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The Isle of Man is the Honey Pot the UK would love to dip thier fingers into, ask any trustworthy MHK and he will tell you the same. And as you say the IOM is no bigger than a rural UK town but the difference is the IOM earns the money that a UK rural town can only dream about.

Not so long ago I and 3 MHKs had a meeting with the financial editor of one of the UK broadsheets and was suprised to hear how close the UK Government were watching the dealings being made by the Isands Government. One of the MHKs replied during the meeting > So the UK know how close we are to the thin ice.

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What a pile of complete garbage...it is the very fact that the IOM "earns" so much for the UK that they will leave well alone whilst they conentrate on more pressing issues, such as War and an overboiling property economy, their own sleaze scandals etc etc....


But then again maybe you do know more than the next man...although I doubt it!!

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We all think the Island can look after itself,maybe it can in the right hands but if the Islands Government continue to take the Piss there would be nothing to stop the UK Government stepping in and taking over the Island and you could kiss goodbye to your low taxes and much of the things we have took for granted for many years.


Where is all this paranoia coming from? Do have pictures on your wall where they eyes follow you around the room? They're coming to get us all?


What Peter has effectively done is use Parliamentary Privilege to expose this. That means he can't be done for defamation and that normal libel laws don't apply as the accusations (such as they are) were made in the Court of Tynwald. So he can say what he wants. It does not mean that a paper will print it because there might not be sufficient evidence and they could be sued for repeating it. This seems to confuse you.


It is up to Manx people to expose this bullshit (if its true) not the UK press. The fact is that if we had a press they might bother investigating this stuff - but the fact is that we don't and this is something others feel they have to compensate for.


Peter sometimes uses his Parliamentary Privilege to good effect, but people should not be reduced to doing this as a last resort because others are not interested in doing the investigation.


(Edited spelling)

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We all think the Island can look after itself,maybe it can in the right hands but if the Islands Government continue to take the Piss there would be nothing to stop the UK Government stepping in and taking over the Island and you could kiss goodbye to your low taxes and much of the things we have took for granted for many years.

Where is all this paranoia coming from? Do have pictures on your wall where they eyes follow you around the room? They're coming to get us all?


Glad to see nothing has changed during my holiday. You were ranting about paranoia when I went away and now here you are again. Has it occurred to you there may be something amiss with your own thought processes?

Here are some definitions of paranoia.. Hope the information helps.

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What Peter has effectively done is use Parliamentary Privilege to expose this. That means he can't be done for defamation and that normal libel laws don't apply as the accusations (such as they are) were made in the Court of Tynwald. So he can say what he wants. It does not mean that a paper will print it because there might not be sufficient evidence and they could be sued for repeating it. This seems to confuse you.


Peter sometimes uses his Parliamentary Privilege to good effect, but people should not be reduced to doing this as a last resort because others are not interested in doing the investigation.


(Edited spelling)


Hboy, you are giving the 'credit' for this to entirely the wrong person. As is theskeat. This has been the subject of a long and detailed enquiry by DOLGE ordered by John Rimington when he capped Braddans rates. It was John Rimington who led the debate about surcharging and who gave details of the alleged payments to non trading companies, the alleged potential conflict of interest, the alleged land deals and the alleged problems with the area plan.


It was pretty concerning.


The issue of defamation and parliamentary priveledge is a massively important issue and personally I'm concerned about the fact that MHKs can spout off as they please. I've heard some hugely ignorant and misinformed statements come out of Tynwald. The Press can report them as long as they accurately report what was said and aren't maliciously reporting it ... whatever that means.

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Hboy, you are giving the 'credit' for this to entirely the wrong person. As is theskeat. This has been the subject of a long and detailed enquiry by DOLGE ordered by John Rimington when he capped Braddans rates. It was John Rimington who led the debate about surcharging and who gave details of the alleged payments to non trading companies, the alleged potential conflict of interest, the alleged land deals and the alleged problems with the area plan.


