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[BBC News]New party reveals more candidates


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The Isle of Man's newest political party announces two more General Election candidates.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/6055274.stm


I have to say that I've been a supporter of Peter Karran's political agenda, but Liberal Vannin seem to be taking a quantity not quality approach to fielding candidates. Not even Manxies Peter.




By all means pitch candidates, but coming up with this a month before the elections smacks of desperation. If people were so determined to stand and make a difference why leave it until this late in the day. There is virtually no time left for canvassing and little time to get manifestos together. Its simply to late.

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"Not even Manxies" and "smacks of etc" Should candidates prove that they were born here before being "allowed" to stand? You should be ashamed of yourself mate.


"Quantity not quality" you insult decent people who have had the courage of their convictions to stand up and participate in the Democratic process.


Zenophobic and small minded is that supposed to be a worthy example of "Manxness"?

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"Not even Manxies" and "smacks of etc" Should candidates prove that they were born here before being "allowed" to stand? You should be ashamed of yourself mate.


"Quantity not quality" you insult decent people who have had the courage of their convictions to stand up and participate in the Democratic process.


Zenophobic and small minded is that supposed to be a worthy example of "Manxness"?


Liberal Vannin. Its supposed to be a Manx Party if you believe the hype. I would have thought they could find a few Manx candidates.


There has never been a more pressing time when we need strong candidates to come forward and yet it appears that Liberal Vannin are looking at middle class candidates pitching for a secure income in the run up to retirement. That seems to be the average profile. Peter has the fire, I have no doubt, but you need strong personalities to make a difference otherwise we just end up with the same inertia we have seen for the last 15 years.


(By the way which one are you?)

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If people were so determined to stand and make a difference why leave it until this late in the day. There is virtually no time left for canvassing and little time to get manifestos together. Its simply to late.


I find it hard to see what people throwing their hat in now seek to achieve. Christmas was the perfect starting point for a campaign. Now you've missed the MR interviews, the manifesto discussions, newspaper coverage, setting up a website - everything.


You have four weeks to grab votes, and that is pure hard slog from nothing when everyone else has been out for moinths.

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You have four weeks to grab votes, and that is pure hard slog from nothing when everyone else has been out for moinths.

Exactly right. If there are no strong voices at this stage of the game - you can pretty much guarantee there will be none after the election. 5 more years of the same old crap coming up.

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Insteads of those that have been there for 5 years and only now seem to care about 'open government' and their record while warming the seats at Tynwald. Suddenly we see a minister publishing material like the immigration survey where it would not have seen the light of day last year.

About time someone had the temerity to be seen to oppose the cosy little group that spend your taxes as if it were their own money.

Good on them, may they prosper and overcome the critics and fellow travellers of the corrupted and featherbeaded fools we have at present, there may be some that do not deserve that critisism but they are few and far between.

Rejoice in democracy and welcome an alternative to the staid old boys network we have at present.

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About time someone had the temerity to be seen to oppose the cosy little group that spend your taxes as if it were their own money. Good on them, may they prosper and overcome the critics and fellow travellers of the corrupted


I agree with you totally. But if you believe in your power to create change, and believe that you can make a difference you don't make some half-arsed attempt to stand 4 weeks before an election is due. If you do you are wasting your time, and you are wasting the time of the voting public. This late on there can be no debate on policies, personal attributes, or anything at all. You can't even get around your chosen constituency in 4 weeks and meet the people who matter.


What do you say "Sorry I've not come round sooner but I only decided to stand last week"

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If people were so determined to stand and make a difference why leave it until this late in the day. There is virtually no time left for canvassing and little time to get manifestos together. Its simply to late.


I find it hard to see what people throwing their hat in now seek to achieve. Christmas was the perfect starting point for a campaign. Now you've missed the MR interviews, the manifesto discussions, newspaper coverage, setting up a website - everything.


You have four weeks to grab votes, and that is pure hard slog from nothing when everyone else has been out for moinths.




so why should Adrian Duggan be even thinking of standing again in Southg Douglas (today's Examiner page2...surely to god he doesn't think he can beat the youth of the candidate with the red cross?

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"Not even Manxies" and "smacks of etc" Should candidates prove that they were born here before being "allowed" to stand? You should be ashamed of yourself mate.


"Quantity not quality" you insult decent people who have had the courage of their convictions to stand up and participate in the Democratic process.


Zenophobic and small minded is that supposed to be a worthy example of "Manxness"?


