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Madonna Adopts Malawian Child


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"Despite protests from charity workers, David Banda, a motherless child from Malawi, began a new life as adopted son of Madonna, one of the richest people in the Western world. His future looked set to be the same as more than a million other children in Malawian orphanages: poverty, malnutrition, HIV/Aids, chronic disease and early death.


Various lobby groups [in Malawi] have banded together under the umbrella organisation of the Human Rights Consultative Committee, claiming that the adoption is unlawful because Madonna has not lived in the country for 18 months, in accordance with national law. "


Human Rights lobbyists demand that a child remains in one of the most poverty stricken countries on the planet, rather than be given the opportunity to have a millionaire lifestyle? What about the child's human right to an extraordinary stroke of fortune, and the opportunity to live longer than the average lifespan in Malawi of 40 years? Why can't these people be glad for his fortune, and for the hundreds of other orphans that Madonna will help with a £1.6M legacy?


Sometimes "human rights" lobbyists seems crazy to me.

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I dont understand why celebrities have to adopt from other countires when there are loads of kids that need adopting in the UK


Funny that. Have you ever looked into adopting a child in the UK? The easiest way is to foster first. After a year or so, if you have not abused the kid or given cause for any concern (e.g. the child being bullied at school) you can apply to adopt them. Since you have been fostering the child many of the checks will be bypassed. However, they will check your tax affairs, police record for the last 10 years, financial position, credit worthiness, medical history, sometimes even family/ parents medical history. etc. etc. You will go through several interview and if you are lucky and they tick all the right boxes they will let you adopt. A very lengthy process and an amazing amount of red tape.


I find it ironic when you consider the number of brainless 15-18 year olds with no financial security or backing who get knocked up after a night on the piss. Most of the time they don't want and often don't keep the baby.


Edited for last bit.

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And quite right that the process should be stringent....could be worse you could just get one becuase you are rich.


Madge is an attention seeking whore (waits for Greatest Hits album to appear before Xmas)..surely if she was that bothered about the state in which the child was living she should sponsor the child so that they could have a better life in their indiginous environment. As opposed to simply displacing the child to live a chav-esque lifestyle with her and her ex-Director husband.

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And quite right that the process should be stringent....could be worse you could just get one becuase you are rich.


Madge is an attention seeking whore (waits for Greatest Hits album to appear before Xmas)..surely if she was that bothered about the state in which the child was living she should sponsor the child so that they could have a better life in their indiginous environment. As opposed to simply displacing the child to live a chav-esque lifestyle with her and her ex-Director husband.


You really cannot see the light for the storm, can you.


Madge has donated $3,000,000 to set up new orphanages and a more stable economy in his homeland.


She has taken in the young boy to live a millionaire's life style, but more importantly to be educated and learn how he can take his new-found wealth (yes that kid is now effectively a multi-multi millionaire) and apply it to his homeland in the future for the better - if he so wishes.


I would not be surprised to see him as their president in 40-50 years time. In the meantime, good on Madge for actually trying to make a difference.

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And quite right that the process should be stringent....could be worse you could just get one becuase you are rich.


Madge is an attention seeking whore (waits for Greatest Hits album to appear before Xmas)..surely if she was that bothered about the state in which the child was living she should sponsor the child so that they could have a better life in their indiginous environment. As opposed to simply displacing the child to live a chav-esque lifestyle with her and her ex-Director husband.


You really cannot see the light for the storm, can you.


Madge has donated $3,000,000 to set up new orphanages and a more stable economy in his homeland.


She has taken in the young boy to live a millionaire's life style, but more importantly to be educated and learn how he can take his new-found wealth (yes that kid is now effectively a multi-multi millionaire) and apply it to his homeland in the future for the better - if he so wishes.


I would not be surprised to see him as their president in 40-50 years time. In the meantime, good on Madge for actually trying to make a difference.


I do hope to God you are being sarcastic???

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There is lots of rights n wrongs in this sitation and I cant quite make my mind up as to what side im on. firstly if any of us here went to Malawi with good intentions to foster a kid and left a massive donation I hardly think it would have been as easy as it has been for her - this puts peoples backs up straight away - seeing Madonna using her celebrity to get what she wants - which is what we all know she is used to.


However, this boy is going to be educated and live a much better life (financially) than other boys brought up in Malawi and it is a great thing that she donated money to the orphanage etc.


The bit I dont agree with is that like someone said there are many babies born in Britain that need good homes and so what if you have to go through a lot of red tape etc, if your heart is set on that then people will do it. Also there is a reason why most families who want to adopt usually ahve to adopt a child within their own ethnic background - this to me seems pretty obvious and correct.


The fact that Madonna went to Africa and plucked a cute little black baby and "saved" it says to me alot about what she sees as "flavour of the month" (and i think that many people feel like this that its a fickle thing - Madonna has always been interested in black culture and this is part of it) and if she felt so strongly about the way these kids were being brough up she should have left the baby there but kept in contact with the village and the people and made a life long friendship, opening a school or whatever. So now this black baby will grow up in a white family, will more than likely loose his "roots" and will either turn his back on Africa or this adoption will manifest in hatred for Madonna when he is older for taking him away from his Father and his homeland. On the plus side she says that she will make sure she takes David back to Africa and to the Father but to be honest I dont believe this to be the case long term.


You have to ask why she wanted an African baby? Same as Angelina Jolie - does anyone on this forum think that if she went through proper chanels that she would be granted adoption of children in USA or UK - no I dont think so, and she wants to be seen as such a good will ambassador for UN that she will soon be adopting kids of evey colour etc. I just dont understand it when there is a need for adoption in the country you are in and within your ethnic group? This just tells me that there are sinister (ish) reasons behind all of it.

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This kid isn't an orphan according to the charity workers on the news I've seen. His father couldn't afford to bring him up and placed him at the orphanage - but still loves him and is wanting to look after him according to them.


If this is true, Madonna would be best giving the guy some money, and looking for a true orhan herself - or as suggested by others here, adopt someone in the U.K. or the U.S.

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You really cannot see the light for the storm, can you.


Madge has donated $3,000,000 to set up new orphanages and a more stable economy in his homeland.


She has taken in the young boy to live a millionaire's life style, but more importantly to be educated and learn how he can take his new-found wealth (yes that kid is now effectively a multi-multi millionaire) and apply it to his homeland in the future for the better - if he so wishes.


I would not be surprised to see him as their president in 40-50 years time. In the meantime, good on Madge for actually trying to make a difference.

So it's all about money? Having money makes you a good person, and having money would make you a good president.


Madge has no proper affiliation with the kid, she'll just get bored in a year and leave the money to look after him.

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If the international adoption laws work right he will have been freed for adoption in Malawi and must now be adoted in UK for it to be legal and she will have to comply with stringent conditions as to suitability.


Not sure how the Kabbala (sp?) stuff will fit in with that

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