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The Hon Member for Onchan (Mr Karran) to ask the Minister for Local

Government and the Environment -

(1) Until the issues of conflict concerning the Braddan Clerk’s private

business dealing with Dandara have been properly investigated, can

the credibility of future planning representations by Braddan Parish

Commissioners be relied on;

(2) was the Clerk to Braddan Parish Commissioners privy to private and

confidential documentation from your Planning Department at and

around the time of his sale of 4 acres of agricultural land to Dandara

for £278,250; and

(3) as your Department invited and encouraged third parties to make

representations and provide evidence to the Braddan Plan Inquiry,

should it not be the responsibility of your Department to take steps to

recover these costs on their behalf?


40. The Hon Member for Onchan (Mr Karran) to ask the Minister for Local

Government and the Environment -

(1) As mitigation to the loss of expenditure in 2.9.5 “private Co and

Individuals” of the Braddan Inquiry Chairman’s Report could your

Department produce a circular as a planning statement as to which

parts of the Inspector’s report they could support; and

(2) because of the unacceptable conduct of the Clerk, can your Department

take steps to suspend or remove the Clerk from his position, or, in the

alternative, conduct a report or implement an inquiry so that justice

can be seen to be done?


One hell of a reply was given to these questions and legal action will be taken, what will the UK Press make of the report read out in Tynwald today. :o

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This is not unusual and occurs when Commissioners and Councillors have to declare their interests but Clerks and other employees of the authority (below a certain salary band) do not. Politicians are often cited as corrupt, unfortunately the staff are sometimes just so..

Any comments from a previous member of a planning committee from sunny Sussex?

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It was also said the clerk set up a dummy company called Harwick in the 90s as a tool to invoice the commisioners, the company its was claimed was struck off in 1999 but the commisioners continued to pay out invoices to harwick Ltd as late as 2005. the clerk was a director of Harwick


But what a price for farming land 300k for 4 acres.

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It was also said the clerk set up a dummy company called Harwick in the 90s as a tool to invoice the commisioners, the company its was claimed was struck off in 1999 but the commisioners continued to pay out invoices to harwick Ltd as late as 2005. the clerk was a director of Harwick


But what a price for farming land 300k for 4 acres.


I seem to recall that the clerk was in business with mr corkhill when he ran that planning consultancy (going back 15 years here). I wonder how much planning consultancy is lobbying in disguise.

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Any comments from a previous member of a planning committee from sunny Sussex?


Well, the situation we had wasn't directly comparable to the one here. In the UK, each council has its own Planning Committee and decisions are made locally (any appeals being referred to an independent planning inspector or even to the Deputy Prime Minister in some of the more contentious cases).


Certainly, all Councillors were required to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests, as were the Officers, and by and large people did just this. Inevitably, there were occasional mutterings when a Councillor or Officer seemed unusually vehement in his or her support of a particular application, but I am not aware that anyone ever broke the rules whilst I was a member.


The Braddan situation is odd - the Authority itself did not make the Planning decision, but merely advised on it. Similarly, the Clerk would not have defined their decision, but merely "advised the advisors", so he was effectively two steps removed. Nonetheless, a full investigation is clearly important in a case like this (if only to exonerate the man if there was no wrongdoing).

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£300 million at the MEA got one article in the Guardian ... How much coverage will there be for £280K in farm land?


Chief Ministers Wife in grant scandal ... IF there is a guilty verdict it'll be on Look North West ... do you really think it'll make the national news?


Doubt it.


However its irrelevant what the UK thinks ... the IOM has to take firm action to get rid of the taint of corruption that can definitely be tasted on the air at the moment.


Standards in Public Life and all that.

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We all think the Island can look after itself,maybe it can in the right hands but if the Islands Government continue to take the Piss there would be nothing to stop the UK Government stepping in and taking over the Island and you could kiss goodbye to your low taxes and much of the things we have took for granted for many years.

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Hansard of the Government report on Braddan Commissioner



When do we get to the 'interesting' bit?

Do you object to the employees receiving up to 4 hours overtime per week - paid at their normal hourly rate?


If you live in Braddan it might just be interesting. I don't. It isn't.

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We all think the Island can look after itself,maybe it can in the right hands but if the Islands Government continue to take the Piss there would be nothing to stop the UK Government stepping in and taking over the Island and you could kiss goodbye to your low taxes and much of the things we have took for granted for many years.

I hope as much as the next person, that we get some change in the House in November. However, wake up and smell the coffee.


You continually blab about how bad things are here, and that the UK Govt will step in if they hear this, that or the other, when frankly they have their own problems, and undoubtedly worse to deal with. If you took the time to examine those from the UK who you seem to exhault, you will find no end of murk, distrust and shady goings on.


Cash for questions anyone? Or maybe a peerage? Or a passport?


And if you really do live in Luton (coughs), are you really happy with an exchequor that has to borrow £30 billion a year, just to survive and run the services of Government.


Add to that the fact that we are barely the same size as a small provincial town, and what do you get?






Zilch interest.




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