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[BBC News]Positive response to village plan


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Plans for a housing estate in Ballasalla have been met with a positive response, the government says.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/6039998.stm


What positive response the village has just been through a long planning appeal system where the plans where objected too by the comissioners and BDRA (Ballasalla & District Residents Association), this appeal cost the people of the isle of man a lot of money, for a plan that is being forced on the the people of Ballasalla and make no mistake the vast majority DONOT want it, the majority of people living in Clagh Vane DONOT want to be moved into these little boxes. The bye pass is just pie in the sky, because according to an expert from england there is no traffic problem in Ballasalla. We now have a tynwald select comittee looking into the farce that was the planning procedure for the Poachers Pocket, the people of Ballasalla have had enough leave us alone!! for anyone who is interested there will be a BADRA meeting this month (November) to discuss the future of Ballasalla, we want a village not a 5 year building site, and when people say no to something lets see the government accept it and listen to the people, and stop telling us they know what we want.

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  • 2 months later...

looks to me like the positive response did not excist even the independant inspector refused planning there is now a glimmer of light that common sense is getting to our planning, in future maybe government would like to ask the people first instead of deciding they 'know what people want'. lets keep our fingers crossed for the archalligan inquiry.

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