amongst all the hoo-ha it aggravates me that these issues are given due precedence over other pressing matters...all are up in arms but the stock responses are the same depending on who they are from, the veiled and unveiled muslims are like are full of condemnation and threats, the feminists just dont know what to think (freedom or not), but I think the average UK/Western citizen is sick to death of all this, bringing as it does, the fundamental issues of democracy and freedom of expression...


The fact is there is not a whole lot that can be done about it if they are citizens here choosing to wear the thing, the rest of us should press on...

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