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TT Centenary, A Rudderless Ship?

Max Power

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It seems that the promotions organisation employed by the Tourist Board to promote the TT Centenary have begun to value the contracts such as trade sites, broadcasting and filming rights at around 3 times the normal price paid for these facilities.

While I of course appreciate that the Centenary will be a big event, (if they find someone to organise the racing) because every major manufacturer will want to be involved, what happens in 2008?

There are people and organisations who have supported the TT through thick and thin who are going to be ostracised by this. It appears that a very aggressive stance has been adopted and yes, business is business, but there is more to the TT than ripping off the long term partners who have been there for you through the bad times and the good. One swallow doesn't make a spring and all that!


Again it was horrifying to find that the Tourist Board had approached the likes of the Southern 100 organisers and other organising clubs on the mainland with a view to them taking on the TT!!

Have they any idea of the amount of organisation involved at all?? Many of the tasks take years of training and 'buddying up' to make the whole thing happen.


At this point in time, the personality spats and blinkered views of our 'Minister of Fun' mean that far from planning progressing for probably the biggest event ever in the history of the Isle of Man, an event which could promote the Island throughout the World, we have no organiser for the races at all!

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...what happens in 2008?


Well there is a flippant answer there...in that they wont be one in 2008. But that would never happen now would it..... :ph34r:


Well I certainly hope so, because there isn't much else worth staying in the land of my birth for any more!

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What can we do if there we dont live in douglas south Max?


its shaping up to be a joke, there should have been a world round of trials on the prom or red bull air races over douglas head or something really interesting rather then a black tie dinner, a conference and a load of old me riding old bikes, even if they are ex world champs its still not family entertainment.

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its shaping up to be a joke, there should have been a world round of trials on the prom or red bull air races over douglas head or something really interesting rather then a black tie dinner, a conference and a load of old me riding old bikes, even if they are ex world champs its still not family entertainment.


I have to agree, a couple of parade laps and a centenary dinner just doesn't cut it. (oh wait... the museum is staging a TT anniversary display too yay!)


8 months away now. I'm not confident it's going to be as good as it could be with announcements from Cretney like that.



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The DTL has already been criticised this week by the people who ran the Rutland Hotel in Douglas (soon closing) - for lack of interest and direction in promoting tourism and investing in the future. Its symptomatic of the malaise and absence of vision in our government.


As for the 2007 TT - the DTL employed a STARTUP company to do the corporate fixing and promotions, rather than an established name! How thick is that? Now they (DTL) are having to run adverts themselves in the local papers trying to drum up corporate support - I presume because the people they contracted to do so are not fit for purpose.


All this is embarassing to say the least, but the TT itself is (and always has been) the sum of its participants rather than a factor of its organisers. As such it and the Manx people will pull through to make 2007 special. As an expression of our national identity and pride we will make it so :D

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Absolutely right Hermes, and the MMCC, who have effectively run the racing itself since God knows when are being used as some kind of scapegoat for the failure of the organisers proper i.e. the organising committee, consisting of the Tourist Board, ACU and people they have nominated to actually agree the way forward.

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I really hope there's something else lined up - was expecting the big bang - something really special - biggest party ever, and stuff :(


Many of the guys I know that come over from Germany every year were already dissapointed with the last TT - racing was great, but they all mentioned that everything else was exactly the same, i.e. the same entertainment, the same acts, only the prices had gone up - no imagination or progress. Considering that they are spending a small fortune on coming over here for the two weeks (and will probably spend an even bigger fortune next year), I really hope there's something else planned, otherwise we won't need to think about scrapping the TT - it will kill itself...


...or red bull air races over douglas head...

Well, yes please! Mateschitz's little drink empire has an absolute massive marketing budget (£272 million according to this article), so why not approach them, and see if they have any suitable events? Air Race would definitely be ace, but I'm sure there could be even more ways to revive tourism in general, and attract more paying visitors - action, adventure, outdoors and stuff...


The DTL has already been criticised this week by the people who ran the Rutland Hotel in Douglas (soon closing) - for lack of interest and direction in promoting tourism and investing in the future.

Someone else just did the same - clickey

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