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Orange Broadband Outage


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Orange broadband hit by outages

The broadband service run by mobile firm Orange is experiencing a "major" national outage.


The problem occurred on Monday afternoon, affecting 100,000 broadband subscribers at its peak.


A spokesperson for the company said the fault on the service, formerly known as Wanadoo, was caused by a "network equipment failure".


Orange said they were working to fix the problem but there is no indication when a normal service will resume.


The BBC news website was alerted to the fault by a reader who had been unable to connect to the internet for the last two days.


Local failures


Orange confirmed that there had been broadband network outage that started at approximately 16:00 yesterday.


The company said the problem only affected customers within their Local Loop Unbundled (LLU) network.


This is not the first time this has happened yet orange seem happy to take my £25 a month for a shoddy service and not offer any apologies or compensation for loss of service.

Lelee, London


LLUs use equipment installed in a telephone exchange by a third party company, such as Orange, instead of BT.


Orange have 2 million internet subscribers, one million of which use the company's broadband service. 10% of its broadband users are on an LLU network.


"By 800 this morning we had restored 30% of that service leaving 7% of our total Broadband customers without connectivity," said an Orange spokesperson.


By 1600 today they hope to have restored 50% of connections, leaving 50,000 Broadband customers without connectivity.


"We are working to restore normal service to all customers as quickly as possible," said the spokesperson. "We apologise to those customers affected."


The latest broadband service status report on the Orange website said the service was "up and running at the moment," but the report was dated August 2006.


Orange started offering broadband earlier this year after the company absorbed internet service provider Wanadoo - also owned by Orange's parent, France Telecom.


Orange offers a "triple play" package to its customers which bundles mobile phone, landline and broadband services as an all-in-one deal.


Here is a selection of comments, received by the BBC News website, from people affected by the outage or who use the Orange broadband service.


I am not surprised to hear about the Orange problem. I had a Wanadoo account for some years but it was disconnected when Orange took over. No warning. Mails to that address now just disappear into a black hole without either myself or the senders being made aware.

Mick Low, Tonbridge, UK


I've had no broadband since 27/09/06 (date of LLU Migration exercise) and have spent many hours and much money on calls to helplines. They take you through unnecessary checks and fob you off again and again with instruction to call back in 48 hours for the latest update saying the more you call , the higher your priority. Freeserve was fine and Wanadoo was fine. I thnk its time to boycott everything Orange.

Pauline Jenkins, Cardiff, Wales


I¿ve been very satisfied with the service provided by initially Freeserve then Wanadoo but since Orange took over, the broadband service has deteriorated in particular since they have increased their connection speed. Its not surprising that Orange came near the bottom in a recent WHICH Broadband ISP survey

Huw Rees, Epsom


I was just doing research on getting broadband from orange. I have been with Orange for three years and very very good service but reading this is making me think twice about getting broadband from Orange.

Jerome Ferreira, London


Been with Freeserve, Wanadoo and now Orange and generally the service has been good, although I haven't had to ring them since my initial installation years ago. Then again I am paying £35 a month for the unlimited service! It went down yesterday much to my children's annoyance but was OK at 7:30 am this morning. Will wait to see what tonight brings.

Andre, Leeds UK


So glad I left Orange. No connection for weeks, and the most laughable customer support I've ever come across.

Peter Fender, London, England


I can't speak for the problems people are experiencing at the moment, as I am having no problems. I have noticed, however, that I have had more problems with my connection since the switch from Wanadoo to Orange. My connection often drops, and for a period of about 2 months during the summer I repeatedly had issues connecting. On the very few occasions I had to call Wanadoo for help in the past, I was always answered promptly, and the staff at the call centre were always more than willing to help. Sadly this wan't the case with Orange.


Now, I am on hold for what seems like forever, and being charged for the privilege, and when I DO get through, there is always a communication problem with the foreign call centre staff. I have to say I am not impressed with the service. I imagine this is the same for those experiencing problems now.