Surprised you didn't add 'racist' to your insults - it's a much more popular put-down that zenophobic. And no, he shouldn't be ashamed of himself. I personally would not like the IOM to be taken over by the English any more than it has been thank you.


Anyway, how do we know they're decent people if they're not Manxies and we don't know all the skeet about them! Better the devil you know.

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"Not even Manxies" and "smacks of etc" Should candidates prove that they were born here before being "allowed" to stand? You should be ashamed of yourself mate.


"Quantity not quality" you insult decent people who have had the courage of their convictions to stand up and participate in the Democratic process.


Zenophobic and small minded is that supposed to be a worthy example of "Manxness"?

I personally would not like the IOM to be taken over by the English any more than it has been thank you.

или българин. ти казвам him другар!

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What I find interesting about the Liberal Vannin party is that it is very hard to discover much specifically about them apart from PK started in and several members are standing under its banner.


If it is a formal party I would expect it to have a constitution detailing how it is to be run and set up which would include items such as electing the leadership, membership rights etc. I would also expect it to have a set of of policies and aims which had been agreed by the membership and leadership under the constitution.


A google search finds nothing and there are no links on the candidates website that I have seen and that includes PK. Presumably anybody standing as a Liberal Vannin party candidate intends to adhere to the party's policies both now and as they develop. Presumably therefore if they expect to receive my vote it is because to a greater or lesser extent I agree with the policies of the party and how it is expected to develop. But as at present it appears it is little more than a name and a few candidates with no easily accessable public statements of its aims, intentions, policies, constitution, membership etc I do not understand why they expect people to vote for it.

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What I find interesting about the Liberal Vannin party is that it is very hard to discover much specifically about them apart from PK started in and several members are standing under its banner.


If it is a formal party I would expect it to have a constitution detailing how it is to be run and set up which would include items such as electing the leadership, membership rights etc. I would also expect it to have a set of of policies and aims which had been agreed by the membership and leadership under the constitution.


A google search finds nothing and there are no links on the candidates website that I have seen and that includes PK. Presumably anybody standing as a Liberal Vannin party candidate intends to adhere to the party's policies both now and as they develop. Presumably therefore if they expect to receive my vote it is because to a greater or lesser extent I agree with the policies of the party and how it is expected to develop. But as at present it appears it is little more than a name and a few candidates with no easily accessable public statements of its aims, intentions, policies, constitution, membership etc I do not understand why they expect people to vote for it.



Well many have been asking for political parties, so Peter started one. We cannot really take him to task for doing so. Quite the contrary.


The problem is it's a last minute effort and imho they haven't had the space really to formulate coherent policies agreed and tested over time. It is however a start but I'm not sure if "Liberal Vannin" is a correct description as many of the aims seem to be right of centre. I feel the electorate will vote for the candidate - particularly the personality rather than a party as is the Manx way. Thjere is always the suspicion that party candidates are relying on each other than themselves and this is a minus.


Someone mentioned strong candidates. They need not only to be strong but fearless, rational and sensible as well. Too few I'm afraid but one or two of our Forum members are standing such as Amadeus and I hope they are elected.

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Well many have been asking for political parties, so Peter started one. We cannot really take him to task for doing so. Quite the contrary.


The problem is it's a last minute effort and hasn't really been able to formulate coherent policies agreed and tested over time. It is however a start but I'm not sure if "Liberal Vannin" is a correct description as many of the aims seem to be right of centre. I feel the electorate will vote for the candidate not the party as is the Manx way.


Someone mentioned strong candidates. They need not only to be stong but fearless, rational and sensible as well. Too few I'm afraid but one or two of our Forum members are standing such as Amadeus and I hope they do well.


Obviosly a new party can not have policies tested over time, equally if people want parties and PK or whoever want to start one fine. But surely there has to be more than "I am starting a party and it is called X" if they want to gather votes. I appreciate the time scale but I would have thought if anybody is standing under a party banner they are expecting to gather votes because voters belive in its policies etc etc. As I say at present it appears little more than a name so as an elector I am back to judging the individuals as purely as individuals. However they are representing a party and presumably will be following a party line therefore if they are elected I want to now what that will be how it will work etc. i.e. I am voting as much for the party as the individual. But presently there appears to be little detail out there in respect of the party on which to take a view.


It makes me also question how people could stand under a party banner unless they agree with its agreed policies and constitution. I therefore presume there must be one but it does not appear to be easily publically available.

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