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[BBC News]New party reveals more candidates


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I did attend one of their meetings and Peter produced a manifesto of sorts. It was basically as far as I could gather his own ideas which probably had to some extent been influenced by people such as Nigel Dobson and Tony Wright. There were lots of policies but the cost to implement them would have been about £400 million. So it seemed to me to be aspirational and only a few of these policies could possibly be implemented.

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Isn't Liberal Vannin is an affiliate of the UK Liberal Democrat Party?


As Charles Flynn is saying they seem to be adopting policies that fit in more with the laissez faire definition of liberal rather than the more social definition that has moved the Liberal Democrats to the left of Labour in the UK.


I don't think that's too surprising; the IOM is more laissez faire than the UK, and the Lib Dems have tried to change their image recently putting more empasis on free markets than so called Progressive policies.


What I find strange is I'd describe PK as being more progressive than laissez faire. The porported policies of the party he has founded, and the candidates it is attracting do not seem to fit in with his aspirations.


The whole thing just doesn't gel with me. Its uncoordinated and sending mixed messages. I applaud the effort, but its too late and has the finese I usually expect from PK. Hearts in the right place, but that's about it!

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However Peter keeps getting elected so there must be strong support for him as a person. So personality first, policies unless they are really outlandish appear to be secondary - hence Tynwald is made up of nice people who rely on the civil service and the UK/EU to tell them what to do.


Rather cosy and extremely expensive for the service we get. Not best practice by any means.

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However Peter keeps getting elected so there must be strong support for him as a person. So personality first, policies unless they are really outlandish appear to be secondary -



That to me appers to be what the party is at present. PK says I have formed a party and then individuals who support him are standing under that name because they support him. As you say it appears to be back to personality politics and it is almost a way of saying to electors who are not in Onchan that if you would have voted for PK in Onchan this is a way of ineffect giving him your support even though he is not standing in your constituency. Basically the PK Party in all but name.


I would have hoped that if the party route is one which the Island wishes to go and it was affiliating itself to parties in the UK then it would have been a bit more substantial than that. i.e. party first, personalities second

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Once the election is over and the MHK's are safely getting their salary for the next five years all interest in the party will disappear within 12 months.


The defeated candidates will go silent, return to their non political paid work and only a few individuals who spend their time listening to Tynwald will make any noise.


In about four years time it will start again!

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"Not even Manxies" and "smacks of etc" Should candidates prove that they were born here before being "allowed" to stand? You should be ashamed of yourself mate.


"Quantity not quality" you insult decent people who have had the courage of their convictions to stand up and participate in the Democratic process.


Zenophobic and small minded is that supposed to be a worthy example of "Manxness"?


Surprised you didn't add 'racist' to your insults - it's a much more popular put-down that zenophobic. And no, he shouldn't be ashamed of himself. I personally would not like the IOM to be taken over by the English any more than it has been thank you.


Anyway, how do we know they're decent people if they're not Manxies and we don't know all the skeet about them! Better the devil you know.


The candidate for Ramsey has a bit of history ! They love their titles dont they Cpt!

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Until we begin the separation of 'national' politics from local representation, so that potential candidates can stand in any area with a reasonable hope of success if they're any good, we will continue to attract a great deal of dross to the process of electing MHKs and the whole concept of party politics will remain irrelevant.

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I agree with Lonan3 on this point. Too often we get too many good candidates in one constituency and too few in another. There is a tremendous loss of talent to the political life of the Island as a result. Any candidate standing in an area where they do not live is at a definite disadvantage.


I wonder why some people put their names forward as candidates. There is no sadder sight then a candidate who hasn't got a hope going house to house on a wing and a prayer. Everyone with any nous knows they are going to lose, so why don't they and if they do, why do it?

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I wonder why some people put their names forward as candidates.


An irrational belief in their own significance / abilities? You have to be self-deluded to be convinced that you'll get in when you only put up 4 weeks before an election.


I must admit I admire Peter, but he has created a "brand" here in that Liberal Vannin is seen to be "Peters party" and as such they should all seek to adopt his principles, beliefs, and vigour. Sadly when you support candidates whose qualities are not your qualities it can bounce back. I have absolutely no doubt Peter will get back in as he is a good MHK who is clearly liked, but you don't want other people being accused putting words into your mouth.

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Isn't Liberal Vannin is an affiliate of the UK Liberal Democrat Party?


Yes, they are officially affiliated to the UK LibDems according to the LibDem Campaign office. They stated that two members of the Liberal Vannin Party spent some time in London with the LibDem Chief Executive last month. So that covers their main manifesto, the LibDems have been publishing it for some time. I do hope there are some Manx policies added to that though.


I'm all for PK making the effort to improve democracy and representation on the Island, I can't fault him for that. But I do think everyone should know what the party stands for from the off. Equally I hope the candidates all know what they are standing for.


There's an LV public meeting tomorrow evening, I understand. Whilst I don't think it's appropriate for me to go and ask these questions as it will smack of opposition sour grapes, as a voter I'd like to know more so I can decide where to cast my other votes in November.

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If the Liberal Vannin Party is affilliated to a UK party then there is no way I will vote for them. I would much prefer not very good local Manx politicians to any dogma from Accross.


Does not the Liberal Party stand for closer integration with the EU and the legalisation of soft drugs?


Not on my patch mate.

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Liberal Vannin is seen to be "Peters party"


It Says HERE:


...reported that Peter's party, which was full of 'right nasty' people, had wrecked the house and garden. Carpets were left filthy with grease and ink, and many paintings looked as if they had been used for shooting targets. Locks and windows were broken, and every one of the fifty chairs in the house had vanished, probably burned on fires!

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If Peter's party is holding a public meeting open to all, I am sure they would welcome attendance and questions from anyone particularly opposition candidates. Elections should involve public debate. The best way of doing this is through public meetings of the opposing factions.


Bring the media along.


This election should light up. We need candidates with fire in their belly!

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Elections should involve public debate. The best way of doing this is through public meetings of the opposing factions.


Bring the media along.


This election should light up. We need candidates with fire in their belly!


Much as I like to hear Peter I doubt you'd get much debate out of the others. Besides that its too late in the day for "debate" they should have delivered their policies by now, gone and met the electorate, and be just narrowing in on the votes at this time. Not sticking a "By the way I'm standing" sentence in the Examiner and expecting thousands of people to go "Ok I'll vote for you then".

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Public meetings with exciting candidates can bring an election to life.


Are we so short of "personalities" in Manx politics, that this can't happen?


I would welcome last minute candidates who could do this.


There is no one right way to campaign. The public make their decisions for a whole range of reasons and votes are a moveable feast until the cross is put on the ballot paper.

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