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Manx Firms Lose Out


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After all the problems they had at the new Hospital when using off Island contractors, the Government have backed tracked again with the new prison. The Home Affairs Minister stated in Tynwald that it was hoped and their wish that as many local firms as possible would be employed at the New Prison. Well its not happening. Government said that some of the Islands smaller firms should get together and go in as a joint venture. Several firms in a finishing trade applied and competively priced the work as a joint venture to ensure that their staff had work ahead of them, Well the Government have let them down the finishing part of the contract has been awarded to an Irish company who are not even on the DTI list of approved contractors, complaints have been made but no action is being taken. The Governments rules clearly state that contractors must be on the DTLs approved list of contrators to tender for Goverment Contracts.

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It is annoying when our government use our money to buy off island services and then often get screwed over in terms of price, quality and finish. So much for the "buy local" idea they sometimes promote. They do also seem to be breaking their own rules about approved contractors, not unless some pseudo Manx firm has been set up, which then normally goes bust, e.g. Crowe EPH

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It is annoying when our government use our money to buy off island services and then often get screwed over in terms of price, quality and finish. So much for the "buy local" idea they sometimes promote. They do also seem to be breaking their own rules about approved contractors, not unless some pseudo Manx firm has been set up, which then normally goes bust, e.g. Crowe EPH


I don't even know what a Manx firm is anymore.


It purely seems to be a company that is registered here, and as you say look what happened with EPH


I would however like to see how the work permit system works when you have off Island firms getting contracts, but local workmen and tradesmen scratching around for work on jobs. Most of these firms will subcontract work anyway so why can't they be forced to subcontract on Island rather than bring in their own subcontracters from off Island.


Its down to maximising Manx employment at the end of the day, not using Manx companies.


(PS: My wife still goes to Maley's on the grounds its a local company so therefore a good thing to do, and how long has that been owned off Island. Years).

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Billy one Mate posted a document some time ago giving the benefits of employing local contractors in finacial terms but cant seem to find it. It had something to do with the circulation of the £ if paid to a local worker rather than that of an off island employer, it made good reading.

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(PS: My wife still goes to Maley's on the grounds its a local company so therefore a good thing to do, and how long has that been owned off Island. Years).


isn't Maley's owned by an Island resident ?




not quite as it used to be though, 'Geo.J.Maley MPS'


(edit : why doesn't this thing let me reply and insert an attachment at the same time?, just locks up :( )


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it's about sustainability - providing local firsms are within a certain %age of a priced job, they get the contracts, but sometimes the smaller firms can't compete with bigger firms who are prepared to take a slight hit to ensure they get the contract.....

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it's about sustainability - providing local firsms are within a certain %age of a priced job, they get the contracts, but sometimes the smaller firms can't compete with bigger firms who are prepared to take a slight hit to ensure they get the contract.....


There is no logic to it.


Take the re-fit of the "Wedding Cake" it goes to a non manx firm who halfway through go "There's dry rot here, that will be another £3m please". How many manx firms quoted, guessed there was probably rot to deal with costed it into the price and got blown out on pricing? Nobody will ever know. There seems to be no sense in any decisions made ... you go for the cheapest quote failing to realise that its the cheapest quote because its not terribly well put together.


Where they do go for bargain basement costings, they should be made to put huge penalty clauses in that cover whether people are taking the piss by ignoring additional work they "just hope" they might not have to do.

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It is annoying when our government use our money to buy off island services and then often get screwed over in terms of price, quality and finish. So much for the "buy local" idea they sometimes promote. They do also seem to be breaking their own rules about approved contractors, not unless some pseudo Manx firm has been set up, which then normally goes bust, e.g. Crowe EPH



(PS: My wife still goes to Maley's on the grounds its a local company so therefore a good thing to do, and how long has that been owned off Island. Years).



Isn't the "Maleys" chain of chemist shops owned Peter Lloyd who lives at Arragon House, Santon? I understand that he sold his interest out in the Lloyds Chemist chain in the Uk but kept the IOM stores for himself.


The difficulty as has been pointed out in previous posts is what exactly constitutes a Manx Company, Manx Telecom for instance has a parent which is now owned by a Spanish Company, Isle of Man Bank is owned by Royal Bank of Scotland, etc ect.


Perhaps TheSkeat could provide his definition of what constitutes a Manx Company and then we would know whether jobs are being given out to those bloody foreigners!

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One he runs.


Strangley enough, I've not yet met a Manxman that works for theskeat. Plenty of Irish and English though.


Manx firms who could club together usually fall out about something and go down the pan. Also to get these large contracts, you need more financial backing the the local firm cannot supply usually.

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