B, Dundee, Scotland


My Orange broadband has been disconnected for 4 weeks! Their technical support and customer service is by far the worst I have ever experienced. They also refused to allow me to cancel my contract and move to another supplier unless I paid £300. John Arthrell, Colchester

John Arthrell, Colchester, England


Since installing orange broadband over two months ago I've not been able to use my phone at the same time as the internet. Orange customer care, to which I'm put on hold for an average of 20 minutes before speaking to anyone every single time I call, suggest paying them to get someone round to have a look. Today Orange have also disconnected my mobile phone for no apparent reason. I certainly will be requesting termination of my contract after their breach of terms.

Ben Wells, Richmond, Surrey


I live in London and wasn't able to connect last night or this morning. No doubt there'll be no apology from Orange or any form of discount. Big business? Big con!

Howard Ellison, London


In the interests of balance , I have used Freeserve...wanadoo...orange for the last 3 years and never had a failure or connection problem.

Kev, Brighton


no connection for more than 24 hours..but this is not the first time I have had problems with orange broadband. It took five weeks to get a working connection when I first subscribed to Wannadoo as it was then in 2005. Only just received compensation for this.

steve bull, solihull


Oh come on, there are a lot of moaners on this site! I have been with Freeserve, Wanadoo and now Orange and have never had a problem. Last night when I got home from work I tried to connect, tried again and again. After about 20 minutes I rang the Orange helpline, got a recorded message that advised there was a major outage and theat Orange were working hard to repair it. It is an inconvenience, yes, and slightly annoying, but I hardly think we can accuse them of incompetence!

Ian, Welling, Kent


I have been experiencing connection difficulties since about 4pm yesterday. The service just doesn't connect!! After trying to phone orange all i got was an engaged sound and no help what so ever. Finally i found out the problem through the BBC News website... surely this is not right... where is the customer service when you need it!!

Colin, Sidcup , Kent


I've had Wanadoo at home since Jan 05, prior to that I was with another suppler - all set up at home by myself, and transferred to Orange in August and haven't been able to use it since! Now I've to pay £70 to get someone to install it!

Jo Ormerod, Manchester


I have been experiencing problems with my broadband connection ever since Orange took over from Wanadoo. I first signed up with Freeserve then becoming Wanadoo and never had any problems until recently. Orange staff told me it was because so many people were trying to connect at once, and I had to keep re-typing all my connection details again. Even then, it was not always successful. I found a trick whereby you had to make a telephone call whilst trying to connect for the connection to work. I am now considering moving service provider. It's just too much hassle.

Anon, London


Thank God, I'm not going insane. I got the Orange Braodband package early last week and despite a good grasp of IT I have not been able to connect since then. Everytime I ring Organge I'm put on hold for 20 minutes and then I spend another 20 minutes trying to explain to their Indian call centre what the issue is. After 5 calls and assurances of 'line tests,' I'm ready to send my Livebox back with a Get Stuffed message attached.

Brian, Belfast


Yes, I use Orange and cannot get online - therefore I am filling in your online poll on the subject. You didn't really think this one through did you?

Gareth, Brighton


This is not the first time we have been let down by Orange. Those of us in West London have frequently lost the ability to connect to broadband. It was particularly bad during the summer. What makes it very galling is that we had to ring an 0870 number and stay on the telephone for nearly five minutes only to be told via a recorded message that there were problems. So they even make money from us when they have failing to provide a service. Not impressive

stephen kruger, London UK


I use and advocate Orange products and services. They're great!

Steve Holmes, Stalybridge, Cheshire


I have used this broadband service back when it was Freeserve, then taken over by Wanadoo, now taken over by Orange. I can honestly say I wish Orange had never entered the equation, as since they took over, my once-immaculate connection with Wanadoo has suffered severely from whatever it is Orange have done to it, and this latest report is just the tip of the iceberg.

Caitlin Ashton, Bristol, Avon


I'm not surprised by this news, I finally terminated my contract with Orange in August after weeks of no internet. They said it would take five days to collect my Livebox...Its still sitting on my desk today. Rubbish!