Well said. John Rimington doesnt get a good press on the Island but he does put a lot of genuine , productive, work in. This is a good example.


The issue of defamation and parliamentary priveledge is a massively important issue and personally I'm concerned about the fact that MHKs can spout off as they please. I've heard some hugely ignorant and misinformed statements come out of Tynwald. The Press can report them as long as they accurately report what was said and aren't maliciously reporting it ... whatever that means.


You are spot on. Parliamentary privilege has been abused by more than one person on more than one occasion. This has sometimes been damaging to businesses on the Island and has, on occasion, been damaging and upsetting for individuals. I think I have always been consistent in arguing privileges should be balanced by responsibilities. I have a great deal of difficulty in seeing where the checks and balances are in respect of Parliamentary privilege.

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Hboy, you are giving the 'credit' for this to entirely the wrong person. As is theskeat. This has been the subject of a long and detailed enquiry by DOLGE ordered by John Rimington when he capped Braddans rates.


I used the incident originally highlighted at the start of this thread as the basis on my reply. Peter raised those specific questions. I am aware that JR kicked the whole process off though. By that I mean that I am of course aware of the witch-hunt launched when Braddan dared not to follow DLGE's recommendations regarding the level of rates.


Of course, some of the stuff that has gone on needs exposing. But at the end of the day there are two issues here. One is political posturing and spending huge sums investigating local authorities to find £20,000 potentially misspent (assuming the other issues are hearsay, if they are not the papers should be reporting as its in the public interest), and the other is potential abuse of Parliamentary Previlige through asked very explicit linked questions.


One would expect when questions like this are raised that they might make it to the papers either as a fair and accurate report of Tynwald proceedings or - shock horror - that some journo might go "maybe I'll do some digging on that". On the Island chances are slim though.


It is sad that people seem to think the only way of highlighting these issues is to resort to using Parliamentary Privilige in this way. That might be true in the total unlikelihood of a journalist being bothered to investigate anything, and if it is it suggests that something is seriously wrong.

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We all think the Island can look after itself,maybe it can in the right hands but if the Islands Government continue to take the Piss there would be nothing to stop the UK Government stepping in and taking over the Island and you could kiss goodbye to your low taxes and much of the things we have took for granted for many years.

I hope as much as the next person, that we get some change in the House in November. However, wake up and smell the coffee.


You continually blab about how bad things are here, and that the UK Govt will step in if they hear this, that or the other, when frankly they have their own problems, and undoubtedly worse to deal with. If you took the time to examine those from the UK who you seem to exhault, you will find no end of murk, distrust and shady goings on.


Cash for questions anyone? Or maybe a peerage? Or a passport?


And if you really do live in Luton (coughs), are you really happy with an exchequor that has to borrow £30 billion a year, just to survive and run the services of Government.


Add to that the fact that we are barely the same size as a small provincial town, and what do you get?






Zilch interest.





Come on Manxman8180 we all know that Theskeat was/is FCMR and the other other half of the famous builders of Little Mill etc. he's well known for making mountains out of little developments.

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Skeat is correct in that the subject is interesting.

It is also interesting that some of the public, including some on this forum, dont understand the relationship between DLGE and our Local Authorities.

Given all the circumstances DLGE have had little option but to inquire into the Braddan Commissioners. The Department has to act according to the demands of various statutes which frame its responsibilities.

You will no doubt appreciate Braddan Commissioners might have been the first to shout ultra vires if the Department was acting outside its statutory framework. On that basis, allegations of a witch hunt are ridiculous.

No doubt there will be a resolution of the problems in due course. This wont be facilitated by inappropriate, pre election, publicity seeking, but by the procedures set down for the Department to follow.

Why should that be a problem?

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You will no doubt appreciate Braddan Commissioners might have been the first to shout ultra vires if the Department was acting outside its statutory framework. On that basis, allegations of a witch hunt are ridiculous.


I was referring to a possible witchhunt on personalities rather than the Commissioners per see.

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