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I would rather Live In Hell than in an Islamic Country!




I would have thought most Islamic fundamentalists would rather live in hell than in the West. Clearly not. Free housing and state handouts must loosen the morals.

There is an imperative on Mohammadans to continually strive to convert all areas that are not Islamic to islam. As for scrounging off us, that's not a problem. The see it as us paying the tax that non Mohammadans must pay them.

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This is a bit of a generalisation but I would say 25% of the Muslims on this island are doctors. Another 25% are doctors' wives. Another 25% are their male kids who are training to become doctors and another 25% are female kids preparing to marry the aforementioned 25%. I suppose there are a handful in the financial sector as well.

And run Indian restaurants, kebab houses etc.

I don't think Muslims and other faiths have any issues with each other on the IoM? Problems seem to occur in areas where there are a lot of poorly educated people on both sides.

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There is an imperative on Mohammadans to continually strive to convert all areas that are not Islamic to islam.

Evangelical Christians are the same and there was a rumour at the souk that they have been infiltrating state education.
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There is an imperative on Mohammadans to continually strive to convert all areas that are not Islamic to islam.

Evangelical Christians are the same and there was a rumour at the souk that they have been infiltrating state education.
Very true, however whereas a Christian will readily say "I will die for my beliefs" Mohammadans are far more likely to say "YOU will die for my beliefs".
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Very true, however whereas a Christian will readily say "I will die for my beliefs" Mohammadans are far more likely to say "YOU will die for my beliefs".


Explain The Crusades then? If religion is supposedly all about being good and loving your neighbour why are religious people often so bigoted.

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If religion is supposedly all about being good and loving your neighbour why are religious people often so bigoted.


Extremism Rises Among Myanmar Buddhists


The world has grown accustomed to a gentle image of Buddhism defined by the self-effacing words of the Dalai Lama, the global popularity of Buddhist-inspired meditation and postcard-perfect scenes from Southeast Asia and beyond of crimson-robed, barefoot monks receiving alms from villagers at dawn.


But over the past year, images of rampaging Burmese Buddhists carrying swords and the vituperative sermons of monks like Ashin Wirathu have underlined the rise of extreme Buddhism in Myanmar — and revealed a darker side of the country’s greater freedoms after decades of military rule. Buddhist lynch mobs have killed more than 200 Muslims and forced more than 150,000 people, mostly Muslims, from their homes.

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Very true, however whereas a Christian will readily say "I will die for my beliefs" Mohammadans are far more likely to say "YOU will die for my beliefs".


Explain The Crusades then? If religion is supposedly all about being good and loving your neighbour why are religious people often so bigoted.


The Crusades began as a defence of Europe -- particularly Byzantium in the Eastern Roman Empire -- from Islamic invasion.

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Very true, however whereas a Christian will readily say "I will die for my beliefs" Mohammadans are far more likely to say "YOU will die for my beliefs".


Explain The Crusades then? If religion is supposedly all about being good and loving your neighbour why are religious people often so bigoted.


The Crusades were a defence of Christendom from Islamic Jihad.


Yes, so that'll be one religion killing another religion.


Religion reminds me of the school playground and the old "my dad is bigger than your dad" rubbish. I firmly believe the World would be a better place without any religion.

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Religion reminds me of the school playground and the old "my dad is bigger than your dad" rubbish. I firmly believe the World would be a better place without any religion.


I sympathise with this but I firmly believe that, without religion, the power elites would simply find other ways to delude, distract and manipulate the masses.

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I firmly believe the World would be a better place without any religion.

Like saying the world would be a better place without humans, because they are hardwired to believe in higher omnipresence, and they will fight to the death for the pre-eminence of their particular version of it. Do away with it (as in the Soviet Union etc.) and it goes underground to re-emerge later.

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I would rather Live In Hell than in an Islamic Country!




I would have thought most Islamic fundamentalists would rather live in hell than in the West. Clearly not. Free housing and state handouts must loosen the morals.

There is an imperative on Mohammadans to continually strive to convert all areas that are not Islamic to islam. As for scrounging off us, that's not a problem. The see it as us paying the tax that non Mohammadans must pay them.

More than that, they are taught that the taking of state handouts is a weapon to use against the immoral West and therefore quite legitimate in the battle for Islamic supremacy. We pay for our own defeat and this is Allah's will.

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There has not, and never has been, any, 'International Community'. There are advanced peoples and the primitive ones. There are the just, and the un-just. There are the indecent countries, and the semi-decent ones. There are peoples who take the idea of the nation-state seriously, and those for whom the nation-state makes no sense. There are those who believe the entire world belongs to Allah, and to, ''the best of peoples'', the muslims, and there are those who do not.

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