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Bible Bashers On Douglas Prom


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Hey you guys! Pack that in! The fight is out there! IT'S OUT THERE! YOU HEAR ME? It's going to do us no good fighting amongst ourselves.


Now then, we've suggested setting people on fire and bashing them in the skull with their bibles - I'm a bit more of a ponce than that, so I suggest we say something aggresive to them, like "I'm not interested in your religious mumbo jumbo, now GO AWAY!"


What do you think?

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It will never work, they are trained in the arts of "not taking no for an answer" voilence is the only way.




Possibly related.


Edit: added link.


Rev David Shirtlifter? Is this some sort of joke?


You know what I hate though, the way they look all surprised and hurt when you say quite politely, "No thank you, I'm really not interested" when they're only a shory way into their blurb. I don't want them to waste their time on me so I let them know early on that they're praying up the wrong tree.


In fact, they ARE a lot like Time Share idiots. I was on holiday once in some cheap and cheesy hot place, and me and my girlfriend used to get bothered EVERY day trying to get to the pub by Time Share bastards. One occasion, as a lady approached me with her clipboard and asked "Are you english?" I replied with, "Yes but we're not interested thank you", she says, "But you don't even know what I'm about to say" to which I added, "Yes I do, it's Time Share, you stop us everyday and I don't want any thank you" then as we began walking away she shouted after me, "Well what a horribly unpleasant person YOU are"!!! At this point I span round with murder in my eyes and was promptly dragged away by the girlfriend. And I was supposed to be on holiday enjoying myself!


Anyway, getting off the subject slightly ..... erm, Life Church KISS MY ARSE

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In fact, they ARE a lot like Time Share idiots. I was on holiday once in some cheap and cheesy hot place, and me and my girlfriend used to get bothered EVERY day trying to get to the pub by Time Share bastards. One occasion, as a lady approached me with her clipboard and asked "Are you english?" I replied with, "Yes but we're not interested thank you", she says, "But you don't even know what I'm about to say" to which I added, "Yes I do, it's Time Share, you stop us everyday and I don't want any thank you" then as we began walking away she shouted after me, "Well what a horribly unpleasant person YOU are"!!! At this point I span round with murder in my eyes and was promptly dragged away by the girlfriend. And I was supposed to be on holiday enjoying myself!


Anyway, getting off the subject slightly ..... erm, Life Church KISS MY ARSE


likewise, we used to have to walk along dual carriageways so that they couldn't pester us and cars couldn't stop, it got so bad I once threatened one lot if they didn't go away they would be in the nearest pool, and I havn't been to espana since :)


our area was targeted by the smart-suited lot with short hair, (+wife and pram) a few weeks ago, usually a saturday morning trick that, half a dozen cars draw up and they swarm all around the place, I didn't even bother opening the door :(

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does the team think ....


that it's odd that a Muslim was teaching in a C of E school in the first place ? :unsure:


Not if you think about it. There are laws on racial discrimination in employment and they probably felt they had to employ her otherwise she could claim she didn't get the job because she was a Muslim and they would have to compensate her, so they took her on to prove they were not being racist. Then she completely took their pants down on racial discrimination once employed.


Its all bollocks really.


I like ANS' idea ... talk to the buggers through a letter box and see how they like it.

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I realize this thread is just full of bile, but come on people.


The veiled muslim lady was employed because she was bilingual to help give extra english lessons to children who had recently arrived and had poor English.


Her employment is uncontroversial and appropriate for the job she was expected to do. IE she was bilingual. However, her performance is at issue and she's lost her job.


However it was found that the school victimized her and was fined £1100. The fact that it was found she had been victimized hasn't had a lot of coverage.

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