Joanne, Leeds


I have had no service since yesterday. When I spoke to Wanadoo last night they gave me a free months rental. If everybody affected claims this we can hit them in the bank account. This should improve their generally poor service

Steve Rhodes, Leeds, UK


I am in Milton Keynes and everything is working fine! Have to say, I have never really experienced any problems at all with Wanadoo/Orange and am very happy with the serv.. ;)

Steve D, Milton Keynes


I've not been able to use my broadband for two days, this is not the first time this has happened yet orange seem happy to take my £25 a month for a shoddy service and not offer any apologies or compensation for loss of service. very unhappy with orange!

Lelee, London


Since the change from Wanadoo to Orange, their service has been abysmal and the technical support is of a standard that can only be described as 'amateur'. I'm glad I got out of my contract when I did as it seems they haven't much of a clue of how to handle their customers.

Dave_1927, Cardiff


It went down about 8:45 on Monday for us, and appeared to start working again, until about 3:45pm.. That's it. We are an old freeserve customer, and the diagnostic program just keeps repeating it self, Authenticating ........

Philip , London


As an Orange broadband subscriber all I can say is it is still working here today (Tuesday 10:54am) and hasn't given any problems.

Dave McKinlay, Tadcaster, North Yorkshire


Have not been able to logon since yesterday, are we going to be compensated?

Ron Durrant, Sutton UK


I have not been able to connect to my BT Broadband Service for almost two weeks. My neighbours also lost their connection at the same time. We have all been trying to get a BT engineer to check the line/exchange but I am still waiting for a call to confirm this. I have been phoning the technical helpdesk almost every other day for the past two weeks but they are being very evasive. My neighbours have been told that it may be due to a massive outage and that apparently engineers have been working around the clock at our exchange. I'm still waiting to get a callback....

sonya kearns, Bromsgrove, UK


I've had the same problem. My server at home lost connectivity around 3pm yesterday, and my broadband connection still wasn't working this morning.


I think it's outrageous that Orange haven't provided information on their web site. For some customers at least Orange's technical support line is a premium rate number, so they must be making huge amounts of cash from their customers calling to find out what's happening.

Chris G, Epsom, UK


The service from Orange has always been terrible, its very difficult to understand many of their tech support people because they are all in India.


I've been unable to connect for the last two days and Orange appears to be in denial about the problem! I'm now seriously considering switching to Sky broadband (since I already have Sky tv), but to be honest Im not sure the service will be any better.

George Smith, UK


Mine started yesterday afternoon, saying that there was no dial tone.

Ashley, Barry, S Wales


I have been an Orange customer for 3 years, and will strongly claim their customer care is the best for any company. However, since coming to their broadband, the internet customer care has been appalling, and now I too am unable to connect as of yesterday afternoon. I am not sure but I feel Orange are using Wanadoo staff and they are just not on par with the Orange customer care levels. I hope this problem and the customer care problems get sorted soon, so Orange can once again be the best all round.

Niaz Hussain, London, UK


I've been unable to connect since yesterday morning. Thought it was a problem with my computer at first, but obviously not!

Ben Allon, Manchester, UK


Have Wanadoo broadband service. Or at least did have until yesterday afternoon when, upon getting home from work, it decided it didn't like me anymore and stopped. Something about a conflicting i.p. apparently. Quite annoying indeed.

Matt, London


I'm with Orange and my Internet has been working fine!

MJ, North London


This time around I have been lucky and it is not affecting me, however, last time it was quite a different story! Despite many calls to their expensive 'helpline' I had no stable connection for over a week without a refund or an apology!

Ben James, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom


This seems to be a trend with the new mobile companies wanting to expand into the broadband arena. They should get things sorted fully before offering customers the service, only for them to be let down by standards such as this. We all heard about the Carphone warehouse (talk talk) problems

Gary, Bradford, UK


I have been having exactly the same problems with Orange, has been going on for about 12 days, and every time i ring them they tell me to ring them back in 48 hours, after speaking to a tech person from orange yesterday he admitted that he thinks it could take months before the service would be available again. In the end i cancelled my service with Orange as i need broadband for work and just waiting indefinitely for a fix wasn't acceptable for me. Not happy and now have the fun job of finding a new broadband service!

