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This is one item of news that I am delighted to read.




Gambling money is dirty money.


What a shame that you don't actually appear to understand what it means... which is absolutely nothing. The shares have plummetted due to other completely uninformed, panicky investors.


Really, once the mist clears and people start to understand what it actually means in simple terms, they'll realise it's not going to make the blindest bit of difference. This legislation is not new legislation at all, it's merely an act designed to enforce existing legislation which has always been there. Sadly for killjoys like Rog, there are already legal precedants that mean the legislation wont apply to online gambling in most forms. And for the forms that it does effect? Remember that this enforcement act only applies to US based banking operations. I'm sure an international intellectual collossus like Rog will be able to understand that there are many transparent ways of circumventing this.


In short, nothing to see here, move along. (and buy poker shares if you want to make a quick killing)

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It’s not a case of being a killjoy. It’s a matter of weak willed or gullible or people addicted to gambling being predated upon by others who will exploit their weaknesses.


This isn’t about a few people wanting a bit of a flutter, this is about a business that is immoral and just plain WRONG. It’s bad enough that casino’s exist but at least there’s some degree of control but to make gambling so easy is not right.


What I would love to see is that the US and the EU removed credit licences from credit card companies who dealt with transactions where gambling was concerned.


Apart from anything else Joe Public sometimes needs to be protected from himself. Not often, but sometimes, and in the case of gambling on the internet it is one such time.

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Apart from anything else Joe Public sometimes needs to be protected from himself. Not often, but sometimes, and in the case of gambling on the internet it is one such time.

A gambler is a gambler - and if he can't go on the internet he'll go to a bookies or on a fruit machine. People have the right to run their own lives and make their own choices. With that logic we should ban capitalism as there are always people at the bottom of the triangle. The world just wouldn't work without suckers consumers!

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Gambling money is not dirty money, it may be a questionnable vice, but it is not dirty money. True, gambling has been used as a route for money laundering from illegal activities for eons, even before the term was coined. But, in itself, it is not dirty money.


This is just another example of the US flexing its muscles as the international policeman. Pity their high and mighties are so closely involved in international arms dealing (a far dirtier business in my book) and behind the scenes manipulation in other countries' affairs.

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