Cameron Smith, Cardiff, Wales


I changed from Orange to BT last month because the service was abysmal. I wrote twice to the Orange Service Manager about the quality of the service and did not receive a reply. I suspect they have expanded too quickly and cannot cope with the volume of traffic. I am not surprised that their system has collapsed, I am surprised that they are trying to blame a third party.

Stephen Doyle, Forres, Scotland


Maybe I'm lucky but I have not had any problems since the initial debacle of my connection.

James, Rushden, Northants


I cannot access the internet via my home computer either. I use orange/wanadoo. Not for much longer though. I believe they could be more proactive in advising me of a better tariff/plan according to my usage pattern.

Brian Wickes, Welling, England


I use Orange Broadband as part of the "triple" package - I get free 8Mb broadband due to being on a high-end mobile package, and I have not had any problems at all since I started with them 3 months ago, and the past few days has been fine - so far, a flawless service from Orange - keep it up guys!

Ian havelock, Chorley, Lancashire


Have suspected this for some weeks now despite the denials from Orange. I've wasted over one hundred pounds on equipment checks and a new router. Wonder whether they'll credit us for the days we're unable to access the service. Some chance!

D.Arnold, Ipswich , U.K


As soon as Wanadoo became Orange I began experiencing problems (intermittent connection etc.), and had no joy talking to their Indian call centres (which are basically an audible computer-read-out). I am still being connected at a less-than-optimum speed. My advice is to avoid Orange broadband all together.

Tom, Kingston, UK


We use Orange and have tried calling their helpline at 50p per minute. They are unable to provide any information or advice. However they do redirect you to another (cheaper) number and the call was answered quickly and politely, although no real answers can be provided. Orange often has technical problems and have taken several days to rectify faults in the past. All the while we pay for this 'service' but are never offered refunds for loss of this service. There have to better ISPs out there - anyone got any recommendations?

gt, Birmingham, england


Am Orange by default having been originally, freeserve, then Wanadoo. Couldn't connect to Wanadoo lst night and then suddenly could this morning. What a relief - as I am working from home today.

bigfoot, London


I've been affected by this since yesterday afternoon. The Orange web site is useless and says that service is normal, we are paying for this and there has been no communication from Orange. Customer service has never been the strength of either Wanadoo or Orange. I'll probably move to a cable provider after this.

Andrew , Bradford England


I haven't been able to connect to the internet for two days - fair enough as it seems a serious problem and these things happen. But Orange make it clear on their website it's no good calling their call centres, because they will just refer to out of date information on their websites, and refuse to give any indication when the problem will be solved. Unbelievably frustrating!

Robert Capel, London


Its a terrible shame about the broadband outage for Orange Customers. However, I subscribed for their sevice on 1st September and aside from numerous unreturned calls, promises of service being connected in the next couple of days and appalling customer service, I've received nothing from them whatsover, so I am hardly surprised at this latest failure.

Chris Riley, London


Now we can see just how poor Orange customer service is. They obviously don't have the infrastructure to deal with the increased amount of customers. If this carries on I'll be requesting they cancel my contract as they are not supplying the service described.


Orange are a prime example of a company jumping on the bandwagon when they clearly do not have the expertise, infrastructure or knowledge to supply the package offered.

Andy Parr, Cardiff


Story from BBC NEWS:


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And the award for the longest post that could have been done with a link goes to.........

its possible that some people have access to bbc.co.uk blocked on their corporate firewall but access to manxforums.com is allowed. so by posting the story this avoids the problem. also some site owners such as this, get charged by their hosting company for links to external sites since they generate traffic for which they are billed.

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Have you seen 'Newsbot'? BBC news links? <_<

of course i have seen it. as i say some people may have access to bbc news website blocked on their corporate firewall so i pasted the story.


whats the problem ?

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